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Personal Quotes

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American poetry, like American painting, is always personal with an emphasis on the individuality of the poet  (Personal Quotes) And the whole world, the whole world that believes in freedom, whether you’re talking about personal freedom, economic freedom, religious freedom, they look to the United States for leadership; and you’re part of that leadership  (Personal Quotes) As a father, my first priority is to help my sons set and attain personal goals so they will develop self-confidence and individual strength. Engaging in regular fitness activities with my children helps me fulfill those responsibilities  (Personal Quotes) As Americans, we don’t see the role of government as guaranteeing outcomes, but allowing free men and women to flourish based on their own vision, their hard work and their personal responsibility  (Personal Quotes) Better than anything else in our culture, it enables fathers and sons to speak on a level playing field while building up from within a personal history of shared experience - a group history - that may be tapped into at will in years to come  (Personal Quotes) At some point I believe one has to stop holding back for fear of alienating some imaginary reader or real relative or friend, and come out with personal truth  (Personal Quotes) There is no choice more intensely personal, after all, than whom you choose to marry; that choice tells us, to a large extent, who you are  (Personal Quotes) I would rather feel compassion than know the meaning of it. I would hope to act with compassion without thinking of personal gain  (Personal Quotes) Insanity is in the eyes of the beholder. So I will continue to live my personal folly  (Personal Quotes) You want useless, you have come to the right guy. I can be useless for hours at a time. Weeks even. I’m currently closing in on a month of being totally useless, which is by way of being a personal best  (Personal Quotes) I carry thoughts of you like my own personal constellation. How far away you are, my dearest friend, but no farther than those fixed stars in my soul  (Personal Quotes) I really worry about these political people that have no personal life. If there’s nothing that’s lovely, and if there’s nothing that’s just ephemeral, that you can just lie on the floor and bust a gut laughing at, then what’s the point?  (Personal Quotes) I was in the shopping mall because that’s where I go lately. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been going there every day, trying to figure out why people go there. It’s kind of a personal project  (Personal Quotes) In my experience, we don’t make thoughts appear, they just appear. One day, I noticed that their appearance just wasn’t personal. Noticing that really makes it simpler to inquire  (Personal Quotes) Sam, that’s a great concept. And maybe you believe it. But I’m black and I’m a lesbian, so let me tell you: From what I know? Personal experience? There are always lines  (Personal Quotes) The only thing that matters my goal my reward my beginning my end is the work itself. My work done my way. A private personal selfish egotistical motivation. That’s the only way I function. That’s all I am  (Personal Quotes) It’s personal freedom, not hundred dollar bills that lights the soul’s cigar  (Personal Quotes) I’d learned a long time ago that one of the finest weapons in my arsenal was my ability to invade personal space  (Personal Quotes) Also, I do not like the companionship of women. They are petty and personal. They hang on to their mysteries and secrets, they act and pretend. I like the character of men better  (Personal Quotes) Of course he was a part of what I hated about myself. Everything was a part of what I hated about myself. It wasn’t really personal  (Personal Quotes) This is personal, she’d said. Real. This moment was too, even if you couldn’t see it at first glance. It was fake on the outside, but so true within. You only had to look, really look to tell  (Personal Quotes) I have sometimes thought that his bursts of imaginative talk were fatal to his poetic gift. He squandered too much in the heat of personal communication  (Personal Quotes) Art is a personal act of courage, something one human does that creates change in another  (Personal Quotes) She had a certain way of looking at life which he took as a personal offense  (Personal Quotes) The shadows didn’t seem as dark as usual. Not with my personal sun along  (Personal Quotes) And then there is our personal history. Memories only we share. Things not another living soul would understand  (Personal Quotes) Independence is the only gauge of human virtue and value. What a man is and makes of himself; not what he has or hasn’t done for others. There is no substitute for personal dignity  (Personal Quotes) Take away from love the fullness of self surrender, the completeness of personal commitment, and what remains will be a total denial and negation of it  (Personal Quotes) My box bedroom can only fit a bed and a wardrobe but it was my whole world. My only personal space to think and dream, to cry and laugh and wait until I became old enough to do all the things I wasn’t allowed to do  (Personal Quotes) I know this much: that there is objective time, but also subjective time, the kind you wear on the inside of your wrist, next to where the pulse lies. And this personal time, which is the true time, is measured in your relationship to memory  (Personal Quotes)
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