Piece Quotes

Text Quotes
... they were exactly what the other needed; the missing piece that made everything else magically click into place (Piece Quotes)
Killing isn’t free. It takes something out of you every time you do it. You get their life; they get a piece of your soul. It’s always a trade (Piece Quotes)
Let me tell something, seeing your name and psychiatric ward on the same piece of paper isn’t the best way to start your day (Piece Quotes)
Isn’t it funny to think that this magnificent piece of matter is in a state of decay? Really, can you think of any other living thing that looks this glorious as it’s dying? (Piece Quotes)
Alright... here’s the deal. What’s happening in this piece is very simple, over here on this side... you see that there is a very scared little kinda guy over there... wanna know why he’s scared? Because this guy over here is trying to eat him (Piece Quotes)
From this, one can make a deduction which is quite certainly the ultimate truth of jigsaw puzzles: despite appearances, puzzling is not a solitary game: every move the puzzler makes, the puzzlemaker has made before; every piece the puzzler picks up, and picks up again, and studies and strokes, every combination he tries, and tries a second time, every blunder and every insight, each hope and each discouragement have all been designed, calculated, and decided by the other (Piece Quotes)
I let him know a hurt had been mended in a way that he couldn’t have known, and for that alone there would always be a piece of me indebted to him (Piece Quotes)
I’d like to die listening to a piece of music. I imagine this as so easy, so natural, but naturally it’s quite impossible. Notes stab too softly. The wounds they leave behind may smart, but they don’t fester. Melancholy and pain trickle out instead of blood. When the notes cease, all is peaceful within me again (Piece Quotes)
Walking with your chest out and your head held high says you have earned the right to stomp and pummel this particular piece of real estate (Piece Quotes)
The joy I feel is immense; it burns inside me as though I have swallowed a piece of the sun (Piece Quotes)
I wanna know what you see when you look in the mirror? on a day you’re feeling good.?I wanna know what you see when you look in the mirror? on a day you’re feeling bad.? I wanna know the first person who taught you your beauty? could ever be reflected on a lousy piece of glass (Piece Quotes)
I receive about 10,000 letters a year from readers, and in the first year after a book is published, perhaps 5,000 letters will deal specifically with that piece of work (Piece Quotes)
Any piece of knowledge I acquire today has a value at this moment exactly proportional to my skill to deal with it. Tomorrow, when I know more, I recall that piece of knowledge and use it better (Piece Quotes)
I never practice my guitar. From time to time I just open the case and throw in a piece of raw meat (Piece Quotes)
Life is a very sad piece of buffoonery, because we have.. the need to fool ourselves continuously by the spontaneous creation of a reality.. which, from time to time, reveals itself to be vain and illusory (Piece Quotes)
I never left the field saying I could have done more to get ready and that gives me piece of mind (Piece Quotes)
While most students were trying to draw one beautiful finished piece, I would be in the background drawing dozens of studies at different angles to use later (Piece Quotes)
One nice thing about putting the thing away for a couple of months before looking at it is that you start appreciate your own wit. Of course, this can be carried too far. But it’s kind of cool when you crack up a piece of writing, and then realize you wrote it. I recommend this feeling (Piece Quotes)
If you have not clung to a broken piece of your old ship in the dark night of the soul, your faith may not have the sustaining power to carry you through to the end of the journey (Piece Quotes)
I discovered I scream the same way whether I’m about to be devoured by a great white shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot (Piece Quotes)
Without my morning coffee I’m just like a dried up piece of roast goat (Piece Quotes)
Bringing together disparate personalities to form a team is like a jigsaw puzzle. You have to ask yourself: what is the whole picture here? We want to make sure our players all fit together properly and complement each other, so that we don’t have a big piece, a little piece, an oblong piece, and a round piece. If personalities work against each other, as a team you’ll find yourselves spinning your wheels (Piece Quotes)
As one gets older being sad and miserable can become a bit of a habit. To counteract this, she suggests making a point of savoring such things as the tastiness of a piece of fruit, or other small things we might have been prone to overlook during our younger, busier days (Piece Quotes)
Happiness is the main object of our aspirations, whatever name we give to it: fulfilment, deep satisfaction, serenity, accomplishment, wisdom, fortune, joy or inner peace, and however we try to seek it: creativity, justice, altruism, striving, completion of a plan or a piece of work (Piece Quotes)
A piece of sculpture can have a hole through it and not be weakened if the hole is of a studied size, shape, and direction (Piece Quotes)
Truth and falsity, indeed understanding, is not necessarily something purely intellectual, remote from feelings and attitudes... It is in the total conduct of men rather than in their statements that truth or falsehood lives, more in what a man does, in his real reaction to other men and to things, in his will to do them justice, to live at one with them. Here lies the inner connection between truth and justice. In the realm of behavior and action, the problem recurs as to the difference between piece and part (Piece Quotes)
At the sight of a single bone, of a single piece of bone, I recognize and reconstruct the portion of the whole from which it would have been taken. The whole being to which this fragment belonged appears in my mind’s eye (Piece Quotes)
Observation is like a piece of glass, which, as a mirror, must be very smooth, and must be very carefully polished, in order that it may reflect the image pure and undistorted (Piece Quotes)
What choices are you making in your perception of the events around you? We choose how we view our times. There is a pinch of pessimism in our culture now. Counter it with small acts of optimism. Pick up a piece of litter that isn’t yours. Show some extra grace on the freeway. Give to your food bank. Smile at a child who is in your way. Help someone you know. Help someone you don’t know. The accumulation of small, optimistic acts produces quality in our culture and in your life. Our culture resonates in tense times to individual acts of grace. What’s your choice? (Piece Quotes)
Fashion is something you attach to yourself, put on, and through that interaction the meaning of it is born. Without the wearing of it, it has no meaning, unlike a piece of art. It is fashion because people want to buy it now, because they want to wear it now, today. Fashion is only the right now (Piece Quotes)