Phone Quotes

Text Quotes
I love the freedom of movement that my phone gives me. That has definitely transformed my life. (Phone Quotes)
I came home from school one day, and there was a phone call for me. And I picked up the phone. They said, ‘This is the Harvard Admissions Department. We’d like to let you know that you’re accepted in the freshman class.’ And I said, ‘Come on, who is this really?’ (Phone Quotes)
Our most meaningful conversations go on late at night when we’re on the phone with our friends or talking to our lovers. (Phone Quotes)
One look at an email can rob you of 15 minutes of focus. One call on your cell phone, one tweet, one instant message can destroy your schedule, forcing you to move meetings, or blow off really important things, like love, and friendship. (Phone Quotes)
She could have just told him about the magic phone. Full disclosure. Then they could have solved it together. They could have Sherlocked and Watsoned from both endsof the timeline. (Phone Quotes)
While I wanted to be supportive of Kanye [west] on the phone call, you cannot ‘approve’ a song you haven’t heard. Being falsely painted as a liar when I was never given the full story or played any part of the song is character assassination. (Phone Quotes)
There’s great value to knitting or digging up your garden or chopping up vegetables for soup, because you’re taking some time away from turning the pages, answering your emails, talking to people on the phone, and you’re letting your brain process whatever is stuck up in there. (Phone Quotes)
Don’t just buy a new video game, make one. Don’t just download the latest app, help design it. Don’t just play on your phone, program it. (Phone Quotes)
I got a call saying that George Lucas wanted to meet me. Of all the phone calls I’ve received - Oliver Stone wants to meet you; Spike Lee wants to meet you - that was the one call I never in a million years thought was going to happen. (Phone Quotes)
Phone calls are much more personal than texting and then when you get a girl on the phone, it’s like you ask a question and you get a response back. For a text message, they can read it and get back to it whenever they want to. So that makes a difference, almost like a power play in a way. (Phone Quotes)
There’ll come a writing phase where you have to defend the time, unplug the phone and put in the hours to get it done. (Phone Quotes)
When I did my first price guide in 1979, publications weren’t interested in mentioning it. Now I get phone calls weekly if not daily from publications and television shows who want to know what’s hot, how to get started in antiques, and the best way to buy antiques. (Phone Quotes)
I’m not a gadget freak, so to say. I own an iPhone, which I love, and would sorely love to upgrade to MacBook Air from my current MacBook Pro. But what gets me going is the technology behind the gadgets, new websites, new apps. And I’m way too much into social media - FB, Twitter and Instagram are always open on my phone. (Phone Quotes)
I don’t understand this whole Twitter, Facebook stuff. I don’t get it. Make a phone call. Talk to somebody. (Phone Quotes)
I’m not engaged in predicting random number generators. I actually get phone calls from people who want to know what lottery numbers are going to win. I don’t have a clue. (Phone Quotes)
I have to be honest: I don’t get many, if any - I don’t know that I’ve ever received a phone call in my office from somebody that says they’ve been discriminated against based on their sexual orientation. (Phone Quotes)
I get a phone call once every 18 months from some mad person who wants me to do something for less than no money and they give me about a week’s notice. That’s my film career, most of the time. (Phone Quotes)
So I just got on the phone and the engineer just patched me in and I did reports. I’d get a community leader and bring him to the phone, call up the station and do an interview over the phone with the guy. (Phone Quotes)
Once your kids get older and get out of the house, it’s not like it stops. They’re on the phone with me every day; I’m intimately involved in their problems. (Phone Quotes)
It’s really weird getting phone calls, and people going ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’ (Phone Quotes)
It’s really annoying when you’re trying to get to know someone and she doesn’t pay attention to you because she’s obsessed with her phone. (Phone Quotes)
The Internet is an almost miraculous way of getting information, of finding and organizing with each other, both minutely and globally. A million times better than the phone and the mimeograph! Also much better than TV, which is one-way and passive. (Phone Quotes)
That actually is one of my huge challenges right now because I write best at night, no question. I can focus. You know you’re not getting any phone calls, I can shut everything down, and I’m just more creative at night. (Phone Quotes)
Work done by other people sounds easy. How hard can it be to take care of a newborn who sleeps 20 hours a day? How hard can it be to keep track of your billable hours? To travel for one night for business? To get a 4-year-old ready for school? To return a few phone calls? To load the dishwasher? To fill out some forms? (Phone Quotes)
I wish I had never taken naked pictures of myself on a phone to send to a girl. It’s the worst thing ever. (Phone Quotes)
Most of the fans have ideas about their perfect phone. But many of them can’t do it because building a phone is tough. So they would give us feedback about the features that they think should be included in our next model. And if we incorporated that in our new phone, they will share the good news with their friends. (Phone Quotes)
Giving kids whatever they ask for is disastrous parenting. There’s no sense of something earned. I’m sorry, but when you’re 12, you don’t need a new cell phone every few months just because a new one comes out. (Phone Quotes)
I remember seeing Bill Hurt in New York once. I talked to him on the phone around 1988 and that’s about it. I was shooting in New York and somebody said Glenn Close came by the set. (Phone Quotes)
Inspiration hits me at the most annoying times. Like when I am on my bicycle going back home from the studio at 3 a.m.. I’ve many crackly recordings into my mobile phone practically inaudible from the wind rushing into the handset! (Phone Quotes)
I find that going to bed without my phone or an iPad makes me sleep better and helps me wake up without obsessing over emails. It makes my day better. (Phone Quotes)