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I mean comedy is something that’s very personal and people have strong opinions about  (Personal Quotes) It’s important to hold something back, though, because quite frankly my personal life is pretty dull and I don’t want to bore people with it  (Personal Quotes) I don’t have a warm personal enemy left. They’ve all died off. I miss them terribly because they helped define me  (Personal Quotes) Circumstances made me the theatrical personality I am, which many people believe is also a part of my personal life  (Personal Quotes) We writers, as we work our way deeper into our craft, learn to drop more and more personal clues. Like burglars who secretly wish to be caught, we leave our fingerprints on broken locks, our voiceprints in bugged rooms, our footprints in the wet concrete  (Personal Quotes) I suspect the secret of personal attraction is locked up in our unique imperfections, flaws and frailties  (Personal Quotes) Comedy is obviously a matter of personal taste and the world always needs a clown and some people have no taste at all and any clown will do  (Personal Quotes) My personal philosophy would be don’t whine, don’t let opportunities pass you by, be willing to work hard, and remember that you don’t know as much as you think you do, ever  (Personal Quotes) Most people who work at home find they do not have the benefit of receptionists who serve as personal guards  (Personal Quotes) I guess I’d like to have my cake and eat it, too. I want to be known for having a recognizable style. I believe having your own personal identity is what makes you competitive. On the other hand, I would like to be versatile and be challenged to go in new directions  (Personal Quotes) I will say that my personal business is my personal business. And I will leave it at that  (Personal Quotes) We know these men are professionals whose services are up for bid and whose bags are packed, and yet we call them our own and take personal, even civic pride in their accomplishments  (Personal Quotes) In both business and personal life, I’ve always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do  (Personal Quotes) Levi is one of the best authors I’ve ever read. It’s hard not to have an immediate personal response to his work. He has such a quiet tone  (Personal Quotes) I had to focus on some personal areas in my life with the little bit of privacy that I have  (Personal Quotes) The personal vocabulary, the individual melody whose metre is one’s biography, joins in that sound, with any luck, and the body moves like a walking, a waking island  (Personal Quotes) I haven’t put much effort into my personal life and blithely believe it will turn out all right in the end  (Personal Quotes) How we remember, what we remember, and why we remember form the most personal map of our individuality  (Personal Quotes) I think a lot of times it’s not money that’s the primary motivation factor; it’s the passion for your job and the professional and personal satisfaction that you get out of doing what you do that motivates you  (Personal Quotes) I am not an animal in my personal life. But in the ring there is an animal inside me. Sometimes it roars when the first bell rights. Sometimes it springs out later in a fight. But I can always feel it there, driving me and pushing me forward. It is what makes me win. It makes me enjoy fighting  (Personal Quotes) That sort of fundamentalism which treats possession of private property not as a desirable economic and personal asset but as a condition of liberty is a form of primitive religion  (Personal Quotes) My motto is very personal and may not fit anyone else or any other company. It is: Don’t do anything that someone else can do. Don’t undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible  (Personal Quotes) Computer users soon learn that the miraculous powers of personal computers are based on avoidance of error  (Personal Quotes) The epic disappeared along with the age of personal heroism; there can be no epic with artillery  (Personal Quotes) Many teenagers are tormented by terrors they deem private and personal. They do not know that their anxieties and doubts are universal  (Personal Quotes) The capacity for imaginative reflex, for moral risk in any human being is not limitless; on the contrary, it can be rapidly absorbed by fictions, and thus the cry in the poem may come to sound louder, more urgent, more real than the cry in the street outside. The death in the novel may move us more potently than the death in the next room. Thus there may be a covert, betraying link between the cultivation of aesthetic response and the potential of personal inhumanity  (Personal Quotes) We demand of our political life greater certainty and greater perfection than we demand of our personal life  (Personal Quotes) The present age is demented. It is possessed by a sense of dislocation, a loss of personal identity, an alternating sentimentality and rage which, in an individual patient, could be characterized as dementia  (Personal Quotes) The quality of life, which in the ardour of spring was personal and sexual, becomes social in midsummer  (Personal Quotes) A job on a newspaper is a special thing. Every day you take something that you found out about, and you put it down and in a matter of hours it becomes a product. Not just a product like a can or something. It is a personal product that people, a lot of people, take the time to sit down and read  (Personal Quotes)
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