Philanthropy Quotes

Text Quotes
Money is only unused power. The real purpose of wealth, after food, clothing and shelter, is philanthropy (Philanthropy Quotes)
When lack of funds prevents hospitals from functioning efficiently and fully, private philanthropy of all kinds must help. The difference it makes in terms of human betterment, represents the kind of happiness that money really can buy (Philanthropy Quotes)
Charity is just writing checks and not being engaged. Philanthropy, to me, is being engaged, not only with your resources but getting people and yourself really involved and doing things that haven’t been done before (Philanthropy Quotes)
Earlier in this century, philanthropy often flowed from the wills of dead industrialists. In recent decades, it’s as likely to have come from a very alive business leader, entertainer, artist or sports star. The most effective of these patrons begin the process of giving by asking what they care about passionately (Philanthropy Quotes)
Philanthropy is loving, and ameliorative, revolutionary; it wakens lofty desires, new possibilities, achievements, and energies;... it touches thought to spiritual issues, systematizes action, and insures success (Philanthropy Quotes)
Legal plunder has two roots: One, as we have just seen, is in human selfishness; the other is in false philanthropy (Philanthropy Quotes)
To insure the continuity of philanthropy, we must instill in kids the values and attitudes that will enable them to see charity as a vital part of their lives (Philanthropy Quotes)
A tiny portion of the population controls the lions share of the wealth and most of the command positions of state, manufacturing, banking, investment, publishing, higher education, philanthropy, and media... these individuals exercise a preponderant influence over what is passed off as public information and democratic discourse (Philanthropy Quotes)
The law is the collective organization of the individual’s right to lawful defense of his life, liberty and property. When it is used for anything else, no matter how noble the cause, it becomes perverted and justice is weakened. Thus, the law has become perverted by stupid greed and false philanthropy (Philanthropy Quotes)
Philanthropy can be integrated into business. I believe strongly that companies can be incredible agents of good in the world (Philanthropy Quotes)
There’s a dark underside to philanthropy. People who give a bunch of money are deferred to, even when they are wrong. The emperor cannot be shown to have no clothes (Philanthropy Quotes)
Inside any important philanthropy meeting, you witness heads of state meeting with investment managers and corporate leaders. All are searching for answers with their right hand to problems that others in the room have created with their left (Philanthropy Quotes)
Philanthropy is not about the money. It’s about using whatever resources you have at your fingertips and applying them to improving the world (Philanthropy Quotes)
My philanthropy is no relation to anybody else’s. None. My philanthropy and what we do at the foundation speaks for itself and has no relation to anyone’s (Philanthropy Quotes)
It’s important to think good, speak good, and do good. If we want to see positive change in the world, then we need to connect to goodness. I try in everything I do, both in business and philanthropy, to make a positive change and do that by doing good (Philanthropy Quotes)
If philanthropy is not voluntary, it destroys liberty and justice. The law can give nothing that has not first been taken from its owner (Philanthropy Quotes)
In philanthropy, many of us give a little bit and each year we give more and more to see what actually works and not just throw money out there and see if it’s going to work. If the government did the same thing, fabulous (Philanthropy Quotes)
I’ve never been one who enjoys maintaining the status quo. I’m always pushing for new ideas, whether it’s in business or philanthropy (Philanthropy Quotes)
I’m on a lot of nonprofit boards, but if I didn’t enjoy it I wouldn’t do it. I haven’t yet done anything that’s transformational in philanthropy. But I hope at some point to target two or three causes or organizations and really make transformational gifts (Philanthropy Quotes)
In business, the market gives you feedback in real time. Your sales figures tell you what’s working, what isn’t, and how you need to change. If you don’t listen to the feedback, you go belly up. In philanthropy, there is no market (Philanthropy Quotes)
Philanthropy is the market for love. It is the market for all those people for whom there is no other market coming (Philanthropy Quotes)
Be discriminating when dispensing charity. In the name of charity or philanthropy, we tend to do injustice to one’s country (Philanthropy Quotes)
Pure philanthropy is very well in its way but philanthropy plus five percent is a good deal better (Philanthropy Quotes)
Philanthropy is lost. The human spirit is suppressed. Most people want a legacy; they want to give something back, a library, a hospital wing, a donation to their church. This is a form of socialism that must go (Philanthropy Quotes)
One of the things that I encourage for anybody who is interested in their own charity or philanthropy is to start from where you are and what has mattered to you (Philanthropy Quotes)
The most generous part of your philanthropy could be the time you put in to procure the same results and same outcomes and same returns you demand in business (Philanthropy Quotes)
One applauds the industry of professional philanthropy. But it has its dangers. After a while the private heart begins to harden. We fling letters into the wastebasket, are abrupt to telephoned solicitations. Charity withers in the incessant gale (Philanthropy Quotes)
Fashion has always been a little slow in accommodating large women.... We’re not asking for philanthropy here. Wake up, we’re fat, we like nice clothes, and we’ve got cash (Philanthropy Quotes)
There’s a big difference between charity and between activism and philanthropy. They’re very different things and I think, you know, everybody should find a passion or a cause that they can really get behind, but it has to be organic (Philanthropy Quotes)
To have people from every continent who are working on philanthropy, on social entrepreneurship, gives me a unique opportunity to engage (Philanthropy Quotes)