Photograph Quotes

Text Quotes
When I take a picture of somebody. When I ask somebody to take a picture of me (Photograph Quotes)
Our dreams are made of real things, like a shoebox full of photographs (Photograph Quotes)
College ID photo. FB profile photo (Photograph Quotes)
How I look taking a selfie (Photograph Quotes)
There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs (Photograph Quotes)
Looking at a photograph and wishing you could re-live that moment over and over again (Photograph Quotes)
If you want to learn what someone fears loosing, watch what they photograph (Photograph Quotes)
Photographs open doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future (Photograph Quotes)
That moment when a horse is more photogenic than you (Photograph Quotes)
Here is the photo. How the photo was taken (Photograph Quotes)
Girls on Instagram be like.. Wait! don't take my picture! Ok, now! (Photograph Quotes)
Ask your photographer to do this. It's a long exposure shot with sparklers. All they had to do was stand there very still and someone else ran around them with a sparkler. It's like a fairy tale (Photograph Quotes)
Come on Carl, pose with me! (Photograph Quotes)
The other side of the picture (Photograph Quotes)
Facebook profile. Facebook tagged photo (Photograph Quotes)
Quick, take my pic! Faceboooook!!! (Photograph Quotes)
Went to the moon, took 5 photos. Went to the bathroom, took 37 photos (Photograph Quotes)
When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence (Photograph Quotes)
To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It's at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy (Photograph Quotes)
Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst (Photograph Quotes)
Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop (Photograph Quotes)
Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs (Photograph Quotes)
You don't take a photograph, you make it (Photograph Quotes)
I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them (Photograph Quotes)
A good photograph is knowing where to stand (Photograph Quotes)
A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words (Photograph Quotes)
That awkward moment when you're showing someone an old photo of you and you're wearing the same shirt as in the photo (Photograph Quotes)
The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do (Photograph Quotes)
When I say I want to photograph someone, what it really means is that I'd like to know them. Anyone I know I photograph (Photograph Quotes)
A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into (Photograph Quotes)