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We’re all subjective beings and trapped in our own realities and our own biographical stories and physical bodies and our histories - and that’s the only way we can experience the world  (Physical Quotes) Often, people take herbal medicines for a physical response, but what they find is that the body also responds in an emotional way to the plant medicine that they’re taking  (Physical Quotes) Plant medicines work beyond the physical response; sometimes, it’s your spirit or emotion that needs healing, and plant medicines can address that also  (Physical Quotes) I am very invested in the physical activity and the decision-making that is involved with making paintings - nothing else is quite like it  (Physical Quotes) To play the drums, you have to spread your legs and use your arms. It’s a very physical instrument to play. It’s not feminine  (Physical Quotes) It is all about confidence: 90% mental and 10% physical, that is what basketball is. I live by that and it seems to be working  (Physical Quotes) Maintaining the relationship. But there’s also physical temptation and being on the same spiritual level, which can be difficult  (Physical Quotes) It’s a shame that physical beauty often has such a negative effect on its occupant  (Physical Quotes) I have emotional needs that I didn’t know I had, and I have physical needs that I didn’t know weren’t really needs  (Physical Quotes) The digital and physical worlds are starting to come together more seamlessly - it’s only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what’s coming  (Physical Quotes) At one point I felt a tension between objects, their real, physical lives, and the idea of meaning: the physical, material reality of a book, and the totally intangible experience of reading it  (Physical Quotes) I think it’s crazy that Bill Cosby has a mugshot for alleged assaults 11 years ago with no physical evidence or proof besides these womens accounts of what he did to them an entire decade later  (Physical Quotes) I think that physical actions are always hard to describe, to translate  (Physical Quotes) So for whatever reason those short lines just felt right to me, in my physical self. They were right for the movement of the poems. Some poems in the book have longer lines  (Physical Quotes) I lived in New York, and I was the guy who was flying home almost every week, so there was a physical exhaustion and an emotional exhaustion for me, and a need to be home more  (Physical Quotes) For me, exercise is more mental than physical. I crave it for my sanity. Not just the endorphins, but my energy, confidence, and relaxation are all motivated by it  (Physical Quotes) I try not to be judgmental. I meditate twice a day. I get some sort of physical exercise. I infuse my life with love. I love what I do, the job  (Physical Quotes) For me, whenever I’m physical it spins my mind and whenever there’s a lot going on I put my gloves on or I wrestle somebody and I feel zen  (Physical Quotes) I was drawn into acting due to the fact that I could express myself better. I could use my voice - my entire body - not just my looks, height, and physical expressions  (Physical Quotes) Keep active - do something physical each day. Could be as simple as taking the dog out for a walk (if you’ve got a dog!), but could be going for a swim, or going to the gym every day  (Physical Quotes) The nude thing, I don’t know. It’s sillier somehow. It’s more like physical comedy. But kissing someone, it feels invasive to have everybody watching me  (Physical Quotes) A lot of the people that I play with are electronic-based, so there isn’t a direct physical analogue between what they’re doing and the sound you’re hearing  (Physical Quotes) The harp was so much more gestural and physical for me than the piano - something about bringing this instrument into your body  (Physical Quotes) The only thing that gets me through any type of pain, emotional or physical, is to make it worthwhile by putting it into my work  (Physical Quotes) I think we’re just going to have to live with the microcosm in the electronic world of the kind of things that we might see in the physical world  (Physical Quotes) We recognise that Soul is eternal; It has no beginning or ending. Therefore, when a person leaves his physical body, he continues to exist, usually on a higher plane of consciousness  (Physical Quotes) Voluntary simplicity has more to do with the state of mind than a person’s physical surroundings and possessions  (Physical Quotes) For me, the martial arts is a search for something inside. It’s not just a physical discipline  (Physical Quotes) His secret realisation of his physical cowardice led him to underrate his exceptional moral courage  (Physical Quotes) Some people might think that the paintings are involved with a mythic - not just subject matter - but a certain sort of physical space that the paintings occupy...like personages  (Physical Quotes)
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