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I always choose an area that is of personal interest, but I don’t plan my travels in detail. There are so many variables one cannot predict: the changing light, weather, personal mood, and often just plain luck. Of course, you must have a starting point, so I establish some fixed points then improvise as I go. In many cases the locations seem to choose me  (Personal Quotes) What is the subject matter of this apparently very personal world? It has been suggested that these shapes and images are underworld characters, the inhabitants of the vast common realm of memories that have gone down below the level of conscious control. It may be they are. The degree of emotional involvement and the amount of free association with the material being photographed would point in that direction  (Personal Quotes) Images of people, cities, and landscapes from the air tell a unique story about our personal space and how we relate to one another. I’ve always aimed to address the bigger picture and later trends. In many ways, what a photographer does is give others a chance to step back and look at their world and gain perspective on where we stand, and what that means  (Personal Quotes) It is every photographer’s responsibility to discover new images and a new personal way of looking at things. If he can do this his pictures will command attention and have surprise quality  (Personal Quotes) It is the unexpected and the surprise quality of a personal vision, rather than the emotion, which make people respond to a photograph  (Personal Quotes) Our strengths are our tools, our personal reality. Our weaknesses are only what we are not  (Personal Quotes) Imposition of the death penalty is arbitrary and capricious. Decision of who will live and who will die for his crime turns less on the nature of the offense and the incorrigibility of the offender and more on inappropriate and indefensible considerations: the political and personal inclinations of prosecutors; the defendant’s wealth, race and intellect; the race and economic status of the victim; the quality of the defendant’s counsel; and the resources allocated to defense lawyers  (Personal Quotes) This is the new politics. Personal responsibility. Not leaving it to others. I am my planet’s keeper  (Personal Quotes) It is easier to silence scientific dissent by utilizing the politics of personal destruction, than to actually debate them on the merits of their arguments. That should tell you something about the global warming debate... there is none right now... it’s either you believe, or you are to be discredited  (Personal Quotes) The greatest of all our human concepts is the immortality of the personality and the eternal glory of the human soul. Throughout eternity you will be yourself and I will be myself, with quickened senses amplified powers of perception, and vastly increased capacity for reason, understanding, love, and happiness, all of which are qualities we may develop now. Our machines wear out, our barns fall down, and our substance goes back to the dust, but our finest collection of personal qualities will have eternal life  (Personal Quotes) There is a feeling of personal dignity and independence in grasping, literally, the power to back your refusal to be a target of a violent crime with lethal force. This is not a sense of power, it is now the experience of escaping from a sense of powerlessness  (Personal Quotes) Without freedom there will be no firearms among the people; without firearms among the people there will not long be freedom. Certainly there are examples of countries where the people remain relatively free after the people have been disarmed, but there are no examples of a totalitarian state being created or existing where the people have personal arms  (Personal Quotes) My life is immeasurably enriched by taking personal responsibility to do what I can, with what I have, where I am  (Personal Quotes) The state governments have a full superintendence and control over the immense mass of local interests of their respective states, which connect themselves with the feelings, the affections, the municipal institutions, and the internal arrangements of the whole population. They possess, too, the immediate administration of justice in all cases, civil and criminal, which concern the property, personal rights, and peaceful pursuits of their own citizens  (Personal Quotes) The majority of men cannot be made disinterested for life by exhortation, by religious services, by any expenditure of subsidized works, or even by grave and manifest public need. They can be made permanently unselfish only by being helped to become disinterested in their individual purposes. In the complete democracy a man must in some way be made to serve the nation in the very act of contributing to his own individual fulfillment. Not until his personal action is dictated by disinterested motives can there be any such harmony between private and public interests  (Personal Quotes) There’s something about comedy, funny things, that people want to pass them along. Serious things and personal things are much more privately enjoyed. That’s why there are not a lot of sad viral videos  (Personal Quotes) How to avoid cliche at the root of conception? Practice sincerity. If we’ve come by... material honestly, through our own personal experience or imagination, we may rightly claim it as our own... The way to make material your own is to look for it in yourself... It should be a story that only you can tell, as only you can tell it  (Personal Quotes) Songwriters I’ve always been drawn to are people who deal with something of depth in the lyric writing... I’ve always been influenced by the folk song, the storytelling tradition in folk music. And so for years I wrote mostly story songs. I still do that, but as I’ve gone on, it’s gotten a little more personal. I used to write mostly in the third person. I write a little more in the first person now  (Personal Quotes) Luxury starts where functionality ends and where the true value is personal and so has no price or reason  (Personal Quotes) While films are a very visual and emotional artistic medium, video games take it one step further into the realm of a unique personal experience  (Personal Quotes) I have learned that keeping my personal life outside of work is the easier, richer way to work  (Personal Quotes) In these days of political, personal and economic disintegration, music is not a luxury, it’s a necessity; not simply because it is therapeutic, nor because it is the universal language, but because it is the persistent focus of our intelligence, aspiration and goodwill  (Personal Quotes) Unless I have enough personal power to keep commitments in my daily life, I will be unable to wield magical power. To work magic, I need a basic belief in my ability to do things and cause things to happen. That belief is generated and sustained by my daily actions  (Personal Quotes) My dad had a personal style which was very attractive. It was quite reserved and quite elegant, and it was infectious  (Personal Quotes) I didn’t invent anything; it’s all there in the culture; it’s not a big mystery. I just combine my personal experience with classic cartoon stereotypes  (Personal Quotes) I’ve learned that I can’t have a packed work schedule and a packed social schedule and a packed personal life; I need to just have time to myself to sit and breathe and unwind  (Personal Quotes) Each person comes to have this musical experience, this moment with us, where they get to sink into our world for a little while. It’s this very unhurried world. It’s fairly quiet, it’s contemplative, but it can be quite panoramic. I think people think interesting thoughts at our shows, and they go rather deeply into some personal experience of their own. I’m really proud that our music seems to connect, because it’s not for everybody. But for the people that our music works for, it really gets down pretty deep in there  (Personal Quotes) Because men have a history, it is difficult for them to imagine what it is like to grow up without one, or the sense of personal expansion that comes from discovering that we women have a worthy heritage. Along with pride often comes rage – rage that one has been deprived of such a significant knowledge  (Personal Quotes) My personal style is eclectic, I would say. I always like to mix and match things. Uh, but the thing is that it changes every single day. So if I’m feeling you know a little more rebellious, one day I may dress a little more punk rock. But most of the time I say, pretty consistently, I’m feminine  (Personal Quotes) Only after several years of training did I come to realize that the deepest purpose of the martial arts is to serve as a vehicle for personal spiritual development  (Personal Quotes)
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