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I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone  (Personal Quotes) I’m in favor of personal growth as long as it doesn’t include malignant tumors  (Personal Quotes) I think personal style starts from within because it´s a philosophy and an attitude. If you´re honest and true to yourself, you will have the best sense of personal style  (Personal Quotes) I think what you wear really does need to reflect what your own personal style is  (Personal Quotes) The art of utterance persuades initially by its music and its rhythm, before semiotic or personal characteristics come into play  (Personal Quotes) Sex is a highly personal matter, yet it seems to get more impersonal all the time. How do I feel about sex? I suppose it matters with whom  (Personal Quotes) I was working more on a primal, instinctive level. And it just seemed to suit me; it seemed to suit my concentration span, it seemed to suit my personal style of performance, and I have fallen in love with film acting  (Personal Quotes) I’m excited by any food that’s prepared by someone who’s proud of what they’re doing, who puts a personal imprint on food  (Personal Quotes) I feel it’s so hard for young actors; It’s a different world that they’re coming up in; there’s so much money to be made off of their personal lives, and people are bound and determined to make that money  (Personal Quotes) A lot of my songs are personal and about me being 16 and having guys break my heart and feeling like it’s the end of the world  (Personal Quotes) I like it to stay very organic, and to remember a personal story behind all my subjects  (Personal Quotes) People love to hear music on their personal devices, but the issue really becomes, if you’re able to download music, you should know this download and the quality of it is going to be of the highest, and that it has a value to it and on it  (Personal Quotes) I found that it was easiest to convey the information in the context of the life of the scientist or in the context of our own personal experience, and there was no idea that was too complicated that couldn’t be explained clearly and directly  (Personal Quotes) I have always shouted from the rooftops about my businesses but I had never ever spoken about my personal life  (Personal Quotes) I’m a business first and foremost so whatever my business is, it’s separate from my personal. It’s like whatever I do business wise, it’s done in the business fashion whether it’s promoting, marketing, whatever I’m doing  (Personal Quotes) I was very lighthearted. This often the way when the abandonment of personal responsibility is enforced: neither wronged innocence or just guilt can seriously impair the sensation of freedom one has  (Personal Quotes) Some say because music is as much about personal expression as listening pleasure, sharing is integral to why songs have value in the first place  (Personal Quotes) Human mobile devices that may come in handy and can be used anywhere include: prayer, meditation, a good attitude, compassion, kindness, humor, laughter, patience, love and a smile. Customize to personal style and taste  (Personal Quotes) The people that matter to me the most are the people that are in my life. That’s who I really learn from, and it’s always a very personal kind of connection  (Personal Quotes) To me, wrestling is therapy. No matter how bad my personal situation is, when I step into the ring, all my troubles disappear. My baggage stays in the back where it belongs  (Personal Quotes) I wondered what things what things became when you no longer needed them, and I wondered what the future would hold once we’d gotten past our personal tragedies and proven them ultimately survivable  (Personal Quotes) I have enormous personal ambition. I want to shift the entire planet. And I’m doing it. I am now a famous person. I represent real power  (Personal Quotes) I felt the question of the afterlife was the black hole of the personal universe: something for which substantial proof of existence had been offered but which had not yet been explored in the proper way by scientists and philosophers  (Personal Quotes) You have to learn to balance work, family, a personal life; it is a part of life  (Personal Quotes) Without any formal personal finance instruction in our high school or college curricula, many college seniors who graduate in the red will continue to make common financial mistakes that only exacerbate their debt burdens  (Personal Quotes) I guess I just like to challenge myself and push myself harder to do things that I don’t think I can, to do things that other people do not think I can. It pushes me. I push my own personal limits  (Personal Quotes) There are many differences between medicine and teaching, but they have much in common. Both involve craft and personal expertise, learned through experience; but both can be informed by the experience of others  (Personal Quotes) Understanding a person’s hunger and responding to it is one of the most potent tools you’ll ever discover for getting through to anyone you meet in business or your personal life  (Personal Quotes) Universities want to recruit the students that they believe will best represent the university while in school and beyond. Students with a robust social media presence and clearly defined personal brand stand to become only more influential  (Personal Quotes) We’re living in a state where no one can trust his telephone conversations, nor even his personal conversations in a room, in a bar or anywhere else  (Personal Quotes)
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