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I like doing character movies. I like doing movies about personal situations; that’s what I love about dealing with things  (Personal Quotes) I’m also fascinated by the interplay between personal history and the larger forces that form the context for our lives  (Personal Quotes) My most cryptic, strange songs might be my most personal, but that isn’t how people are going to receive them, because they don’t know the code  (Personal Quotes) When you make a movie, it’s just so personal and then you put it out in front of people and it becomes something else  (Personal Quotes) The more I find life to be a great design, the more I suspect it to be singular in existence; the more I suspect it to be singular, the more I feel it to be specific and personal; the more I feel it to be personal, the more I think of it to be a mere question; And the more I think of it to be a question, the less I understand the questioner  (Personal Quotes) Angels can help us understand what intuition means in a personal way. Angels are actually in charge of a large part of our intuitive self. Viewing intuition from the perspective of angel consciousness, we can say that intuition is our way of tapping into a higher power for guidance and awareness  (Personal Quotes) An aphorism is a personal observation inflated into a universal truth, a private posing as a general  (Personal Quotes) Your suffering is something you choose. Experience it fully. Without it you will not achieve personal growth and higher consciousness  (Personal Quotes) Many people strive for personal freedom throughout their adult lives, and never attain it. First, they become imprisoned a good portion of their lives by their jobs. Then, after they leave the work force, they become imprisoned by retirement  (Personal Quotes) When a concept has been understood intellectually, if the learning is to be of value then a connection with personal feelings, inner knowing and experience has to be made, and consideration of how the information would best be applied  (Personal Quotes) Your surroundings, home, personal care, pets, clothing and body are all reflections of how you see and express yourself. Do these reflect your true self?  (Personal Quotes) Spiritual intelligence is the capacity to conduct our life in such a way that it reflects deep philosophical and metaphysical understanding of reality and of ourselves discovered through personal experience during systematic spiritual pursuit  (Personal Quotes) Your personal vibration or energy state is a blend of the contracted or expanded frequencies of your body, emotions, and thoughts at any given moment. The more you allow your soul to shine through you, the higher your personal vibration will be  (Personal Quotes) Authority: The skill of getting people to willingly do your will, because of your personal influence  (Personal Quotes) The next step in meditation is not just to focus, but to stop thought completely without having to focus; you gain a tremendous amount of personal power  (Personal Quotes) I think that’s one of the reasons it’s nice to leave out a lot; it can become a lot more personal to people if there is room for them to put their own experiential time track on it  (Personal Quotes) The way things happen on social media is so abusive and everyone needs to take personal responsibility for what they write and not allowing this misinterpretation and shaming culture on social media to persist  (Personal Quotes) I think one of the reasons with problems with conversation on race is that this is such a deeply personal conversation that it requires trust and someone you know  (Personal Quotes) If you ever want to get a sense of your own personal failure, look at yourself trying to get across a point that nobody is listening to and the situation gets worse and worse  (Personal Quotes) Philosophy is a purely personal matter. A genuine philosopher’s credo is the outcome of a single complex personality; it cannot be transferred. No two persons, if sincere, can have the same philosophy  (Personal Quotes) The arousing of prejudice, pity, anger, and similar emotions has nothing to do with the essential facts, but is merely a personal appeal to the man who is judging the case  (Personal Quotes) We are fonder of visiting our friends in health than in sickness. We judge less favorably of their characters when any misfortune happens to them; and a lucky hit, either in business or reputation, improves even their personal appearance in our eyes  (Personal Quotes) In the important decisions of personal life, we should be governed by the deep inner needs of our nature  (Personal Quotes) The artist has to look at life as he did when he was a child. If he loses that faculty, he cannot express himself in an original, that is, a personal way  (Personal Quotes) It is one’s own personal, selfish happiness that one seeks, earns, and derives from love  (Personal Quotes) What’s your personal computer, anyways? Your personal computer should be something that’s always on your person  (Personal Quotes) I change the world by changing myself. I am changing the world by loving myself, by enjoying life, by making my personal world a dream of heaven. I change myself, and just like magic, other people start to change  (Personal Quotes) The mother must set the example in holding out the shrine as the heart of the house hold! She must enforce discipline over the children in personal cleanliness in humility and hospitality, in good manners and acts of service  (Personal Quotes) It’s a shock for me to go through and see all those years of painting my life, which is very personal for me. It’s a very difficult thing for an artist to look back at his work  (Personal Quotes) If one has set for himself the position that his painting shall not misconstrue his personal mode of thinking, then he must be rather alert to just what he does think  (Personal Quotes)
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