Philip James Bailey Quotes

Text Quotes
Sorrow is a stone that crushes a single bearer to the ground, while two are able to carry it with ease (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
I run the gauntlet of a file of doubts, each one of which down hurls me to the ground (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Death is the universal salt of states; blood is the base of all things - law and war (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
The sun, centre and sire of light, the keystone of the world - built arch of heaven (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Long, glorious locks, which drop upon thy cheek like gold hued cloud flakes on the rosy morn (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
There are whole veins of diamonds in thine eyes, might furnish crowns for all the Queens of Earth (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
The firefly only shines when on the wing; so is it with the mind; when once we rest, we darken (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Man is one; and he hath one great heart. It is thus we feel, with a gigantic throb athwart the sea, each other’s rights and wrongs; thus are we men (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
I love night more than day - she is so lovely; but I love night the most because she brings my love to me in dreams which scarcely lie (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Remember that thy heart will shed its pleasures as thine eye its tears, and both leave loathsome furrows (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Fine thoughts are wealth, for the right use of which men are and ought to be accountable, if not to thee, to those they influence (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
The beautiful are never desolate; but some one alway loves them - God or man. If man abandons, God himself takes them (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Dreams are rudiments of the great state to come. We dream what is about to happen (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
She spake, and his love - wilder’d and idolatrous soul clung to the airy music of her words, like a bird on a bough, high swaying in the wind (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Her cheek had the pale pearly pink Of sea shells, the world’s sweetest tint, as though She lived, one half might deem, on roses sopp’d In pearly dew (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Dewdrops, nature’s tears, which she sheds in her own breast for the fair which die. The sun insists on gladness; but at night, when he is gone, poor nature loves to weep (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Worthy books Are not companions - they are solitudes: We lose ourselves in them and all our cares (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
He is a fool who is not for love and beauty. I speak unto the young, for I am of them and always shall be (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Obey thy genius, for a minister it is unto the throne of fate. Draw to thy soul, and centralize the rays which are around of the Divinity (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
See the gold sunshine patching, and streaming and streaking across the gray green oaks; and catching, by its soft brown beard, the moss (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Thou wilt not chronicle our sand like sins; for sin is small, and mean, and barren. Good only is great, and generous, and fruitful. Number the mountains, not the sands, o God! (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Walk boldly and wisely in that light thou hast - there is a hand above will help thee on (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
The best enjoyment is half disappointment to what we mean, or would have, in this world (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
It is no great misfortune to oblige ungrateful people, but an unsupportable one to be forced to be under an obligation to a scoundrel (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
The truth is perilous never to the true, nor knowledge to the wise; and to the fool, and to the false, error and truth alike, error is worse than ignorance (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
Thou wind! Which art the unseen similitude of God the Spirit, his most meet and mightiest sign (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
I am tired of looking on what is, one might as well see beauty never more, as look upon it with an empty eye. I would this world were over. I am tired (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
The world is a great poem, and the world’s the words it is writ in, and we souls the thoughts (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best (Philip James Bailey Quotes)
There is no surer mark of the absence of the highest moral and intellectual qualities than a cold reception of excellence (Philip James Bailey Quotes)