Plan Quotes

Text Quotes
We’re providing planning to a huge audience who’s never had access to financial planners before. This was always my plan for LearnVest. It was in my very first pitch deck. (Plan Quotes)
When you have a lot of money, there’s so many places you can go to manage your money. But when you don’t have money, mathematically you actually need a financial plan more. You can’t really afford to make mistakes. So why is this such a luxury product? (Plan Quotes)
Long term thinking and planing enhances short term decision making. Make sure you have a plan of your life in your hand, and that includes the financial plan and your mission. (Plan Quotes)
The best way to measure your investing success is not by whether you’re beating the market but by whether you’ve put in place a financial plan and a behavioral discipline that are likely to get you where you want to go. (Plan Quotes)
What we need is a plan B ... independent of the Internet. [It] doesn’t necessarily have to have the performance of the Internet, but the police department has to be able to call up the fire department. (Plan Quotes)
You need to be prepared for firm decisions and action, without losing gentleness towards those who obstruct or abuse you. It’s as great a weakness to be angry with them as it is to abandon your plan of action and give up through fear. (Plan Quotes)
In 1971, near the middle of Nixon’s first term, he approved a plan to install a White House taping system as a way of preserving an accurate chronicle of important discussions and decisions. Except for Nixon, three aides, and the Secret Service, no one knew about the listening devices. (Plan Quotes)
No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force, (Plan Quotes)
In preschool, I would plan out my show-and-tell every week to be funny and exciting. Then in first grade I wrote a play, and my classmates and I performed it as a puppet show. (Plan Quotes)
On any journey, we must find out where we are before we can plan the first step (Plan Quotes)
Now I’m trying to work outside first person. I do plan to write more books. (Plan Quotes)
Have you ever wondered why young people take to music like fish to water? Maybe it’s because music is fun. Plan and simple. It opens up their minds to dream great dreams about where they can go and what they can do when they get older. (Plan Quotes)
Under my plan, 85 percent of America will pay no tax or have a flat tax at our lowest rate of 15 percent. (Plan Quotes)
I support both a Fair Tax and a Flat Tax plan that would dramatically streamline the tax system. A Fair Tax would replace all federal taxes on personal and corporate income with a single national tax on retail sales, while a Flat Tax would apply the same tax rate to all income with few if any deductions or exemptions. (Plan Quotes)
A foolproof plan for not getting a job - show up for your interview wearing flip flops (Plan Quotes)
I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is. (Plan Quotes)
You can’t predict it all. People will tell you to plan things out as best you can. They will tell you to focus. They will tell you to follow your dreams. They will all be right. (Plan Quotes)
God has a plan for you - I can promise you that. Your life is sacred. There is and always has been a path for your soul, and if you follow that path, it will lead you to the inner utopia that your soul longs to experience in this lifetime. (Plan Quotes)
Some people in Hollywood think of me as a model for dramatic midlife transitions: suburban housewife to Emmy-winning actress. But I never plotted a master plan for following my dreams. (Plan Quotes)
You can make your marriage a little bit of heaven on earth by following God’s plan of teamwork (Plan Quotes)
On YouTube you can tell what countries are watching and I’ve definitely noted a strong Australian following. You can plan your tours around where the love is on Twitter and YouTube - before, you couldn’t tell. (Plan Quotes)
The concept of being a locavore, or one who chooses whenever possible to incorporate locally grown or locally produced food into one’s nutrition plan, is of great importance. (Plan Quotes)
If acting doesn’t work out, I plan to do food photography and just eat my way through the entire world. I’m a big foodie, and if I could make some career out of it, that would be fantastic. (Plan Quotes)
Rules dieters’ find limitations oddly freeing, because the restrictions create a framework that’s easy to follow. Essentially, rules dieters don’t do well when they’re let off plan, mainly because they are usually emotionally attached to food in some way. (Plan Quotes)
In doing your work in the great world, it is a safe plan to follow a rule I once heard on the football field: Don’t flinch, don’t fall; hit the line hard. (Plan Quotes)
I think in China, they know you have to have a solid nationwide plan. It does not help to have a football hotspot in the north or the south. (Plan Quotes)
Love doesn’t seem to follow a plan; it’s not a series of steps. It can hit with the force of nature - an earthquake, a tidal wave, a storm of wild, relentless energy that is beyond your simple attempts at control. (Plan Quotes)
From a place of stillness, openness, forgiveness and acceptance you can renew your commitment to any eating plan you like. (Plan Quotes)
I have come to see the real clash of the ages, involve wars and various historical circumstances, as being a clash of satan’ s versus God’s plan for man to learn and experience true liberty, by first receiving forgiveness of sins through the work of Christ on the cross, and then walking in the ‘newness of life. (Plan Quotes)
I don’t think I ever thought of growing up to be anything other than a musician. There really wasn’t a plan B. Well, a kind of a distant plan B was to be a Formula One driver, but there really wasn’t an entry point. (Plan Quotes)