Physically Quotes

Text Quotes
There are no fears out there. There is nothing we cannot handle. It is just how we prepare ourselves mentaly and physically (Physically Quotes)
California has something which not every place in the world has: It has what I would call a sunny side, and I don’t mean just physically, but the sunny side is a future. California’s worth saving, to put it bluntly (Physically Quotes)
Everyone is the same for the first two minutes, everyone has a chance to win, but after that you start to seperate physically and mentally (Physically Quotes)
It’s harder to play drums than guitar, physically. I’m always kind of on the edge. I guess that’s how I play everything: on the edge of my ability (Physically Quotes)
I’ve seen how much effort has to go into a tour, the performance and also how to look after yourself, not just physically, but mentally too (Physically Quotes)
As a student of life I just want to be constantly progressing mentally, physically, and spiritually (Physically Quotes)
You can train your mental strength just like you train your body. If your body looks fit or ripped, it looks strong, and you can flex your muscles. So, physically, you have a certain strength. Mentally, it’s the same thing. You can train your psychological strength (Physically Quotes)
It is a marvellous thing to be physically a woman if only to know the marvels of a man (Physically Quotes)
I confess that when I first read that smog is particularly hazardous to children, senior citizens, and physically active people, for a brief moment I thought, I’m in the clear for at least ten years (Physically Quotes)
The worshipper of energy is too physically energetic to see that he cannot explore certain higher fields until he is still (Physically Quotes)
Military is a great place for a jock. That’s the first thing they test you, they test you physically. If you can run, if you can do the pushups, it’s not as hard a transition. If you can’t do that, you’re going to have a problem because they’re going to really work it out of you or work it into you (Physically Quotes)
Over the years, I have been asked to play these sort of scary frenetic characters that express their emotions physically (Physically Quotes)
Well, unless you’ve suffered from panic attacks and social anxiety disorders, which is what I was diagnosed as having, it’s hard to explain it. But you go on stage knowing you’re actually physically going to die. You will keel over and die (Physically Quotes)
Most women get pregnant and even though it’s a challenge physically and uncomfortable, they generally wanted to be pregnant (Physically Quotes)
If it gets to the point where I actually physically cannot have a child, there’s plenty of children in the world that need a stable home and loving parent. I’m so down for adoption (Physically Quotes)
Directing remains very psychological, and it takes a lot of time and reflection. When you’re an actor, it takes less time, and you can express yourself physically (Physically Quotes)
The older I get, the more vegetables I eat. I can’t stress that more. Eating healthy really affects my work. You not only need to be physically prepared, but mentally and spiritually (Physically Quotes)
All of the sudden, my right leg caved in. I crumpled to the floor in pain. The doctor weren’t sure I’d ever be able to play again... and even if I did recover physically, the psychological scars of so traumatic an injury might never heal (Physically Quotes)
I breastfed both my kids for two years so, you know it was very tiring emotionally and physically (Physically Quotes)
Before I started to make films, I didn’t give much thought to the way the characters were physically positioned in the story world (Physically Quotes)
Directing is physically exciting because there’s a ticking clock, you’re working with people, it’s very social, it’s very enjoyable (Physically Quotes)
When you’re the conscious captain in your kitchen, you’ll feel better mentally and physically (Physically Quotes)
I try to keep the martial arts up. It’s a good thing, not just physically but also for your mind (Physically Quotes)
There was a point in time where the thought of people even talking about me made me anxious. Physically (Physically Quotes)
I ran track in high school. I was a fragile young man, personally and physically. I tried football. That didn’t work out; I broke my collarbone. But I always loved running (Physically Quotes)
Anytime where you’re challenged, physically or mentally, you rise to the occasion in different ways (Physically Quotes)
The lips on my upper right bicep are my girlfriend’s lips. She has the most amazing lips, and I wanted to carry them around with me everywhere I go, considering I can’t carry her lips physically with me. So I decided to place them in a discreet location, such as the inside part of my bicep (Physically Quotes)
You can talk to one person for five minutes and be sick afterwards. You can be totally physically drained because their aura is so low. You can talk to someone else for an hour and just feel fine (Physically Quotes)
There are people who will think of you in negative ways. You will feel it sometimes. It can actually be physically painful if they’re somewhat powerful. You simply have to remove yourself inwardly from these individuals (Physically Quotes)
The very advanced practitioners of martial arts never had to raise a hand. They could knock an opponent down without physically touching them, just with chi, pure power. We don’t see too many of them anymore (Physically Quotes)