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Physical Quotes

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No matter how civilized we are and how much society has curbed violent behavior. Human beings still have the same genes they had 10,000 years ago. Our bodies are designed to have a certain amount of physical stress and violence in them. We’re designed to run from jaguars and fight to defend our territory.  (Physical Quotes) When I was growing up, it was Clint Eastwood, it was Harrison Ford and Steve McQueen - these guys were tough. They were leading men, but they were also tough and physical.  (Physical Quotes) Your basic physical makeup does influence the parts you’re offered. If you’re big, they cast you either dumb or tough, although there are exceptions. Clint Eastwood and James Arness carved out niches for themselves in Westerns. I just hope I won’t be faced with doing ‘Li’l Abner’ in dinner theater for the rest of my career.  (Physical Quotes) Physical pain was easy. It would always pass in the end. All it needed was time - a ticking clock.  (Physical Quotes) The key aspect to meditating is that you close your eyes and engage in thoughts that are positive, uplifting, and create feelings of physical and emotional relaxation.  (Physical Quotes) With clothing being designed that allows you to be hugged virtually, video conferencing becoming ever sharper, and our social and romantic lives increasingly taking place online, the gap between the physical and the virtual is getting ever smaller.  (Physical Quotes) It is extraordinary how the house and the simplest possessions of someone who has been left become so quickly sordid. . . . Even the stain on the coffee cup seems not coffee but the physical manifestation of one’s inner stain, the fatal blot that from the beginning had marked one for ultimate aloneness.  (Physical Quotes) Luckily, I discovered ice skating when I was eight and a half years old. There were two wonderful ponds within walking distance of my house. After all the physical activity the summer provided, I craved movement in the cold of winter. I had no skates, so Mom stuffed socks into my brother’s old ones.  (Physical Quotes) As technology breaks down the physical barriers of college campuses, the extraordinary intellectual capital of the educator community is becoming available to anyone committed to learning - regardless of age, income or location.  (Physical Quotes) More than any other major sport, professional or amateur, college football games are decided by the physical incompetence and downright chokery of their players.  (Physical Quotes) I’m a very physical person. I’m very tactile. I wrestled in college, so a lot of my communication with the world comes through physicality - what I take in and what I put out there.  (Physical Quotes) No one wants their stuff stolen. No one wants their physical person harmed. If you understand the implications of those two truths, you can come to see the egregious moral and practical problems of a state-managed society.  (Physical Quotes) I loved Peter Sellers. I thought he was the perfect mix of physical comedy with out-of-the-box humor. I loved his tone; I loved his physicality; I loved everything about what he was doing as a comedic actor.  (Physical Quotes) The first comic book I ever bought, I was in third grade. It was ‘Avengers,’ I think, #240. I grew up in Kansas City. And I walked into a 7-11. I had seen, like, ‘The Hulk’ TV series. I knew about comic book heroes. I knew about it, but I hadn’t actually had a physical comic in my hands until that time. And it was a big deal for me.  (Physical Quotes) The digital and physical worlds are starting to come together more seamlessly - it’s only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what’s coming.  (Physical Quotes) The spiritual world is connected with the physical world. The common factor connecting all things is true love.  (Physical Quotes) By creating so many illusory images of physical perfection, whether on store aisles or storefront ads, magazine covers or TV shows, we speak more to the profit margins of companies than the self-esteem of today’s girls.  (Physical Quotes) I get hired by companies to hack into their systems and break into their physical facilities to find security holes. Our success rate is 100%; we’ve always found a hole.  (Physical Quotes) On the actual competition days, you get about three or four hours of physical exertion - between an hour-long warm-up, recovery in-between runs, the training runs, and then the runs themselves.  (Physical Quotes) Any attempt to reduce the complex properties of biological organisms or of nervous systems or of human brains to simple physical and chemical systems is foolish.  (Physical Quotes) I always thought there was a - even in the most, quote, conceptual art, there is always a physical aspect to it. I never knew what the term meant.  (Physical Quotes) This particular school of Zen has always considered itself the Marines of the spiritual world, so it has a kind of bias against conceptual thinking in favor of a very rigorous physical life.  (Physical Quotes) Even papists could not see that a moral evil was detained in the soul through its physical connection with the body; and that it required the dissolution of this physical connection before the moral contagion could be removed.  (Physical Quotes) The theme that runs through all my books is connection. Connection - physical and non-physical - with other humans, and connection with nature are necessary for our well-being. Without it, we are depressed, lonely, and fail to thrive.  (Physical Quotes) I never liked socially conscious rap. I like rap that’s physical, that’s about a beat and bass and repetition.  (Physical Quotes) The Alexander Technique gives us all things we have been looking for in a system of physical education: relief from strain due to maladjustment, and constant improvement in physical and mental health. We cannot ask for more from any system; nor, if we seriously desire to alter human beings in a desirable direction, can we ask for any less.  (Physical Quotes) The social and physical construction of suburban America really was quite complex. It was a very elaborate system, and clearly a massive social engineering project that has changed U.S. society enormously.  (Physical Quotes) If you move furniture all day, if you’re a construction worker, if you have a job that’s real physical, this idea that there is a sport that involves the kind of conventional, traditional view of toughness, you see that still as a positive thing.  (Physical Quotes) When someone died in the wilderness of frontier America, that person’s physical remains were buried and the handcarts continued west, but the mourning survivors had hope for their loved one’s eternal soul. However, when someone dies spiritually in the wilderness of sin, hope may be replaced by dread and fear for the loved one’s eternal welfare.  (Physical Quotes) Characters in TV and theatre tend to experience a lot of conflict, so I push myself through sport to physical and emotional levels that hurt so I’ve some other reference for extreme experience that isn’t me shouting at my girlfriend or my mum. It’s a way of controlling the uncontrollable.  (Physical Quotes)
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