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Planet Quotes

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The life that we see on our small planet is not necessarily a great reflection of the entire universe. The people are beautiful, but they tend to destroy one another. That’s not an operative principle in all dimensions  (Planet Quotes) My biggest dream is that my words will inspire heart, hope and personal responsibility in people around the globe long after my feet in these shoes aren’t walking the planet  (Planet Quotes) What if most of the technologies readers and cinemagoers are presented with in bestselling books and blockbuster movies are not science fiction, but science fact? What if they currently exist on the planet, but are suppressed from the masses?  (Planet Quotes) We will either defend the rights of people and the earth, and for that we have to dismantle the rights that corporations have assigned to themselves, or corporations will in the next three decades destroy this planet, in terms of human possibilities  (Planet Quotes) What has become clear from the science is that we cannot burn all of the fossil fuels without creating a very different planet  (Planet Quotes) There are 6.6 billion people on the planet today. With organic farming we could only feed four billion of them. Which two billion would volunteer to die?  (Planet Quotes) Harlem is a stage. It’s like its own planet, from the way we dress to the swag in the way we walk and talk  (Planet Quotes) It all changed when I realized I’m not the only one on the planet who’s scared. Everyone else is, too  (Planet Quotes) It has become very difficult for anyone to argue that observed global warming is natural variability. We have good reason for being able to say that the world will be warmer by about a quarter of a degree in the next decade. It’s the same reason we had 10 years ago when we said that the 1990s would be warmer than the 1980s: The planet is out of equilibrium  (Planet Quotes) I’m not the most loved person on the planet. People assume they understand who I am by what I do  (Planet Quotes) I wanted my first film to be something where I was surrounded by an amazing cast. I wanted to do something that was completely unexpected, totally out of the box, something that would blow people’s minds, that the last thing on the planet earth they would ever think I would do would be it  (Planet Quotes) Transmitted at the speed of light, all events on this planet are simultaneous. In the electric environment of information all events are simultaneous, there is no time or space separating events  (Planet Quotes) No people are uninteresting. Their fate is like the chronicles of planets. Nothing in them is not particular, and planet is dissimilar from planet  (Planet Quotes) To give us room to explore the varieties of mind and body into which our genome can evolve, one planet is not enough  (Planet Quotes) Life itself is just a thin coat of paint on the planet, and we hold the paintbrush  (Planet Quotes) Loneliness... has very little to do with location. It’s a state of mind. In the centre of every city are some of the loneliest people in the world... because our whole planet was just outside the window, I felt even more... connected to the seven billion other people  (Planet Quotes) The overarching factor to me is if we can’t be kind to each other, we won’t be kind to the planet  (Planet Quotes) Anyone who thinks that you can have infinite growth on a planet with finite resources is either a madman or an economist  (Planet Quotes) I spent more hours than I can count a quiet witness to the highly mannered, manifold expressions of life that grace our planet. It is something so bright, loud, weird and delicate as to stupefy the senses  (Planet Quotes) We artists give daily thanks for the miracle of our planet and for the inclination and the capability to honour it  (Planet Quotes) Very few people become enlightened in any given lifetime. On the planet earth their might be a dozen who are fully enlightened and several thousand who live in enlightened states of mind  (Planet Quotes) I hope to direct a few more films before I leave the planet, so I hope I can find the material  (Planet Quotes) We’re going to leave this planet at some point further than we have, we’re going to go beyond the moon, we’re going to go to mars. We all kind of know that on some level, I think actually. So there’s an inevitability to human evolution, this being the next step  (Planet Quotes) Without equity, pandemic battles will fail. Viruses will simply recirculate, and perhaps undergo mutations or changes that render vaccines useless, passing through the unprotected populations of the planet  (Planet Quotes) Never, in all of the seventy billion humans who have walked this planet since the beginning of time has there been anyone exactly like you. Never, until the end of time, will there be another such as you. You have shown no knowledge or appreciation of your uniqueness. Yet, you are the rarest thing in the world  (Planet Quotes) Obama wants to be thought of as the president who freed us from foreign oil. But if he doesn’t show some political courage, he may well be remembered as the president who cooked the planet  (Planet Quotes) We have every resource necessary to provide access to education for every child on the planet; we just need to commit to enabling it  (Planet Quotes) The body stores the trauma of our lives in muscular rigidity, thereby keeping us stuck in the past. When we release the tension in the body and align ourselves with gravity, we take a new stand in life. This allows us to be at ease with ourselves and in harmony in our relationship to others and to our planet  (Planet Quotes) Nothing shall warp me from the belief that every man is a lover of truth. There is no pure lie, no pure malignity in nature. The entertainment of the proposition of depravity is the last profligacy and profanation. There is no skepticism, no atheism but that. Could it be received into common belief, suicide would unpeople the planet  (Planet Quotes) I’m lost in space and I want to find a way home. Nobody else can get me back to the planet, so I have to do it myself  (Planet Quotes)
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