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Personal Quotes

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There is nothing so depressing as a constant contemplation of one’s self, and the greatest moral cowardice in the world’s opinion comes from consulting one’s own personal convenience  (Personal Quotes) ... when personal happiness conflicts with any great human ideal, the right to claim such happiness is as nothing compared to the privilege of resigning it  (Personal Quotes) Genius is personal, decided by fate, but it expresses itself by means of system. There is no work of art without system  (Personal Quotes) That society exists to frustrate the individual may be seen from its attitude to work. It is only morally acceptable if you do not want to do it. If you do want to, it becomes a personal pleasure  (Personal Quotes) Anything that becomes a cult, or a mass movement, loses its moral and spiritual value. The crusade has to be personal, individual. As soon as it becomes collective it loses its purpose  (Personal Quotes) There is no relation more intimately personal than that of parents to the child they have brought into the world; and there is therefore no relationship in which the community should be slower to interfere  (Personal Quotes) It is more to my personal happiness and advantage to indulge the love and admiration of excellence, than to cherish a secret envy of it  (Personal Quotes) An order then should always be given not as a personal matter, not because the man giving it wants the thing done, but because it is the demand of the situation. And an order of this kind carries weight because it is the demand of the situation  (Personal Quotes) Maintain a good balance. A personal life adds dimensions to your professional life and vice versa. It helps nurture creativity through a deeper understanding of yourself  (Personal Quotes) From this haunting feeling of being not wanted, which remained a recurrent haunt through life, I found two ways of escape, both of which in changing form also persisted. One was the invention of gods, the other was personal efficiency in work  (Personal Quotes) People are so overwhelmed with the prestige of their instruments that they consider their personal judgement of hardly any account  (Personal Quotes) Small towns are sometimes like that; familiarity runs high, while regard for personal space is low, if nonexistent  (Personal Quotes) It is personal vanity of the most flagrant type which intrudes itself, unasked, into other people’s affairs. There are few of us who do not feel capable of ordering the daily lives of others, down to the most minute detail  (Personal Quotes) When one has children one has no privacy. They take it for granted that what is yours is theirs, personal things and the secrets of your heart, as well as possessions  (Personal Quotes) It’s still true that literary works by women, gays, and writers of color are often framed as specific, rather than universal, small rather than big, personal or particular rather than socially significant  (Personal Quotes) Woman naturally seeks to embrace that which is living, personal, and whole. To cherish, guard, protect, nourish and advance growth is her natural, maternal yearning  (Personal Quotes) Thoughts are just what is. They appear. They’re innocent. They’re not personal  (Personal Quotes) Sexuality... is at the same time the most personal of realms and also the realm most carefully constrained by social order  (Personal Quotes) I feel only my friends and family need to know what is happening in my personal life  (Personal Quotes) The body moves naturally, automatically, unconsciously, without any personal intervention or awareness. But if we begin to use our faculty of reasoning, our actions become slow and hesitant  (Personal Quotes) The wasting of time is the most personal, most private, most intimate form of conversation with oneself, as well as with another  (Personal Quotes) The most important thing that I can share with you is the personal knowledge that decisions are not irrevocable, that choices do come back, sometimes in different forms and in different ways, but they can be remade  (Personal Quotes) I notice that my characters go out to dinner and have fun and take these great trips, but I spend so much time on their lives, I don’t have much of a personal life of my own. I have to sort of remember to fill out that little notebook on me  (Personal Quotes) There’s never been anything I didn’t love that I didn’t connect with on a personal level because, to some degree, I projected upon it  (Personal Quotes) I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint  (Personal Quotes) It took me a long time to be as brave in my personal life as I was in my professional life to be brave in love means opening yourself up to the possibility of heartbreak  (Personal Quotes) Art is the most benign cultural practice, and yet art has an upper bound of personal revelation that is so far away it is basically a horizon  (Personal Quotes) My books are written from personal experience, from memories, and from stories that come to me from all places  (Personal Quotes) I have a group of close personal friends that are all my world. My family is my world. And as long as those people are happy with me, then I’m happy with myself  (Personal Quotes) Once you’re a mom, all of your personal desires come secondary as the survival of the child becomes your life’s priority, which leads you to worry each day and every night the little one turn out right  (Personal Quotes)
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