Photographer Quotes

Text Quotes
One is not really a photographer until preoccupation with learning has been outgrown and the camera in his hands is an extension of himself. This is where creativity begins (Photographer Quotes)
I have a deep love and respect for children and I cannot imagine photographic life without them playing a major part. I hope that through my work as a photographer, I have been able to pass on my appreciation of their beauty and charm (Photographer Quotes)
Photography is a contest between a photographer and the presumptions of approximate and habitual seeing. The contest can be held anywhere (Photographer Quotes)
At 42, I decided to become a photographer because it offered a means of creative thought and action. I didn’t rationalize this, I just felt it intuitively and followed my intuition, which I have never regretted (Photographer Quotes)
If a photographer cares about the people before the lens and is compassionate, much is given. It is the photographer, not the camera, that is the instrument (Photographer Quotes)
It’s more important for a photographer to have very good shoes, than to have a very good camera (Photographer Quotes)
I only know how to approach a place by walking. For what does a street photographer do but walk and watch and wait and talk, and then watch and wait some more, trying to remain confident that the unexpected, the unknown, or the secret heat of the known awaits just around the corner (Photographer Quotes)
It fascinates me that there is a variety of feeling about what I do. I’m not a premeditative photographer. I see a picture and I make it. If I had a chance, I’d be out shooting all the time. You don’t have to go looking for pictures. The material is generous. You go out and the pictures are staring at you (Photographer Quotes)
You can’t make a great musician or a great photographer if the magic isn’t there (Photographer Quotes)
The job of the photographer, in my view, is not to catalogue indisputable fact but to try to be coherent about intuition and hope. This is not to say that he is unconcerned with the truth (Photographer Quotes)
I’m a photographer, obviously. My chosen tool for understanding life, and communicating the results of this search to others, is the camera (Photographer Quotes)
This idea fascinates me. The idea that a few seconds of watching a photographer in action can tell you his/her status in the medium. And it’s true. If you watch a photographer of merit working an event he/she does not look like an amateur (Photographer Quotes)
... one day I was speculating on how I would like to look back on life and I decided I wanted to feel that I was a photographer rather than a teacher. As simple as that (Photographer Quotes)
I never claim my photographs reveal some definitive truth. I claim that this is what I saw and felt about the subject at the time the pictures were made. That’s all that any photographer can claim. I do not know any great photographer who would presume otherwise (Photographer Quotes)
A portrait photographer depends upon another person to complete his picture. The subject imagined, which in a sense is me, must be discovered in someone else willing to take part in a fiction he cannot possibly know about (Photographer Quotes)
It is essential for the photographer to know the effect of his lenses. The lens is his eye, and it makes or ruins his pictures. A feeling for composition is a great asset. I think it is very much a matter of instinct. It can perhaps be developed, but I doubt if it can be learned. To achieve his best work, the young photographer must discover what really excites him visually. He must discover his own world (Photographer Quotes)
In practice a photographer does not concern himself with philosophical issues while working; he makes photographs, working with subject matter that he thinks will make the pictures (Photographer Quotes)
More and more are turning to photography as a medium of expression as well as communication. The leavening of aesthetic approaches continues. While it is too soon to define the characteristic of the photographic style today, one common denominator, rooted in tradition, seems in the ascendancy. The direct use of the camera for what it can do best, and that is the revelation, interpretation, and discovery of the world of man and of nature. The greatest challenge to the photographer is to express the inner significance through the outward form (Photographer Quotes)
Photography has always reminded me of the second child.. trying to prove itself. The fact that it wasn’t really considered an art.. that it was considered a craft.. has trapped almost every serious photographer (Photographer Quotes)
You must have a visual sense if you want to be a photographer. It is a very subtle thing, this visual business (Photographer Quotes)
Images of people, cities, and landscapes from the air tell a unique story about our personal space and how we relate to one another. I’ve always aimed to address the bigger picture and later trends. In many ways, what a photographer does is give others a chance to step back and look at their world and gain perspective on where we stand, and what that means (Photographer Quotes)
When the novice photographer starts taking pictures, he carries his camera about and shoots everything that interests him. There comes a time when he must crystallize his ideas and set off in an particular direction. He must learn that shooting for the sake of shooting is dull and unprofitable (Photographer Quotes)
What is of value is that a particular photographer sees the subject differently than I do. A good picture must be a completely individual expression which intrigues the viewer and forces him to think (Photographer Quotes)
The photographer projects himself into everything he sees, identifying himself with everything in order to know it and to feel it better (Photographer Quotes)
A photographer who wants to see, a photographer who wants to make fine images, must recognize the value in the familiar (Photographer Quotes)
Essentially what you’re doing is collaborating with the photographer to create an image that reflects the fashion you’re trying to capture and also hold a mirror up to the zeitgeist at the moment (Photographer Quotes)
I got a camera when I was nine years old and it wasn’t until I was a model that I realized you could be a photographer for a job (Photographer Quotes)
A camera alone does not make a picture. To make a picture you need a camera, a photographer and above all a subject. It is the subject that determines the interest of the photograph (Photographer Quotes)
The difference between an amateur and a professional photographer is that the amateur thinks the camera does the work. And they treat the camera with a certain amount of reverence. It is all about the kind of lens you choose, the kind of film stock you use… exactly the sort of perfection of the camera. Whereas, the professional the real professional – treats the camera with unutterable disdain. They pick up the camera and sling it aside. Because they know it’s the eye and the brain that count, not the mechanism that gets between them and the subject that counts (Photographer Quotes)
Thoughtfulness begins with seeing. My job as a photographer is to make that seeing easier. What we appreciate, what fascinates us, we will strive to preserve (Photographer Quotes)