Personality maintains its discreetness by an act of will. Otherwise one person will flow helplessly into another

Personality maintains its discreetness by an act of will. Otherwise one person will flow helplessly into another
Camille Paglia, a renowned cultural critic and feminist scholar, has often explored the concept of personality and individuality in her works. In her writings, she emphasizes the importance of maintaining one's unique personality and identity in a world that often seeks to homogenize and conform individuals. Paglia argues that personality is not something that is innate or fixed, but rather something that must be actively cultivated and maintained through an act of will.Paglia's assertion that personality maintains its discreetness by an act of will speaks to the idea that individuals must consciously choose to assert their own identity and resist the pressures to conform to societal norms and expectations. In a world where conformity is often rewarded and individuality is seen as a threat, it can be easy for one person to "flow helplessly into another" and lose sight of their own unique personality.
Paglia's emphasis on the importance of maintaining one's personality is particularly relevant in today's society, where social media and technology have made it easier than ever for individuals to compare themselves to others and seek validation from external sources. In a culture that values conformity and sameness, it can be challenging for individuals to assert their own identity and resist the pressures to conform.
Paglia's ideas about personality and individuality also tie into her broader critique of contemporary culture and its tendency to devalue the individual in favor of the collective. She argues that true creativity and innovation can only come from individuals who are willing to assert their own unique perspectives and challenge the status quo. By maintaining their discreetness and refusing to be swept up in the tide of conformity, individuals can carve out their own path and make a meaningful impact on the world around them.