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Planet Quotes

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A life devoted to science is therefore a happy life, and its happiness is derived from the very best sources that are open to dwellers on this troubled and passionate planet  (Planet Quotes) Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations  (Planet Quotes) A hobby is the result of a distorted view of things. It is putting a planet in the place of a sun  (Planet Quotes) No, every person on this planet has darkness inside them. Buried so deep that only you know it’s there when your world is coming to an end. Oh, but it’s there. It’s always there  (Planet Quotes) If we don’t save the oceans, if we don’t do something about what we’re doing to the oceans, as well as the planet at large, we’re going to be really sorry  (Planet Quotes) The world needs to listen to the cry of the earth, which is asking for help. If you carry on killing people and you continue to destroy nature and you take out all the oil, the minerals and the wood, our planet will become ill and we’ll all die  (Planet Quotes) Technology enables us to work every minute of every day from any place on the planet  (Planet Quotes) Many can argue that it is our power of intelligence that is the key to the human domination of our planet. I suggest that it is the ability to put our thoughts into words that can be communicated to others  (Planet Quotes) To ensure prosperity here at home and peace abroad, we all share the belief we have to maintain the strongest military on the planet  (Planet Quotes) As the new spirituality begins to become the pervasive spirituality of the planet, we’ll find that we have abandoned our philosophy of contradictions in which we say we’re all one but continue to try to win  (Planet Quotes) When I was a kid, I was obsessed with different planets in the solar system, and I used to create, for every single planet, a different alien race with a certain kind of pet, a certain kind of house, a certain kind of water system, and everything  (Planet Quotes) If there is one person on the planet who still is suffering from loneliness and from pain or despair, and we don’t know about it, or we don’t want to know about it, then something is wrong with the world  (Planet Quotes) I am passionate about many things but conserving our planet and its species is a high priority of mine  (Planet Quotes) If you want to improve the situation of the poorest two billion on the planet, having the price of energy go down substantially would be the best thing you could do for them  (Planet Quotes) So, in effect, what I’m saying is that my research is very strongly pointing to the fact that the extraterrestrials are not coming, they’re not going to invade, they’ve actually been controlling this planet, increasingly, for thousands of years  (Planet Quotes) I think it’s a major epidemic in women, faking orgasms. So many women in this world feel like they are put on this planet to please men, that they have to fake, and they never worry about their own pleasure  (Planet Quotes) I’m not pessimistic. It is the world that is terrible. How can we be optimistic in the face of a planet where people live so badly, nature is being destroyed and the dominant empire is money?  (Planet Quotes) I always had an interest in the environment... to protect our planet... for the ocean to go on  (Planet Quotes) Recognition of the harm that patriarchy has caused to people and the planet does not mean that men are wrong and women are right; rather it is a call for new organizational forms and for relishing gender differences within a context of equality  (Planet Quotes) The last player you want the ball to go to is the best player on the planet  (Planet Quotes) Above all, we must understand that in leaving the toxic ways of the present we are healing ourselves, our places, and our planet. We rebel not as a last act of desperation but as a first act of creation  (Planet Quotes) All that is told of the sea has a fabulous sound to an inhabitant of the land and all its products have a certain fabulous quality, as if they belonged to another planet  (Planet Quotes) We live in a competitive society. To pretend that it is not there is ridiculous. That is how the whole planet is set up. If you are not competitive, you do not succeed, you do not survive  (Planet Quotes) It is astonishing to realise that the human species survived hundreds of thousands of years, more than 99 percent of its time on this planet, with a life expectancy of only eighteen years  (Planet Quotes) The word religion has such bad connotations for me, that it’s been responsible for wars, and it shouldn’t be that way at all, it’s just the way the meaning of the word has evolved to me. I have to wonder what we did on this planet before religion  (Planet Quotes) The observations that have developed over the years have given us perspective about where we fit in. We are newcomers, really recent arrivals on a planet that is four and a half billion years old  (Planet Quotes) It’s important to be conscious of the world we live in. We get one chance, as far as I’m concerned, but we all leave an echo. It’s important that our echo resonates positively on the planet and its inhabitants after we’re gone  (Planet Quotes) We share this planet, our home, with millions of species. Justice and sustainability both demand that we do not use more resources than we need  (Planet Quotes) There is a reason why you are here on this beautiful blue planet. Even if you aren’t clear about what that reason is, the universe is gently nudging you forward in every moment. You are enough just as you are  (Planet Quotes) Time is weird in your twenties. It’s intense, and you feel like it’s running out. But you’ll get to thirty and see you are still here on the planet  (Planet Quotes)
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