Places Quotes

Text Quotes
We are homesick for places, we are reminded of places, it is the sounds and smells and sights of places which haunt us and against which we often measure our present (Places Quotes)
Mystery is not always about travelling to new places, it is about looking with new eyes (Places Quotes)
I suspected, however, that I wasn’t homesick for anything I would find at home when I returned. The longing was for what I wouldn’t find: the past and all the people and places there were lost to me (Places Quotes)
One can never be bored by powder skiing because it is a special gift of the relationship between earth and sky. It only comes in sufficient amounts in particular places, at certain times on this earth; it lasts only a limited amount of time before sun and wind changes it. People devote their whole lives to it for the pleasure of being so purely played by gravity and snow (Places Quotes)
Invest in places that make sense so you can afford to live in places that don’t make sense (Places Quotes)
Early in my career I discovered that there was something really special about photographing at night that places your mind on the surface of the planet. You’re no longer just a human being walking around in the regular world. You’re a human animal striding around on the surface of the planet that’s out in the middle of the galaxy. We as a culture, we’re forgetting that we are actually natural organisms and that we have this very deep connection and contact with nature. You can’t divorce civilization from nature. We totally depend on it (Places Quotes)
Most of the wonderful places in the world were not made by architects but by the people (Places Quotes)
Libraries are magical places. There’s nothing quite like strolling the hushed aisles, letting your eye rove along dimly lit shelves. Each spine, each title, seems to beckon with a promise of incredible wonders, surprises, and adventures (Places Quotes)
During an earthquake it sometimes happens that fresh springs break out in dry places which water and quicken the land so that plants can grow. In the same way the shattering experiences of suffering can cause the living water to well up in a human heart (Places Quotes)
If you want to know who is being hurt in this society, go see what is being done and to whom in pornography and then go look for them other places in the world (Places Quotes)
We don’t tend to ask where a lake comes from. It lies before us, contained and complete, tantalizing in its depth but not its origin. A river is a different kind of mystery, a mystery of distance and becoming, a mystery of source. Touch its fluent body and you touch far places. You touch a story that must end somewhere but cannot stop telling itself, a story that is always just beginning (Places Quotes)
If you think your job is to fix what is broken, you keep finding more broken places to mend (Places Quotes)
We have to not just open our eyes to what’s going on in other places; we need to open our eyes to what’s going on right in front of us (Places Quotes)
The proper timing of an attacking plan is a difficult matter which places great strain on a player’s nerves. Mastery of this art is required for success in the international arena, but perfect mastery eludes even the very best chessplayers! (Places Quotes)
For when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through places without water, seeking rest; and not finding (Places Quotes)
If you laugh a lot, when you get older your wrinkles will be in the right places (Places Quotes)
When many little people in many little places do many little things, then the whole world changes (Places Quotes)
This way of leaving your family for work had condemned them over several generations to have their hearts always in other places, their minds thinking about people elsewhere; they could never be in a single existence at one time. How wonderful it was going to be to have things otherwise (Places Quotes)
Each morning, we return from the dream soul trying to adjust to the day world, that moment when the two souls exchange places in the driver’s seat (Places Quotes)
Crowded hallways, are the loneliest places, for outcasts and rebels,or anyone who just dares to be different (Places Quotes)
In the end, the only heritage we have is our planet, and I have decided to go to the most pristine places on the planet and photograph them in the most honest way I know, with my point of view, and of course it is in black and white, because it is the only thing I know how to do (Places Quotes)
This is the land of dreamings, a land of wide horizons and secret places. The first people, our ancestors, created this country in the culture that binds us to it (Places Quotes)
I’m not the type of person who likes to look backwards. I’ve always felt compelled to move forward and I’ve never been one to dwell in the past. All the people I’ve met, all the places I’ve been, and all the things that I’ve done have simply been part of who I am (Places Quotes)
Perhaps the most reliable route to meaning and joy, to plunging below the surface and seeking more than the superficiality of material ambition, is connection with people, places, ideas and issues. Of these, the most important are people and relationships. And the most reliable route to relationships is conversation (Places Quotes)
You need a civil society... Bushfires can achieve the change from society to community. Bushfires can. Floods can. Ghastly crimes and disasters can. Places can change... but it takes blood, sweat and tears (Places Quotes)
I realised that reading was the key that opened the door to secret lands, strange places and the worlds behind other people’s eyes (Places Quotes)
Do the things you think you cannot do. Do all the good you can, by all the means available, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, all the times you can, for as long as ever you can. Our own feelings of helplessness are our own worst enemy (Places Quotes)
Architecture can’t force people to connect, it can only plan the crossing points, remove barriers, and make the meeting places useful and attractive (Places Quotes)
Sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, and love belong to all of us, in all times and in all places. Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality (Places Quotes)
As a travel writer I’ve specialized in gritty, fearful destinations, the kind of places that make a reader’s hair stick on end (Places Quotes)