Piece Quotes

Text Quotes
Admittedly, key archival documentation remains under lock and key and will be inaccessible for a long time to come. But enough material is available, in the form of declassified documents, memoirs, oral histories and journalistic treatments, to begin to piece together the story (Piece Quotes)
Every time you have sex, you give away a little piece of your heart, and you give that away too many times and there’s just nothing left and you’ve given away the most important part of yourself… (Piece Quotes)
The things we truly love, the things forming the basis and roots of our being, are generally things we never look at. A huge piece of carpeting, empty and naked plains, silent and uninterrupted stretches with nothing to alter the homogeneity of their continuity. I love wide, homogenous worlds, unstaked, unlimited like the sea, like high snows, deserts, and steppes (Piece Quotes)
Society is like a large piece of frozen water; and skating well is the great art of social life (Piece Quotes)
Being a child is horrible. It is slightly better than being a tree or a piece of heavy machinery but not half as good as being a domestic cat (Piece Quotes)
Every piece of music is a form of personal expression for its creator... If a work doesnt express the composers own personal point of view, his own ideas, then it doesnt, in my opinion, even deserve to be born (Piece Quotes)
What is certain is that setting a piece of nature in place and drawing it are two very different things (Piece Quotes)
Buddhism advises you not to implant feelings that you don’t really have or avoid feelings that you do have. If you are miserable you are miserable; that is the reality, that is what is happening, so confront that. Look it square in the eye without flinching. When you are having a bad time, examine that experience, observe it mindfully, study the phenomenon and learn its mechanics. The way out of a trap is to study the trap itself, learn how it is built. You do this by taking the thing apart piece by piece. The trap can’t trap you if it has been taken to pieces. The result is freedom (Piece Quotes)
Providence is like a curious piece of tapestry made of a thousand shreds, which, single, appear useless, but put together, they represent a beautiful history to the eye (Piece Quotes)
One piece of advice that always stuck in my mind is that people should be respected and trusted as people, not because of their position or title (Piece Quotes)
When everything goes right a mobile is a piece of poetry that dances with the joy of life and surprise! (Piece Quotes)
To me if there’s an achievement to lighting and photography in a film it’s because nothing stands out, it all works as a piece. And you feel that these actors are in this situation and the audience is not thrown by a pretty picture or by bad lighting (Piece Quotes)
Boulez, who is everything I don’t want art to be... Boulez, who once said in an essay that he is not interested in how a piece sounds, only how it is made (Piece Quotes)
You’ve got this piece of wood and some wires, pickups and some strings. How somebody uses that configuration to make something memorable, that’s what’s interesting to me (Piece Quotes)
When you’re living through it, though, especially when you are twelve and you think the whole world is changing until you realize it isn’t the world, it’s you, no piece seems little. It’s all so big you think it can kill you. But it doesn’t. Which is why the story goes on (Piece Quotes)
I tried sticking a piece of candy up my nose... it ended up getting stuck and the nurse had to get it out (Piece Quotes)
Each of you possesses the most powerful, dangerous and subversive trait that natural selection has ever devised. It’s a piece of neural audio technology for rewiring other people’s minds. I’m talking about your language (Piece Quotes)
I’m a pointillist, just working my tiny little piece of the canvas. I’m not so good at perspective (Piece Quotes)
No international court can ever substitute for a working national justice system. Or for a society at piece (Piece Quotes)
Writing is about a blank piece of paper and leaving out what’s not supposed to be there (Piece Quotes)
For more and more of us, home has less to do with a piece of soil than a piece of soul (Piece Quotes)
A thing may in itself be the finest piece of writing one has ever done, and yet have absolutely no place in the manuscript one hopes to publish (Piece Quotes)
Dont believe the hype. It tastes like someone scraped off the bottom of a birdcage and stuck it on a piece of toast (Piece Quotes)
You truly help people with the things that you sell. Once you are aware of that vital piece of information every demonstration, every presentation, every transaction will be delivered with a light shining from your heart. From your heart will shine a beacon that tells all prospects you can truly help and that that is your sole purpose for being there (Piece Quotes)
I believe you can never change a habit, or create one, with a word or a piece of chalk. You can talk all day, put all sorts of diagrams on the board, but a habit is not going to change. It’s a conditional reflex, created by a repetitive act (Piece Quotes)
Poetry is a rhythmical piece of writing that leaves the reader feeling that life is a little richer than before, a little more full of wonder, beauty, or just plain delight (Piece Quotes)
Perhaps I could best describe my experience of doing mathematics in terms of entering a dark mansion. You go into the first room and it’s dark, completely dark. You stumble around, bumping into the furniture. Gradually, you learn where each piece of furniture is. And finally, after six months or so, you find the light switch and turn it on. Suddenly, it’s all illuminated and you can see exactly where you were. Then you enter the next dark room (Piece Quotes)
A problem with a piece of writing often clarifies itself if you go for a long walk (Piece Quotes)
It’s about the music, it’s not about just showing people what you can do with a piece of wood with strings on it (Piece Quotes)
I may not be the strongest guy or the most well armed, but you can put me in a room with a pencil and a piece of paper and I can kill anybody (Piece Quotes)