Peter J Carroll Quotes
Text Quotes
It has taken us two million years to elevate politics from the level of a monkey squabble, to a level comprehensible to a six year old child (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Every new form of liberation is destined to eventually become another form of enslavement for most of its adherents. (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Enforcing equality to compensate for the monstrous unfairness of nature destroys liberty. But total liberty leads to various forms of aristocracy and decay. Yet total equality leads to oppressive statism and decay. However, equality of opportunity leads to a vibrantly chaotic and creative meritocracy. (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Chaos, the life force of the universe, is not human-hearted. Therefore the wizard cannot be human-hearted when he seeks to tap the force of the universe. He performs monstrous and arbitrary acts to loosen the hold of human limitations upon himself (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
So many people seem to spend their lives trying to appear normal, predictable and consistent to themselves and those that surround them. They just end up bored with themselves, bereft of any depth of inner resources, suffocated by the inhibitions that defend their own monolithic identities (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Some have sought to avoid suffering by avoiding desire. Thus they have only small desires and small sufferings, poor fools (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Every new form of liberation is destined to eventually become another form of enslavement for most of its adherents (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
If only one fifth of your spells work you have real power. If only one fifth of your divinations work you have a serious disability (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Junk food, junk religion, and junk products just leads to excessive numbers of junk people living junk lifestyles (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Magic doesn’t suit everyone. Only those prepared to take full responsibility for themselves should apply (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Magick will not free itself from occultism until we have strangled the last astrologer with the guts of the last spiritual master (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
As a great master once observed: There are two methods of becoming God, the upright or the averse. Let the mind become as a flame or a pool of still water (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
The only clear view is from atop the mountain of your dead selves (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Being exists only as a neurological and linguistic illusion (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
If someone claims to have free will, ask them, free from precisely what? (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
That which is denied gains power, and seeks strange and unexpected forms of manifestation (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
He who is doing his true will is assisted by the momentum of the universe (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Only through absolute loyalty to each other can the few control the many (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Any sufficiently advanced form of magick will appear indistinguishable from science (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Laughter is the only tenable attitude in a universe which is a joke played on itself (Peter J Carroll Quotes)
Magic is the science and the art of causing change to occur in conformity with will (Peter J Carroll Quotes)