Philip Johnson Quotes
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Text Quotes
Architecture is the art of how to waste space (Philip Johnson Quotes)
All architects want to live beyond their deaths (Philip Johnson Quotes)
I’m about four skyscrapers behind (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Naturalism and materialism mean essentially the same thing (Philip Johnson Quotes)
There’s only one reason for my whole life, and that’s art. Nothing else counts; nothing else gives me pleasure; nothing else gives me satisfaction. (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Faith? Haven’t any. I’m not a nihilist or a relativist. I don’t believe in anything but change. I’m a Heraclitean - you can’t step in the same river twice (Philip Johnson Quotes)
I haven’t any wisdom - just a child like everybody else. I’m not as great as Frank Lloyd Wright (Philip Johnson Quotes)
I wouldn’t build a building if it wasn’t of interest to me as a potential work of art. Why should I? (Philip Johnson Quotes)
How does an artist know when the line that he just painted is good or not good? That’s the catch. De Kooning was the greatest of my contemporaries in art, and he knew when he’d done a good line. When he didn’t, he threw it away. I wish I’d thrown away some of mine (Philip Johnson Quotes)
In my own work, I’d say I’m a classicist, but I look everywhere for my solutions. I don’t study the toilet-living habits of my clients, although that’s a popular approach. First, I think of every building in history that has been similar in purpose. Then I think of the functional program - that’s a major part of the study (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Processionalism is primary - how you get from one place to another, the relationships and effects of spaces as you move about in them. That’s worked out awfully well in the State Theater. I’m a ‘straight-in’ man myself; I’m too nervous, I like to know where I am. I also like to know where I’m going (Philip Johnson Quotes)
We all see the world differently. And thank God for that. Otherwise, what a boring world this would be (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Concrete you can mold, you can press it into - after all, you haven’t any straight lines in your body. Why should we have straight lines in our architecture? You’d be surprised when you go into a room that has no straight line - how marvelous it is that you can feel the walls talking back to you, as it were (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Houston is undoubtedly my showcase city. I saved all my best buildings for Houston (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Architects are pretty much high-class whores. We can turn down projects the way they can turn down some clients, but we’ve both got to say yes to someone if we want to stay in business (Philip Johnson Quotes)
There’s no such thing as old age. I’m no different now than I was 50 years ago. I’m just having more fun. (Philip Johnson Quotes)
I guess I can’t be a great architect. Great architects have a recognizable style. But if every building I did were the same, it would be pretty boring. (Philip Johnson Quotes)
You’re going to change the world? Well, go ahead and try. You’ll give it up at a certain point and change yourself instead. (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Faith? Haven’t any. I’m not a nihilist or a relativist. I don’t believe in anything but change. I’m a Heraclitean - you can’t step in the same river twice. (Philip Johnson Quotes)
I haven’t any wisdom - just a child like everybody else. I’m not as great as Frank Lloyd Wright. (Philip Johnson Quotes)
It is wonderful to be in the country in a glass house, because no matter what happens out there, you’re nice and safe, you know, cuddled in your little bed, and there it is, raging storms, snowing - wonderful. (Philip Johnson Quotes)
I hate vacations. If you can build buildings, why sit on the beach? (Philip Johnson Quotes)
I wish someone would ask me to design a cathedral (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Doing a house is so much harder than doing a skyscraper (Philip Johnson Quotes)
I call myself a traditionalist, although I have fought against tradition all my life (Philip Johnson Quotes)
We do pretty much whatever we want to (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Early unsuccessess shouldn’t bother anybody because it happens to absolutely everybody (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Pick very few objects and place them exactly (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Architecture is art, nothing else (Philip Johnson Quotes)
Architecture is basically the design of interiors, the art of organizing interior space (Philip Johnson Quotes)
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