Phyllis McGinley Quotes

Text Quotes
Those wearing Tolerance for a label call other views intolerable (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
The mass of men live lives of quiet exasperation (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Getting along with men isn’t what’s truly important. The vital knowledge is how to get along with one man. (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
If childhood is still a state, it is now chiefly a state of confusion (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Nothing fails like success; nothing is so defeated as yesterday’s triumphant Cause (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Please to put a nickel, please to put a dime. How petitions trickle in at Christmas time! (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Seventy is wormwood, Seventy is gall But its better to be seventy, Than not alive at all (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
People are no longer sinful, they are only immature or underprivileged or frightened or, more particularly, sick (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Sons do not need you. They are always out of your reach, Walking strange waters (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Frigidity is largely nonsense. It is this generation’s catchword, one only vaguely understood and constantly misused. Frigid women are few. There is a host of diffident and slow-ripening ones (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
A mother’s hardest to forgive. Life is the fruit she longs to hand you Ripe on a plate. And while you live, Relentlessly she understands you (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
The wonderful thing about saints is that they were human. They lost their tempers, got hungry, scolded God, were egotistical or impatient in their turns, made mistakes and regretted them. Still they went on doggedly blundering toward heaven (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Pressed for rules and verities, All I recolelct are these: Feed a cold and starve a fever. Argue with no true believer. Think-too-long is never-act. Scratch a myth and find a fact (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
History must always be taken with a grain of salt. It is, after all, not a science but an art ... (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Relations are errors that Nature makes. / Your spouse you can put on the shelf. / But your friends, dear friends, are the quaint mistakes / You always commit yourself (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Cocktail parties ... are usually not parties at all but mass ceremonials designed to clear up at one great stroke a wealth of obligations ... (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Women are not men’s equals in anything except responsibility. We are not their inferiors, either, or even their superiors. We are quite simply different races. (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
In a successful marriage, there is no such thing as one’s way. There is only the way of both, only the bumpy, dusty, difficult, but always mutual path. (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Getting along with men isn’t what’s truly important. The vital knowledge is how to get along with a man, one man. (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
A lady is smarter than a gentleman, maybe, she can sew a fine seam, she can have a baby, she can use her intuition instead of her brain, but she can’t fold a paper in a crowded train. (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
The ability to forget a sorrow is childhood’s most enchanting feature (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Not reading poetry amounts to a national pastime here (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
What in me is pure conviction is simple prejudice in you (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Time is the thief you cannot banish (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
Words can sting like anything, but silence breaks the heart (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
These are my daughters, I suppose. But where in the world did the children vanish? (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
This is the gist of what I know: Give advice and buy a foe (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
The knowingness of little girls, is hidden underneath their curls (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)
The trouble with gardening is that it does not remain an avocation. It becomes an obsession (Phyllis McGinley Quotes)