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Politics is so personal, vicious and immediate, how are you going to get anything done? Even the local politics where I live have gotten so ugly  (Personal Quotes) People in this world of superficial communication find themselves isolated and lonely and have difficult in talking about personal things that really matter to them  (Personal Quotes) A good teammate is someone willing to get outside of personal thoughts and emotions, a friend who tries to understand, appreciate, and encourage other members of the team  (Personal Quotes) It is a paradoxical statement, but it takes incredible personal discipline to play with great freedom  (Personal Quotes) Forgiveness is a way of opening up the doors again and moving forward, whether it’s a personal life or a national life  (Personal Quotes) I miss the days when faith was discussed in public and not the most intimate details of our personal lives  (Personal Quotes) One of the things that separates climbing from other sports is how independent and personal it is. With most sports, you either win or lose, but climbing is about your own personal experience  (Personal Quotes) My personal belief is that because technology and economic logic has gotten so sophisticated, cruelties can be perpetrated now that would have been unimaginable two or three hundred years ago  (Personal Quotes) The biggest effect of the personal computer revolution has been to allow millions and millions of people to experience computers themselves decades before they ever would have in the old paradigm  (Personal Quotes) When I go back and reread the stuff, I’m always floored by how deeply personal and revealing it actually is  (Personal Quotes) Comedy is a very personal thing, as you would know if you’ve ever told the same joke to two people and had one of them laugh their head off and the other one look at you as though you were a completely cretin  (Personal Quotes) If you feel comfortable, and you feel happy, and successful at your job, then that’s success. You define that as success, then that’s success. Success is not a general thing. It’s a personal thing. It’s a personal attribute  (Personal Quotes) The first lesson of life is to burn our own smoke; that is, not to inflict on outsiders our personal sorrows and petty morbidness, not to keep thinking of ourselves as exceptional cases  (Personal Quotes) I am tired of a life of contention, and of being the personal object for the hatred of every man, who hates the present state of things  (Personal Quotes) Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one  (Personal Quotes) I feel certain that the personal computer is as revolutionary in terms of the way it will change the way we work, learn, and entertain ourselves as any of these previous advances  (Personal Quotes) Let your holidays be associated with great public events, and they may be the life of patriotism as well as a source of relaxation and personal employment  (Personal Quotes) There is hardly any personal defect... which an agreeable manner might not gradually reconcile one to  (Personal Quotes) When words and manners leave you no space for yourself make very personal very clear and your obstructions will join you or disappear  (Personal Quotes) My personal view is, why don’t you get out there and try to do something about the things that you don’t like, create the jobs that we are lacking, rather than just yell and scream. But if you want to yell and scream, we’ll make sure you can do it  (Personal Quotes) Today religion is increasingly pushed aside by secularizing influences such as the university, the media, and politics. Rather than having a major voice in public life, religion has been relegated to the private and the personal  (Personal Quotes) I grew up going to museums. I was privileged to discover art and artists in a very personal way  (Personal Quotes) The more that you’re knowing, the more you will be feeling and seeing, the more that you will hurt in your heart, and in your self. Deep heart understanding replaces your need and your holding of personal truths  (Personal Quotes) You never know when someone is videotaping you or trying to capture your image. I see how it makes some people crazy. But I am really lucky. I don’t understand it. I really, honestly, am much more focused on my personal life  (Personal Quotes) When you write a character and their dialogue, you can’t help imagining how you would be acting if you were them. You kind of have to relate to all of them. It’s the most personal thing I’ve ever done  (Personal Quotes) I like to look at my personal style as an extension of my mood that day  (Personal Quotes) It’s a hard concept for me to wrap my head around to completely sacrifice any sort of love in your life, to never experience that on a personal level  (Personal Quotes) I always loved the idea of a spy movie and part of it came from my personal love of spy movies. It started when I was growing up as a little kid in the 60s  (Personal Quotes) You have to have a personal connection. You have to really want to do it, because if you don’t, investing yourself personally, your thoughts, your emotions, yourself into a part, is something you’re not going to want to do as much  (Personal Quotes) General personal principle: You are generally successful to the degree others want you to succeed. So get adopted! And, even more importantly, it’s amazing how much you can get done when you let other people take credit for it  (Personal Quotes)
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