Places Quotes

Text Quotes
New York has surprised me a couple of times. I was a snob about pizza, but I’ve found one or two places that allow me to forget deep dish for a while (Places Quotes)
Physical elegance, which is what I am talking about here, comes from the body. This is no superficial matter, but rather the way that man found to honour the way he places his two feet on the ground (Places Quotes)
Lots of places to hone your skill as an artist and still earn a paycheck while you’re waiting to kick the door down (Places Quotes)
We talk about quantum weirdness and things being in two places at once, but it all involves atoms and molecules, stuff we don’t normally interact with (Places Quotes)
Dressing rooms can be vicious places, in the best possible way, from a slagging point of view (Places Quotes)
My only advice is, follow your dream and do whatever you like to do the most. I chose journalism because I wanted to be in the places where history was being made (Places Quotes)
I’m never not going to be interested in young girls who are struggling in poor places (Places Quotes)
You could never hide yourself in these places - in Mies’s Farnsworth house, for example. That was a mistake of Modernism. People need places to hide from each other, too. You need everything (Places Quotes)
There’s no point for me in being a writer and having all these blocked places where I feel I can’t think freely and imagine freely. There just really is no point (Places Quotes)
When you’re out in the field and spending time in these different places around the world, humility is one of the most important assets that will serve you well (Places Quotes)
The places that are most likely to grow trees for carbon sequestration are places where trees aren’t growing now (Places Quotes)
But still as compared to many, many orchestras in the world, I think you find a lot more new music and living composers on our programs than many other places (Places Quotes)
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go (Places Quotes)
But between sets I’d sneak over to the black places to hear blues musicians. It got to the point where I was making my living at white clubs and having my fun at the other places (Places Quotes)
You’re living in the real world now, spider said sadly. It’s come from something. It’s going to something. Myths always lie in the most difficult places to ignore (Places Quotes)
Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality (Places Quotes)
What does the earth look like in the places where people commit atrocities? Is there a bad smell, a genius loci, something about the landscape that might incriminate? (Places Quotes)
Because of the realities of human nature, perfect peace is achieved in two places only: in the grave and at the typewriter (Places Quotes)
The mind that finds its way to wild places is the poet’s; but the mind that never finds its way back is the lunatic’s (Places Quotes)
I write fantasy because it’s there. I have no other excuse for sitting down for several hours a day indulging my imagination. Daydreaming. Thinking up imaginary people, impossible places (Places Quotes)
The wayside of business is full of brilliant men who started out with a spurt, and lacked the stamina to finish. Their places were taken by patient and unshowy plodders who never knew when to quit (Places Quotes)
Yes sir, I am a tortured man for all seasons, as they say, and I have powerful friends in high places. Birds sing where I walk, and children smile when they see me coming (Places Quotes)
The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater (Places Quotes)
Be confident small immortals. You are not the only voice that all things utter, nor is there eternal silence in the places where you cannot come (Places Quotes)
It’s one of those places that are supposed to be very sophisticated and all, and the phonies are coming in the window (Places Quotes)
It isn’t just a village. The houses aren’t just places to live. Everything belongs to everybody. Everyone belongs to everyone else. Even a single person can make a difference (Places Quotes)
Under our system every voter and officeholder is a man who has demonstrated through voluntary and difficult service that he places the welfare of the group ahead of personal advantage (Places Quotes)
There was not a moving up into vacated places; there was simply an anachronistic staying on between a vanishing past and an incalculable future (Places Quotes)
Onward up many a frightening creek, though your arms may get sore and your sneakers may leak. Oh! The places you’ll go! (Places Quotes)
Do not sleep under a roof. Carry no money or food. Go alone to places frightening to the common brand of men. Become a criminal of purpose. Be put in jail, and extricate yourself by your own wisdom (Places Quotes)