Philip Roth Quotes

Text Quotes
The book really comes to life in the rewriting (Philip Roth Quotes)
Every man’s endeavor was imbued with responsibility (Philip Roth Quotes)
Everybody else is working to change, persuade, tempt and control them. The best readers come to fiction to be free of all that noise (Philip Roth Quotes)
Oh, to be a center fielder, a center fielder- and nothing more (Philip Roth Quotes)
The pleasure isn’t in owning the person. The pleasure is this. Having another contender in the room with you (Philip Roth Quotes)
I do not say correct or savory. I do not say seemly or even natural. I say serious. Sensationally serious. Unspeakably serious. Solemnly, recklessly, blissfully serious (Philip Roth Quotes)
I think you’re a wonder. You’re beautiful. You’re mature. You are, I admit, vastly more experienced than I am. That’s what threw me. I was thrown. Forgive me (Philip Roth Quotes)
You have a conscience, and a conscience is a valuable attribute, but not if it begins to make you think you were to blame for what is far beyond the scope of your responsibility (Philip Roth Quotes)
The danger with hatred is, once you start in on it, you get a hundred times more than you bargained for. Once you start, you can’t stop (Philip Roth Quotes)
I am marked like a road map from head to toe with my repressions. You can travel the length and breadth of my body over superhighways of shame and inhibition and fear (Philip Roth Quotes)
There’s no remaking reality... Just take it as it comes. Hold your ground and take it as it comes. There’s no other way (Philip Roth Quotes)
This is what you know about someone you have to hate: he charges you with his crime and castigates himself in you (Philip Roth Quotes)
I kept waiting for him to lay bare something more than this pointed unobjectionableness, but all that rose to the surface was more surface (Philip Roth Quotes)
He was no more, freed from being, entering into nowhere without even knowing it. Just as he’d feared from the start (Philip Roth Quotes)
I work most days and if you work most days and you get at least a page done a day, then at the end of the year you have 365. So the pages accumulate and then I publish the books (Philip Roth Quotes)
You tasted it. Isn’t that enough? Of what do you ever get more than a taste? That’s all we’re given in life, that’s all we’re given of life. A taste. There is no more (Philip Roth Quotes)
Literature takes a habit of mind that has disappeared. It requires silence, some form of isolation, and sustained concentration in the presence of an enigmatic thing (Philip Roth Quotes)
A life of writing books is a trying adventure in which you cannot find out where you are unless you lose your way (Philip Roth Quotes)
Writing the last page of a book was as close as he’d ever come to sublimity, and that hadn’t happened in four years (Philip Roth Quotes)
The eulogist spoke charmingly, without a trace of sadness, almost as though he were preparing to present the corpse in the casket with a large check rather than to usher it on to the crematorium (Philip Roth Quotes)
I’m sure the liars as skillful and persistent and devious as you reach the point where it’s the one you are lying to, and not you, who seems like the one with the serious limitations (Philip Roth Quotes)
Undermining experience, embellishing experience, rearranging and enlarging experience into a species of mythology (Philip Roth Quotes)
I write fiction and I’m told it’s autobiography, I write autobiography and I’m told it’s fiction, so since I’m so dim and they’re so smart, let them decide what it is or it isn’t (Philip Roth Quotes)
Fear tends to manifest itself much more quickly than greed, so volatile markets tend to be on the downside. In up markets, volatility tends to gradually decline (Philip Roth Quotes)
Everybody has a hard job. All real work is hard. My work happened also to be undoable. Morning after morning for 50 years, I faced the next page defenseless and unprepared. Writing for me was a feat of self-preservation. If I did not do it, I would die. So I did it. Obstinacy, not talent, saved my life (Philip Roth Quotes)
This is what you know about someone you have to hate: he charges you with his crime and castigates himself in you. (Philip Roth Quotes)
American society [...] not only sanctions gross and unfair relations among men, but it encourages them. Now, can that be denied? No. Rivalry, competition, envy, jealousy, all that is malignant in human character is nourished by the system. Possession, money, property--on such corrupt standards as these do you people measure happiness and success. (Philip Roth Quotes)
Nothing has a more sinister effect on art than the artist’s desire to prove that he’s good. The terrible temptation of idealism! (Philip Roth Quotes)
Well, good Christ, how was I supposed to know all that, Hannah? Who looks into the fine points when he’s hungry? I’m eight years old and chocolate pudding happens to get me hot. All I have to do is see that deep chocolatey surface gleaming out at me from the refrigerator, and my life isn’t my own. (Philip Roth Quotes)
Son, anything can happen to anyone, my father told me, but it usually doesn’t (Philip Roth Quotes)