Piece Quotes

Text Quotes
Not a piece of architecture, as other buildings are, but the proud passions of an emperor’s love wrought in living stones (Piece Quotes)
I’m a hopeless romantic. I buy things because I fall in love with them. I never buy anything just because it’s valuable. My husband used to say I look at a piece of fabric and listen to the threads. It tells me a story. It sings me a song. I have to get a physical reaction when I buy something. A coup de foudre – a bolt of lightning. It’s fun to get knocked out that way! (Piece Quotes)
It’s a strange phenomenon how this piece of wood, wheels and a turning system has made so many people so happy (Piece Quotes)
Childhood is not merely basic training for utilitarian adulthood. It should have some claims upon our mercy, not for its future value to the economic interests of competitive societies but for its present value as a perishable piece of life itself (Piece Quotes)
When you give away a little piece of your heart, you’re giving away the only thing you can give away, which, after you do, you got more left than you had before you gave some of it away (Piece Quotes)
I was taught from childhood of the sanctity of food. Not a piece of bread could be thrown away without kissing it and raising it to one’s eyes as with all things holy (Piece Quotes)
Understand that relationships are more important than contracts. Business deals are relationships between people. The signed piece of paper is important, but it’s merely the result of the relationship, not the cause. If the relationship crumbles, the contract won’t save you, although it could be very lucrative for your lawyer (Piece Quotes)
Compassion is a piece of vocabulary that could change us if we truly let it sink into the standards by which we hold ourselves and others (Piece Quotes)
I remember the first time I saw him. He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cockier spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind (Piece Quotes)
With opposite coloured bishops the attacking side has in effect an extra piece in the shape of his bishop (Piece Quotes)
Stop competing on price; compete on value. Deliver total consumer solutions, rather than just your piece of the solution (Piece Quotes)
There is no demand for women engineers, as such, as there are for women doctors; but there’s always a demand for anyone who can do a good piece of work (Piece Quotes)
One must cook a piece of meat a thousand times before one begins to truly understand it (Piece Quotes)
The business of the endgame is maneuvring to control critical squares, advancing or blockading passed pawns, preparing a breakthrough by the king, or exploiting the subtle superiority of one piece over another (Piece Quotes)
Every time I make, I’ve made a piece of work, I’ve wanted to get rid of it, obliterate it and do the next thing, because it was never quite what I wanted. I think the moment you think you’ve arrived is the moment that you should stop (Piece Quotes)
I can’t remember a single year of my life when I haven’t made a piece of theatre (Piece Quotes)
Theatre is very much concerned with the society, with the social situation... A theatre piece of itself, demands a confrontation with the audience. It demands that you connect with people; it demands a collective and social effort with the company and later with the audience (Piece Quotes)
You take a fraction of reality and expand on it. It’s very seldom totally at odds with the facts. It’s shaving a piece of reality off (Piece Quotes)
I never think that sticking slavishly to one period is successful, a touch of nostalgia adds charm. One needs light and shade because if every piece is perfect the room becomes a museum and lifeless (Piece Quotes)
Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see. I don’t know what a painting is; who knows what sets off even the desire to paint? It might be things, thoughts, a memory, sensations, which have nothing to do directly with painting itself. They can come from anything and anywhere (Piece Quotes)
A piece of writing has to seduce the reader; it has to suspend disbelief and earn the reader’s trust (Piece Quotes)
When you play a violin piece, you are a storyteller, and you’re telling a story (Piece Quotes)
People need to know more than what a piece of information means. They also need to know how the information matters (Piece Quotes)
Whatever I’m working on, I get excited. It does not matter whether I have done the same piece many times. I still can’t wait to get out to the shop in the morning (Piece Quotes)
It was always acting, singing and dancing that I loved. Not the horror of performing on the piano in front of an assembled audience of quiet people. I’d forget the piece just before I went out to do the concerto, the panic was too great. This was not anything that gave me pleasure. This was fulfilling somebody else’s dream (Piece Quotes)
The mother is the most essential piece on the board, the one you must protect. Only she has the range. Only she can move in multiple directions. Once she’s gone, it’s a whole different game (Piece Quotes)
I put a piece of paper under my pillow, and when I could not sleep I wrote in the dark (Piece Quotes)
Maybe that was how it was with all first loves. They own a little piece of your heart, always (Piece Quotes)
That’s the clarinet I used to use... but it’s just a piece of wood, you know, with holes in it and they put these clumsy keys on it and you’re supposed to try to take that and manipulate it with throat muscles and chops... and try to make something happen that never happened before. And when you do, you never forget it. It beats sex, it beats anything (Piece Quotes)
Well, you put a little piece of yourself into every character that you do. Even if you’re playing some psychotic person, which of course I’m not, some part of you is in that character and it’s hopefully believable. I always come back to the fact that my own instinct is better than something I build in my mind (Piece Quotes)