Physical Nature Quotes

Text Quotes
Great faith overcomes laws of nature that govern physical world (Physical Nature Quotes)
Pliable human nature is relentlessly pressed upon by its physical environment (Physical Nature Quotes)
Laws of nature have no physical properties of mass /energy. They are platonic truths in transcendent realm that create and govern the Universe. (Physical Nature Quotes)
Vinyl is democratic, as surely as the iPod is fascist. Vinyl is representational: It has a face. Two faces, in fact, to represent the dualism of human nature. Vinyl occupies physical space honestly, proud as a fat woman dancing. (Physical Nature Quotes)
If the nature of the work is properly appreciated and applied, it will stand in the same relation to the higher faculties as food is to the physical body. (Physical Nature Quotes)
In any attempt to bridge the domains of experience belonging to the spiritual and physical sides of nature, time occupies the key position. (Physical Nature Quotes)
In the new science of the twenty-first century, not physical force but spiritual force will lead the way. Mental and spiritual gifts will be more in demand than gifts of a physical nature. Extrasensory perception will take precedence over sensory perception. And in this sphere woman will again predominate (Physical Nature Quotes)
To the scientist, the universality of physical laws makes the cosmos a marvelously simple place. By comparison, human nature-the psychologist’s domain-is infinitely more daunting (Physical Nature Quotes)
I’ve exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years. For the most part, these communications took place before my marriage, though some have sadly took place after. To be clear, I have never met any of these women or had physical relationships at any time (Physical Nature Quotes)
I am a little older and understand the nature of the business - the older you get the more your skills supposedly diminish, but I think I am getting wiser in how to use my physical skills. That’s the frustrating part when you put so much heart and desire into things and feel like you are not wanted (Physical Nature Quotes)
Physics is becoming so unbelievably complex that it is taking longer and longer to train a physicist. It is taking so long, in fact, to train a physicist to the place where he understands the nature of physical problems that he is already too old to solve them (Physical Nature Quotes)
Remember that your dominating focus attracts, through a definite law of nature, by the shortest and most convenient route, their physical counterpart. Be careful of what you focus on (Physical Nature Quotes)
Emotional abuse is any type of abuse that is not physical in nature. It can include everything from verbal abuse to the silent treatment, domination to subtle manipulation (Physical Nature Quotes)
Philosophers and theologians have yet to learn that a physical fact is as sacred as a moral principle. Our own nature demands from us this double allegiance (Physical Nature Quotes)
I explained to him, however, that my nature was such that my physical needs often got in the way of my feelings (Physical Nature Quotes)
For since it is impossible for a created monad to have a physical influence on the inner nature of another, this is the only way in which one can be dependent on another (Physical Nature Quotes)
It takes so long to train a physicist to the place where he understands the nature of physical problems that he is already too old to solve them (Physical Nature Quotes)
We have failed to protect science against speculative extensions of nature, continuing to assign physical and mathematical properties to hypothetical entities beyond what is observable in nature (Physical Nature Quotes)
It seems to be a law of nature that no man, unless he has some obvious physical deformity, ever is loth to sit for his portrait (Physical Nature Quotes)
What is art? It is not just nature, it is nurtured nature. It is intelligence applied to what physical ability you have (Physical Nature Quotes)
All the mathematical sciences are founded on relations between physical laws and laws of numbers, so that the aim of exact science is to reduce the problems of nature to the determination of quantities by operations with numbers (Physical Nature Quotes)
Our present picture of physical reality, particularly in relation to the nature of time, is due for a grand shake up (Physical Nature Quotes)
Nature reacts not only to physical disease, but also to moral weakness; when the danger increases; she gives us greater courage (Physical Nature Quotes)
One does not, by knowing all the physical laws as we know them today, immediately obtain an understanding of anything much. I love only nature, and I hate mathematicians (Physical Nature Quotes)
Human bodies are designed for regular physical activity. The sedentary nature of much of modern life probably plays a significant role in the epidemic incidence of depression today. Many studies show that depressed patients who stick to a regimen of aerobic exercise improve as much as those treated with medication (Physical Nature Quotes)
Sometimes nature guards her secrets with the unbreakable grip of physical law. Sometimes the true nature of reality beckons from just beyond the horizon (Physical Nature Quotes)
Take away love, and not physical nature only, but the heart of the moral world, would be palsied (Physical Nature Quotes)
The history of society is the history of the inventive labors that man alter man, alter his desires, habits, outlook, relationships both to other men and to physical nature, with which man is in perpetual physical and technological metabolism (Physical Nature Quotes)
Physical nature lies at our feet shackled with a hundred chains. What of the control of human nature? Do not point to the triumphs of psychiatry, social services or the war against crime. Domination of human nature can only mean the domination of every man by himself (Physical Nature Quotes)
I’ve had years of bizarre hallucinogenic magical experiences in which I believed I had communicated with entities that may well have been disassociated parts of my own personality or conceivably some independent entity of a metaphysical nature. Both would seem equally interesting (Physical Nature Quotes)