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Phosphorus Quotes

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Who knows whether it is not true that phosphorus and mind are not the same thing?  (Phosphorus Quotes) The light of friendship is like light of phosphorus, seen plainest when all around is dark  (Phosphorus Quotes) Our deeds attach themselves to us like the flame to phosphorus. They constitute our brilliance, to be sure, but only in so far as they consume us  (Phosphorus Quotes) Literature is like phosphorus: it shines with its maximum brilliance and the moment when it attempts to die  (Phosphorus Quotes) The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claims that a moderate beer drinker - whatever that means - swallows 11 percent of his dietary protein needs, 12 percent of the carbohydrates, 9 percent of essential phosphorus, 7 percent of his riboflavin, and 5 percent of niacin. Should he go on to immoderate beer drinking, he becomes a walking vitamin pill.  (Phosphorus Quotes)