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Picking Quotes

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I’m not going to say it’s easy, but I do have an ease with picking up fight choreography because of my dance training  (Picking Quotes) My all-time favorite interception was picking off Peyton Manning back in 2007, the one-hander down the sideline  (Picking Quotes) I don’t like to criticize music and I had a really hard time picking out the song I hate for this because I end up seeing and working with musicians all the time  (Picking Quotes) Initially, in starting to pick the songs for the live show, it was really a matter of picking songs that I loved over the years. As far as the album goes, it happened very naturally  (Picking Quotes) It’s cold enough that I’m eagerly anticipating picking up my dog’s warm feces  (Picking Quotes) I am fully committed to this relationship unless you ask me to go apple picking  (Picking Quotes) When people argue I don’t get involved. Picking sides will make you look foolish when they resolve their issues. Mind your business  (Picking Quotes) Negative thoughts are like boogers, you keep picking at them until you capture it; then you’re stuck with a nasty little waste you can’t figure how to shake off  (Picking Quotes) We all at certain times in our lives find ourselves broken. True strength is found in picking up the pieces  (Picking Quotes) I love picking people. I started Blackstone, and we had no people, and now we have with our portfolio companies about 750,000 people all over the world. Everybody who is at a senior level has ultimately been picked by me  (Picking Quotes) Your tattoos are supposed to be some connection to your personality. That’s a lot more important than going in and just picking one off a wall. I’ve never understood why people get butterflies tattooed on their bottoms or whatever. That’s really weird  (Picking Quotes) Hillary Clinton famously talked about how raising a child takes a village. Except our society isn’t set up that way. We’re organized in nuclear units, and a single mom can ask her friends only so many times for help picking up the kids  (Picking Quotes) There’s only one cook in the kitchen, only one chef. I let the soloists do their thing - you’ve gotta let a man do a solo the way he wants - but as far as picking the tunes and working on the arrangements, I take full responsibility for it  (Picking Quotes) When you’re picking up and moving, it does create... well, I can sleep anywhere, which is really useful, it turns out, on movie sets. But what it really does is teach you how to adapt and change and fit into a new group or school, and that really is a lot like turning up to a new movie project and finding your place  (Picking Quotes) Look at Michelle Obama. Everyone keeps making a big deal about her arms being exposed, but don’t get it twisted: her arms are out for a reason. Black women have had those arms forever - lifting, picking cotton, toting and carrying babies  (Picking Quotes) That’s what I love about Nashville and the music community - seeing kids around acoustic music and bluegrass picking parties is the best  (Picking Quotes) If you’re picking your best friend based on what kind of clothes she wears or how popular she is, chances are you aren’t going to stay in touch after graduation.  (Picking Quotes) If I have to be a monotheist, y’know pick one, I’m picking vodka, it goes well with everything, all occasions.  (Picking Quotes) My all-time favorite interception was picking off Peyton Manning back in 2007, the one-hander down the sideline.  (Picking Quotes) There are a lot of people who think that’s what’s needed to be successful is always being right, always being careful, always picking the right path.  (Picking Quotes) You’ve got Washington picking winners and losers. And so, all of a sudden, decisions are being made on what helps politicians, not what helps the economy. Some will call it socialism. Some will call it a command and control economy. Whatever it is, it’s antithetical to the American experience.  (Picking Quotes) I’m all in favor of animal rights, but I’d like to see the food movement take a much stronger stand in defense of basic human rights. If you’re a vegan or a vegetarian, you should care about the people who are picking your fruits and vegetables by hand.  (Picking Quotes) I like books that aren’t just lovely but that have memories in themselves. Just like playing a song, picking up a book again that has memories can take you back to another place or another time.  (Picking Quotes) There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don’t need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain.  (Picking Quotes) I’m looking for best practices constantly. Apple has beautiful design, beautiful product, incredibly functional. But mostly it’s about picking product, getting behind it, marketing it and introducing it to a customer. What they’ve done just inspires me.  (Picking Quotes) When I was 5, 6 - so you know, memories aren’t that great - I remember coming home and I remember seeing all of our belongings on the street and a Salvation Army truck picking them up. We got taken to a shelter. And then we moved around a lot, finding places to stay.  (Picking Quotes) The thing I loved the most about being art director was picking the photographers and working with them.  (Picking Quotes) I’m interested in every aspect of fashion. I think it’s in my bones. When I was younger I used to be my mum’s stylist, picking things out for her to wear. I’d say to her, ‘If anybody asks you who styled you tonight say, ‘Georgia.’  (Picking Quotes) Cities at daybreak are no one’s, and have no names. And I, too, have no name, dawn, the stars growing pale, the train picking up speed.  (Picking Quotes) [Preparing for award shows] gets insane. The dress, the hair, the makeup...I end up always picking the dress at the last second.  (Picking Quotes)
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