Pity Quotes

Text Quotes
Pity they didn’t devote a little more ingenuity to staying alive rather than conducting mass slaughter as efficiently as possible (Pity Quotes)
Our lives are awkward and fragile and we have only one thing to keep us sane: pity, and the man without pity is mad (Pity Quotes)
Power gradually extirpates from the mind every humane and gentle virtue. Pity, benevolence, friendship, are things almost unknown in high stations (Pity Quotes)
I need pity. I know what I feel. Great place and business in the world is not worth looking after (Pity Quotes)
Pity for him who one day looks upon his inward sphinx and questions it. He is lost (Pity Quotes)
Writing brings about a catharsis of my own terror and pity. It is something I have to do (Pity Quotes)
All men who reflect on controversial matters should be free from hatred, friendship, anger, and pity (Pity Quotes)
Pity is a thing often avowed, seldom felt; hatred is a thing often felt, seldom avowed (Pity Quotes)
Reform is born of need, not pity. No vital movement of the people has worked down, for good or evil; fermented, instead, carried up the heaving, cloggy mass (Pity Quotes)
We see how much a man has, and therefore we envy him; did we see how little he enjoys, we should rather pity him (Pity Quotes)
There is nothing which one regards so much with an eye of mirth and pity as innocence when it has in it a dash of folly (Pity Quotes)
Once more for pity, that I may keep the flavor upon my lips till we meet again (Pity Quotes)
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, as to be hated need but to be seen; yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, we first endure, then pity, then embrace (Pity Quotes)
It is the crown of justice, and the glory, where it may kill with right, to save with pity (Pity Quotes)
Be willing to pity the misery of the stranger! Thou givest today thy bread to the poor; tomorrow the poor may give it to thee (Pity Quotes)
There is nothing to do with men but to love them; to contemplate their virtues with admiration, their faults with pity and forbearance, and their injuries with forgiveness (Pity Quotes)
Pity the sorrow of a poor old man, whose trembling limbs have brought him to your door (Pity Quotes)
It is a pity that we so often succeed in our endeavors to deceive each other (Pity Quotes)
If the internal griefs of every man could be read, written on his forehead, how many who now excite envy would appear to be the objects of pity? (Pity Quotes)
Dependence is a perpetual call upon humanity, and a greater incitement to tenderness and pity than any other motive whatever (Pity Quotes)
Dim sadness did not spare that time celestial visages; yet, mixed with pity, violated not their bliss (Pity Quotes)
Remorseless time! Fierce spirit of the glass and scythe, what power can stay him in his silent course, or melt his iron heart with pity! (Pity Quotes)
Great vices are the proper objects of our detestation, smaller faults of our pity, but affectation appears to be the only true source of the ridiculous (Pity Quotes)
Death is a mighty mediator. There all the flames of rage are extinguished, hatred is appeased, and angelic pity, like a weeping sister, bends with gentle and close embrace over the funeral urn (Pity Quotes)
How different is the ready hand, tearful eye, and soothing voice, from the ostentatious appearance which is called pity (Pity Quotes)
Pity is sworn servant unto love; and of this be sure, wherever it begins to make the way, it lets the master in (Pity Quotes)
The violation of party faith is of itself too common to excite surprise or indignation. Political friendships are so well understood that we can hardly pity the simplicity they deceive (Pity Quotes)
Tis pity wine should be so deleterious, for tea and coffee leave us much more serious (Pity Quotes)
The whole world would have been destroyed if pity did not put an end to anger (Pity Quotes)
I just can’t understand why they carried on with the name. It did them no favours, and however it can be defended, it spoils the memory. It’s not so much that it’s unforgivable, but it is a pity that we don’t see each other and never talk to each other (Pity Quotes)