Phenomenon Quotes

Text Quotes
It is very easy to take for granted the phenomenon that we are each alive, but we must try not to (Phenomenon Quotes)
Real science exists, then, only from the moment when a phenomenon is accurately defined as to its nature and rigorously determined in relation to its material conditions, that is, when its law is known. Before that, we have only groping and empiricism (Phenomenon Quotes)
Wanting things to be otherwise is the very essence of suffering. We almost never directly experience what pain is because our reaction to it is so immediate that most of what we call pain is actually our experience of resistance to that phenomenon. And the resistance is usually a good deal more painful than the original sensation (Phenomenon Quotes)
Our sense of justice depends on our sense of time. Justice is a phenomenon only of consciousness, because time spread out in a spatial succession is its very essence. And this is possible only in a spatial metaphor of time (Phenomenon Quotes)
Cooking is a holistic process of planning, preparing, dining and sharing food. I place food at the center of our humanity, as it nourishes not only our physical bodies but also our emotional and spiritual lives. Food is truly a cultural phenomenon that informs our traditions and our relationship with the earth. I genuinely believe that food connects us all (Phenomenon Quotes)
We believe, and so suggested a few years ago, that the action of alcohol on these chronic alcoholics is a manifestation of an allergy; that the phenomenon of craving is limited to this class and never occurs in the average temperate drinker. These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all; and once having formed the habit and found they cannot break it, once having lost their self confidence, their reliance upon things human, their problems pile up on them and become astonishingly difficult to solve (Phenomenon Quotes)
Wordless is not the same of expressionless. All phenomenon of the universe, audible and inaudible, tangible and intangible, sentient and insentient, are the clear and ceaseless expression of the buddha nature (Phenomenon Quotes)
God taking from us and loving us at the same time by providing comforters was a kind of spiritual equanimity. It seemed a phenomenon of life how a death insinuates us into the debt of those who stand by us in trouble and console us (Phenomenon Quotes)
Palaeontological research exhibits, beyond question, the phenomenon of provinces in time, as well as provinces in space. Moreover, all our knowledge of organic remains teaches us, that species have a definite existence, and a centralization in geological time as well as in geographical space, and that no species is repeated in time (Phenomenon Quotes)
If, on the other hand, we wish to describe a particular phenomenon without repressing our direct experience, then we cannot avoid speaking of the phenomenon as an active, animate entity with which we find ourselves engaged. To the sensing body, no thing presents itself as utterly passive or inert. Only by affirming the animateness of perceived things do we allow our words to emerge directly from the depths of our ongoing reciprocity with the world (Phenomenon Quotes)
The downside of skepticism: it can easily turn into an arrogant position of a priori rejection of any new phenomenon or idea, a position that is as lacking in critical thinking as the one of the true believer, and that simply does not help either science or the public at large (Phenomenon Quotes)
To give a name to a thing is as gratifying as giving a name to an island, but it is also dangerous: the danger consists in one’s becoming convinced that all is taken care of and that once named, the phenomenon has also been explained (Phenomenon Quotes)
Water is to me, I confess, a phenomenon which continually awakens new feelings of wonder as often as I view it (Phenomenon Quotes)
Free children are not easily influenced; the absence of fear accounts for this phenomenon. Indeed, the absence of fear is the finest thing that can happen to a child (Phenomenon Quotes)
In the patient who succumbed, the cause of death was evidently something which was not found in the patient who recovered; this something we must determine, and then we can act on the phenomena or recognize and foresee them accurately. But not by statistics shall we succeed in this; never have statistics taught anything, and never can they teach anything about the nature of the phenomenon (Phenomenon Quotes)
Proof that a given condition always precedes or accompanies a phenomenon does not warrant concluding with certainty that a given condition is the immediate cause of that phenomenon. It must still be established that when this condition is removed, the phenomen will no longer appear (Phenomenon Quotes)
Free software is part of a broader phenomenon, which is a shift toward recognizing the value of shared work. Historically, shared stuff had a very bad name. The reputation was that people always abused shared things, and in the physical world, something that is shared and abused becomes worthless. In the digital world, I think we have the inverse effect, where something that is shared can become more valuable than something that is closely held, as long as it is both shared and contributed to by everybody who is sharing in it (Phenomenon Quotes)
As much as they deny it, I think people want to be scared. It’s a phenomenon, why people want to be scared when there is so much violence and craziness in the world. People still really enjoy being scared. It’s a conundrum to me. It’s hard to explain. It’s an unconscious thing, really, why people like that so much (Phenomenon Quotes)
I think a lot of people want people who actually have qualities they don’t find attractive as a way of being able to change them. It’s fascinating, because people think if they can change the other person, they can change themselves. It’s a complex phenomenon. It’s a fantasy that’s actually about being able to come to terms with ourselves (Phenomenon Quotes)
People have always had a fascination with the supernatural going back to the beginning of time and with vampires in particular. This phenomenon is not new (Phenomenon Quotes)
Our industry is going through quite a wave of innovation and it’s being powered by a phenomenon which is referred to as the cloud (Phenomenon Quotes)
There are no unnatural or supernatural phenomenon, only very large gaps in our knowledge of what is natural... we should strive to fill those gaps of ignorance (Phenomenon Quotes)
It’s just amazing to do something that’s part of a pop culture phenomenon (Phenomenon Quotes)
Purpose in the human being is a much more complex phenomenon than what used to be called will power (Phenomenon Quotes)
Every phenomenon manifests itself of its own accord. This manifestation is always distinct from form, and is the essence of the immediate, the trace of the immediate (Phenomenon Quotes)
A man receives only what he is ready to receive... The phenomenon or fact that cannot in any wise be linked with the rest of what he has observed, he does not observe (Phenomenon Quotes)
We are tricked by a phenomenon of time: hours and days pass slowly, but years pass quickly (Phenomenon Quotes)
And I believe that if 100 million people became embodiments of peace, the world would transform, because consciousness is a collective phenomenon. And what we see as good and evil is the balance between forces (Phenomenon Quotes)
Male penguins are unfaithful up to an advanced age, a phenomenon sometimes attributed to the sea air (Phenomenon Quotes)
There is but one indefectibly certain truth, and that is the truth that pyrrhonistic scepticism itself leaves standing, the truth that the present phenomenon of consciousness exists (Phenomenon Quotes)