Peter Straub Quotes

Text Quotes
I had a connoisseur’s... appreciation of fear (Peter Straub Quotes)
Each new book is a tremendous challenge (Peter Straub Quotes)
Close your mouth and get out of the way, because here comes Kelly Link, than whom no one is better (Peter Straub Quotes)
Occasionally.. .what you have to do is go back to the beginning and see everything in a new way. (Peter Straub Quotes)
Everyone wants to get better as they go along, but sometimes it’s all you can do to stay consistent. (Peter Straub Quotes)
I generally wade in blind and trust to fate and instinct to see me through (Peter Straub Quotes)
Sometimes it is right to fear the dark (Peter Straub Quotes)
A lyrical, brave and complex novel that takes enormous risks and pulls them all off (Peter Straub Quotes)
Wolves and those who see them are shot on sight (Peter Straub Quotes)
You’ll never get anything done if you walk around with an unchipped heart (Peter Straub Quotes)
The world is full of ghosts, and some of them are still people (Peter Straub Quotes)
Intellectual labor is a common technique for the avoidance of thinking (Peter Straub Quotes)
Wolf! Right here and now! (Peter Straub Quotes)
Many fiction writers eventually want to feel that their work forms a single, unified entity (Peter Straub Quotes)
If I planned everything out in advance, I’d expire of boredom (Peter Straub Quotes)
Fear and I were old buddies, despite my best efforts to the contrary (Peter Straub Quotes)
These days, there are a great many books about childhood trauma and its effects, but at the time all the experts agreed that one should forget about it as quickly as possible and pick up where you left off (Peter Straub Quotes)
It is as though some old part of yourself wakes up in you, terrified, useless in the life you have, its skills and habits destructive but intact, and what is left of the present you, the person you have become, wilts and shrivels in sadness or despair: the person you have become is only a thin shell over this other, more electric and endangered self. The strongest, the least digested parts of your experience can rise up and put you back where you were when they occurred; all the rest of you stands back and weeps (Peter Straub Quotes)
I almost always write everything the way it comes out, except I tend much more to take things out rather than put things in. It’s out of a desire to really show what’s going on at all times, how things smell and look, as well as from the knowledge that I don’t want to push things too quickly through to climax; if I do, it won’t mean anything. Everything has to be earned, and it takes a lot of work to earn (Peter Straub Quotes)
Occasionally... what you have to do is go back to the beginning and see everything in a new way (Peter Straub Quotes)
Nobody can protect anybody else from vileness. Or from pain. All you can do is not let it break you in half and keep on going until you get to the other side (Peter Straub Quotes)
What would be frightening about me jumping out of the bush wearing a pig mask is not the sudden surprise, not me, and not the pig mask, but that the ordinary world had split open for a moment to reveal some possibility never previously considered (Peter Straub Quotes)
From a tale one expects a bit of wildness, of exaggeration and dramatic effect. The tale has no inherent concern with decorum, balance or harmony... A tale may not display a great deal of structural, psychological, or narrative sophistication, though it might possess all three, but it seldom takes its eye off its primary goal, the creation of a particular emotional state in its reader. Depending on the tale, that state could be wonder, amazement, shock, terror, anger, anxiety, melancholia, or the momentary frisson of horror (Peter Straub Quotes)
I liked the place I came from. But a lot of what I liked about it was that I had come from there (Peter Straub Quotes)
On gym days, I don’t get to my desk until 4 in the afternoon, and everything except bedtime and the appointment with the liquid narcotic is pushed back a bit (Peter Straub Quotes)
Everyone wants to get better as they go along, but sometimes it’s all you can do to stay consistent (Peter Straub Quotes)
An average working day begins at 8 or 9 am, includes an hour for lunch, and ends at 5 or 6 pm (Peter Straub Quotes)
I’ve been a fan of vampire fiction since way, way back - I loved Stephen King, Anne Rice, Peter Straub, Robert McCammon, Shirley Jackson, lots of great horror and paranormal fiction (Peter Straub Quotes)