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Whether I’m involved in creating something or not, it’s a personal issue of do I respect it. But you can only know that five or ten years later  (Personal Quotes) I see my goals as personal and I always have. That’s just been how I’ve worked  (Personal Quotes) People come up to me and share very personal and intimate things with me, and I am so touched by all the trust they have in me  (Personal Quotes) I’ve always cared about my personal style and the way people perceive me. I know a lot of times people don’t get the opportunity to talk to me, so they’re just going to see what I wear, see how I’m dressed, see how I present myself  (Personal Quotes) Talking about my personal life onstage, I’ve realized I’m not one of those comics who can do that. I can allude to it but I don’t want to be a confessional performer  (Personal Quotes) The bad thing about living in a small town was that everything became a personal issue. The good thing about living in a small town was that everything became a personal issue. During times of trouble, the support system was massive  (Personal Quotes) We can win the struggle to avoid responsibility for our personal lives, but if we do, what we lose is our lives  (Personal Quotes) A surefire method of setting up regular communication with your kids is to get a job in an office which discourages personal phone calls. Your kids will then call you every hour on the hour  (Personal Quotes) Until we can look at fear and accept it as the shadow of personal existence, as persons we are bound to be afraid  (Personal Quotes) Its far easier to brush off death if the death in question seems impossible or improbable as a personal threat  (Personal Quotes) What counts is a way to get along with people that will bring us personal satisfaction and, at the same time, not trample upon the egos of those we deal with  (Personal Quotes) The thing I love about acting is that you can bring something very personal into the open and at the same time remain hidden because you’re always playing a character in a story that someone else has imagined. You’re always protected  (Personal Quotes) When you’re serving at the local level, you have to build strong personal relationships to get things done  (Personal Quotes) I don’t feel one’s personal medical condition is everybody’s business. It just isn’t something you advertise, and it’s not open to discussion  (Personal Quotes) With me, personal relationships are like my religion. I care that deeply about them. I am the complete opposite of a manipulative smoothie  (Personal Quotes) My music is a very personal reflection of me, whereas, acting a role, thats a reflection of another character  (Personal Quotes) Comedy is a very personal thing, and some people will find it funny, some people wont  (Personal Quotes) My personal life, my normal life, is so important to me. To be able to go back to my personal life and leave characters behind is important; I don’t keep them with me  (Personal Quotes) The full life depends, not on the range of experience but on the intensity of the interest, the emotion involved, and on its being a personal interest  (Personal Quotes) Leadership doesn’t mean giving marching orders that others must follow blindly. Rather, it means causing others to want to follow. Successful leadership is personal  (Personal Quotes) My personal life is in the spotlight, but people say what they want to say. The truth isn’t in the spotlight, I should say. I’m in the spotlight, but not the truth  (Personal Quotes) I have a grandson who is 20. He’s a computer guy. I’m worried that he can’t communicate without his machine. They have no personal contact with people. That’s the bad part of technology  (Personal Quotes) We fight wars from progressively great heights and distances, the blessings of technology steadily removing the personal human element from what was historically an extremely personal experience  (Personal Quotes) Not all offers I get are exciting and inspiring. I would rather sit at home and not work than jump into mediocrity for the sake of just moving ahead. If its a good script, I would sacrifice my personal time and grab it  (Personal Quotes) Self discovery doesn’t not seek to bring you answers about your personal life or philosophically comfort you about life and death. What it does is bring you into reality as perception itself  (Personal Quotes) I don’t know if there is a personal identity. We all imagine that we are absolute individuals. But when we begin to look for where this individuality resides, its very difficult to find  (Personal Quotes) Skin cancer became personal to my family when my father was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma  (Personal Quotes) I’ve probably put up with more criticism than a lot of people out there. At the end of the day, you block out everything, especially with your personal life  (Personal Quotes) It doesn’t matter where you are in your own personal development, nor has it mattered where you have been culturally; dogs simply don’t pass judgment on you the way all of the rest of life and all your other companions seem to  (Personal Quotes) There is a huge difference between writing a book, which is a private activity I engage in with myself, and wanting to engage in overly intimate personal conversations with strangers, which I pretty much never want to do  (Personal Quotes)
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