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Until you have a son of your own... you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son. You will never know the sense of honor that makes a man want to be more than he is and to pass something good and hopeful into the hands of his son. And you will never know the heartbreak of the fathers who are haunted by the personal demons that keep them from being the men they want their sons to be  (Personal Quotes) Definitely directing is the thing I like the most because this is where everything you know can be used. It’s the most personal process ever. It’s the most demanding one, but again, rewarding  (Personal Quotes) What really grabs me is when a reader writes to express her personal story and how a book helped her situation, or her acceptance of a situation she can’t change. I read some sad cases in my snail and electronic mail. I respond to all I can, affirming that they are the true heroes of life because they are fighting through adversity and surviving  (Personal Quotes) I think I’m well on the way of overcoming a very big hurdle that’s been in my way for several years. Which is trying to find a way to not let the insecurity of my profession get the better of me and make me crazy. I’m trying to find a way to maintain my own personal balance in the midst of everything  (Personal Quotes) My job is to focus on bringing characters to life in an honest and personal way  (Personal Quotes) The biographies of great artists make it abundantly clear that the creative urge is often so imperious that it battens on their humanity and yokes everything to the service of the work, even at the cost of health and ordinary human happiness. The unborn work in the psyche of the artist is a force of nature that achieves its end either with tyrannical might or with the subtle cunning of nature herself, quite regardless of the personal fate of the man who is its vehicle  (Personal Quotes) Religion is not a fractional thing that can be doled out in fixed weekly or daily measures as one among various subjects in the school syllabus. It is the truth of our complete being, the consciousness of our personal relationship with the infinite  (Personal Quotes) I like to talk while I’m on stage. It makes the show more personal. With that said, it’s got to stay within reason or it’s annoying  (Personal Quotes) Ever since I took to the streets when I was 17 to protest at great personal risk against the communist dictatorship, I have been a passionate democrat  (Personal Quotes) As actors we give so much of ourselves away so I like to keep my personal life to myself  (Personal Quotes) I don’t really talk about my personal life. It’s a strange and funny and weird thing. Sometimes you have a conversation with someone and the paparazzi snaps a picture of you and people decide you’re dating. If I try to answer everything people say, I would be up all night  (Personal Quotes) There’s a lot of good that’s done for society in building businesses, but it’s also great to be involved in those things where you can be connected to the community, to the world, and think about how you can use what you’re creating, both in terms of your personal skills as well as your products or services to do good things for others  (Personal Quotes) There are a lot of things that I have not shared that I will never share. I do have a personal private life  (Personal Quotes) Some people use the sexual energy particularly during intercourse to take personal power from each other  (Personal Quotes) There is a lot of opposition. You will experience it. But the joys that come from the study, more than compensate for the opposition, in my opinion. It’s a personal choice  (Personal Quotes) There is always going to be pain. There is always going to be pleasure. But what is not always going to be there is balance, happiness. That is a personal decision  (Personal Quotes) Winning has to do with gaining personal power through the practice of meditation and mindfulness; not draining your energy on ridiculous things and people  (Personal Quotes) The strategy of winning is gaining personal power. There are no techniques to learn that will cause you to win. You need power, balance and wisdom to win and to learn from your loses  (Personal Quotes) Diet is a matter of personal preference, but if you’re interested in the advanced states of meditation, eating mammals should be avoided. They have a more evolved consciousness and can affect your attention field greatly  (Personal Quotes) I’ve come to the conclusion that a long, personal relationship is next to impossible for me. Ultimately, music is a possessive mistress  (Personal Quotes) The thing is, often press people ask questions that are so personal that even your nearest and dearest wouldn’t ask them  (Personal Quotes) As the member of a firefighter family myself, supporting the widowed families of rescue workers is an important, personal cause of mine  (Personal Quotes) To me, football is very personal. Even as a kid, I looked at football in dramaturgical terms. It wasn’t the score that interested me, it was the struggle  (Personal Quotes) Each of us has a very rich nature and can look at things objectively, from a distance, and at the same time can have something more personal to say about them. I am trying to look at the world, and at myself, from many different points of view. I think many poets have this duality  (Personal Quotes) You know, at the end of the day, the only thing you have is trust and honor in this world. That’s all you have. All you have is your reputation built on trust and your personal honor. When you don’t have that anymore, well, you know, there you go. Trust was broken  (Personal Quotes) One of the things that appealed to me most about comics was that you can pick the ones you like and build your own personal pantheon  (Personal Quotes) As you get older, you realize just figuring out how to be nice to the people in your personal sphere is almost more challenging than trying to change the bigger culture  (Personal Quotes) I hate phones. All businesses are personal businesses, and I always try my best to get back to people, but sometimes the barrage of calls is so enormous that if I just answered calls I would do nothing else  (Personal Quotes) I’m too shy for personal appearances, and I’ve found out that anytime I talk about my writing, I can’t do any writing for many weeks afterward  (Personal Quotes) It’s fun to go to a supermarket or a park or a shopping mall where human beings convene. They’re so caught up in their own personal reality as to not see life, except in terms that add to or detract from their movie  (Personal Quotes)
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