Photograph Quotes

Text Quotes
What I have tried to do is involve the people I was photographing... if they were willing to give, I was willing to photograph (Photograph Quotes)
I think of something quite different from a snapshot. I know of a lot of poems, some very fine ones, that are like snapshots, but I’m more interested in poetry that is like an endless film, long stories, things that weave together many different strands, like a big piece of cloth, not like a photograph (Photograph Quotes)
I enjoy nothing more than spending time with my loved ones, young and old, and at least once a year we get together for a formal family photograph (Photograph Quotes)
I know that everyone who listens to radio creates you in a visual image that they need you to have. Whatever that is, I thought, let them have it. Let me be who the listener needs me to be and let me not contradict that with the reality of my photograph and risk disappointing them (Photograph Quotes)
My dad had been an ardent amateur photographer, and he taught me to compose a photograph from the back to the front, and then populate the picture (Photograph Quotes)
You have to kind of be invisible when you photograph children, so you use a longer lens (Photograph Quotes)
I don’t see the point of photographing trees or rocks because they’re there and anyone can photograph them if they’re prepared to hang around and wait for the light (Photograph Quotes)
For me, documentary photography has always come with great responsibility. Not just to tell the story honestly and with empathy, but also to make sure the right people hear it. When you photograph somebody who is in pain or discomfort, they trust you to make sure the images will act as their advocate (Photograph Quotes)
Fantasy isn’t something I put into the pictures; I don’t try and inject them with a sense of play. But it’s about being an honest photographer; a photograph is as much of a mirror of the photographer as it is the subject (Photograph Quotes)
I have asked students at the beginning of their careers, what things of that sort might haunt them – what things they must photograph, things they have to try to shoot even before they master the intricacies of making dye transfer prints (Photograph Quotes)
Even you, who’ve lived inside your body for 64 years, would apparently be unable to recognize your foot in an isolated photograph of that foot, not to think of your ear or one of your eyes or elbow, also familiar to you in the context of the whole, but utterly anonymous when taken piece by piece. We are all aliens to ourselves, and if we have any sense of who we are, it is only because we live inside the eyes of others (Photograph Quotes)
Don’t become a random photograph in the eyes of friends, and even your enemies, for each glance at your face will cause a declination of value and reputation. Create value, through scarcity (Photograph Quotes)
A photograph isn’t necessarily a lie, but nor is it the truth. It’s more of a fleeting, subjective impression. What I most like about photography is the moment that you can’t anticipate: you have to be constantly watching for it, ready to welcome the unexpected (Photograph Quotes)
Look at the things around you, the immediate world around you. If you are alive, it will mean something to you, and if you care enough about photography, and if you know how to use it, you will want to photograph that meaningness. If you let other people’s vision get between the world and your own, you will achieve that extremely common and worthless thing, a pictorial photograph (Photograph Quotes)
The decision as to when to photograph, the actual click of the shutter, is partly controlled from the outside, by the flow of life, but it also comes from the mind and the heart of the artist. The photograph is his vision of the world and expresses, however subtly, his values and convictions (Photograph Quotes)
Criticism is hypocrisy; society is hypocrisy. I’m a tourist. I’m a consumer. I do the things that I photograph and can be criticized of (Photograph Quotes)
The eyes sparked a lot of things for me, it could be somebody remembering something they had witnessed or heard about, or it could be the person in the photograph that was experiencing a tragedy or it could also be the spectator looking on from a safe distance (Photograph Quotes)
Watching my daughter sort of live in this world where a photograph is not something to keep a memory. It’s something to just speak with. It’s language (Photograph Quotes)
What I did for my last act as a painter, if you call me a painter, was to photograph the weave of the canvas, and enlarge it and enlarge it until it became like a landscape (Photograph Quotes)
The people that I photographed allowed me to photograph them because they didn’t want to be alone, and the truth is I didn’t want to be alone making the pictures (Photograph Quotes)
Accurate drawing, accurate colour, is perhaps not the essential thing to aim at, because the reflection of reality in a mirror, if it could be caught, colour and all, would not be a picture at all, no more than a photograph (Photograph Quotes)
The good photograph is not the object, the consequences of the photograph are the objects. So that no one would say, how did you do it, where did you find it, but they would say that such things could be (Photograph Quotes)
When we describe a process, or make out an invoice, or photograph a tree, we create models; without them we would know nothing of reality and would be animals (Photograph Quotes)
I like to capture moments. It’s like a photograph. Ten years from now you look at the photograph and you don’t remember it but rather the whole week or month around the photo (Photograph Quotes)
People in motion are wonderful to photograph. It means catching the right moment... when one thing changes into something else (Photograph Quotes)
I never paint a portrait from a photograph, because a photograph doesn’t give enough information about what the person feels (Photograph Quotes)
A photograph to me is always a reminder of how the person was on a certain day in that certain light fixed. When I look at a watercolor of that same person, it seems to me alive, more open than a photograph (Photograph Quotes)
As an emerging photojournalist in the early 70s, my focus was on trying to create stories for magazines to the exclusion of almost everything else. I wish someone had told me then that the most personally important pictures you’ll ever make are those about you and your life. I’m glad I had the chance to work for some great magazines, but I really miss those little everyday images, the ones that take place in and around your own life, which will never make the news. Don’t sell yourself short: photograph your own life, not just everyone else’s (Photograph Quotes)
I tend to always carry a camera with me. I live next to a fire station, and I’ve got lots of photos of the hook and ladder coming out of the house. And I like food, so I tend to photograph wonderfully presented food all the time. To me those are very pleasant memories (Photograph Quotes)
If you finish like a photograph, on the other hand, the picture has as much personality as a photograph (Photograph Quotes)