Photograph Quotes

Text Quotes
I came across a photograph of him not long ago... his black face, the long snout sniffing at something in the air, his tail straight and pointing, his eyes flashing in some momentary excitement. Looking at a faded photograph taken more than forty years before, even as a grown man, I would admit I still missed him (Photograph Quotes)
I began to realize that the camera sees the world differently than the human eye and that sometimes those differences can make a photograph more powerful than what you actually observed (Photograph Quotes)
The more you photograph, the more you realize what can and what can’t be photographed. You just have to keep doing it (Photograph Quotes)
Photographers mistake the emotion they feel while taking the photo as a judgment that the photograph is good (Photograph Quotes)
I don’t have anything to say in any picture. My only interest in photography is to see what something looks like as a photograph. I have no preconceptions (Photograph Quotes)
For spiritual companions I have had the many artists who have relied on nature to help shape their imagination. And their most elaborate equipment was a deep reverence for the world through which they passed. Photographers share something with these artists. We seek only to see and to describe with our own voices, and, though we are seldom heard as soloists, we cannot photograph the world in any other way (Photograph Quotes)
My true program is summed up in one word: life. I expect to photograph anything suggested by that word which appeals to me (Photograph Quotes)
Above all, it’s hard learning to live with vivid mental images of scenes I cared for and failed to photograph. It is the edgy existence within me of these unmade images that is the only assurance that the best photographs are yet to be made (Photograph Quotes)
My first priority when taking pictures is to achieve clarity. A good documentary photograph transmits the information of the situation with the utmost fidelity; achieving it means understanding the nuances of lighting and composition, and also remembering to keep the lenses clean and the cameras steady (Photograph Quotes)
I photograph from the heart. I adore little babies and I think that shows. My images are really very positive, very simple, and from the heart. Babies speak a universal language (Photograph Quotes)
When I have had such men before my camera my whole soul has endeavored to do its duty to them in recording faithfully the greatness of the inner as well as the features of the outer man. The photograph thus taken has almost the embodiment of a prayer (Photograph Quotes)
I photographed the entire thing in color because to photograph it in black and white would be to keep it as a tragedy. Because there is a tragic element to photographing, in this case not war, but the collapse. It was just destruction (Photograph Quotes)
When photographers get beyond copying the achievements of others, or just repeating their own accidental first successes, they learn that they do not know where in the world they will find pictures. Nobody does. Each photograph that works is a revelation to its supposed creator (Photograph Quotes)
When you pose for a photograph, it’s behind a smile that isn’t yours. You are angry and hungry and alive. What I value in you is that intensity. I want to make portraits as intense as people (Photograph Quotes)
It’s nothing but a matter of seeing, thinking, and interest. That’s what makes a good photograph. And then rejecting anything that would be bad for the picture. The wrong light, the wrong background, time and so on. Just don’t do it, not matter how beautiful the subject is (Photograph Quotes)
A photographic portrait is a picture of someone who knows he’s being photographed, and what he does with this knowledge is as much a part of the photograph as what he’s wearing or how he looks. He’s implicated in what’s happening, and he has a certain real power over the result (Photograph Quotes)
There’s no particular class of photograph that I think is any better than any other class. I’m always and forever looking for the image that has spirit! I don’t give a damn how it got made (Photograph Quotes)
It’s easy to photograph light reflecting from a surface, the truly hard part is capturing the light in the air (Photograph Quotes)
If the historian will be faithful to the photograph, the photograph will be faithful to history (Photograph Quotes)
The destination of the photograph is to reveal what something or somebody looked like, under a particular set of conditions, at a particular moment in time, and to transmit the results to others (Photograph Quotes)
The photograph isolates and perpetuates a moment of time: an important and revealing moment, or an unimportant and meaningless one, depending upon the photographer’s understanding of his subject and mastery of his process (Photograph Quotes)
The trouble with flowers is that invariably, when I’m ready to photograph them, they are not in season (Photograph Quotes)
Many pictures turn out to be limp translations of the known world instead of vital objects which create an intrinsic world of their own. There is a vast difference between taking a picture and making a photograph (Photograph Quotes)
A photograph is not merely a substitute for a glance. It is a sharpened vision. It is the revelation of new and important facts (Photograph Quotes)
This then: to photograph a rock, have it look like a rock, but be more than a rock (Photograph Quotes)
Photography through the camera is an instrument of detection. We photograph not only what we know, but also what we don’t know (Photograph Quotes)
A thing is not what you say it is or what you photograph it to be or what you paint it to be or what you sculpt it to be. Words, photographs, paintings, and sculptures are symbols of what you see, think, and feel things to be, but they are not the things themselves (Photograph Quotes)
The urge to create, the urge to photograph, comes in part from the deep desire to live with more integrity, to live more in peace with the world, and possibly to help others to do the same (Photograph Quotes)
I feel all things as dynamic events, being, changing, and interacting with each other in space and time even as I photograph them (Photograph Quotes)
In a photograph, if I am able to evoke not alone a feeling of the reality of the surface physical world but also a feeling of the reality of existence that lies mysteriously and invisibly beneath its surface, I feel I have succeeded. At their best, photographs as symbols not only serve to help illuminate some of the darkness of the unknown, they also serve to lessen the fears that too often accompany the journeys from the known to the unknown (Photograph Quotes)