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Planet Quotes

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It’s hard to appreciate the importance of the rainforest because it seems so far away, but it’s vital to the survival of the planet as we know it  (Planet Quotes) You have your own perceptions as an artist because you’re put on this planet to create mystery, but you’re put here to unravel mysteries too  (Planet Quotes) It must become a right of every person to die of old age. And if we secure this right for ourselves, we can, coincidentally, assure it for the planet  (Planet Quotes) What would happen if all the populations on the planet simply refused to fight human beings they did not even know?  (Planet Quotes) Trying to be funny is one of the hardest things on the planet. I think that’s tough for everyone. If you’re just naturally funny it’s a hell of a lot easier  (Planet Quotes) Music has always been a location for me to run to, whether it’s through someone else’s song or my own. I can observe my own planet from this foreign land and things make sense within the telescopic lens of song  (Planet Quotes) Children are forced to live very rapidly in order to live at all. They are given only a few years in which to learn hundreds of thousands of things about life and the planet and themselves  (Planet Quotes) The better part of valor is to spend it learning to live with differences, however hostile, unless and until we can find another planet  (Planet Quotes) Who can say which is the greater sign of creative power, the sun with its planet system swinging with governed impetus to some incalculable end, or the gold sallow catkin with its flashing system of little flies?  (Planet Quotes) We are so little, so ignorant, so feeble an infant race crawling on a planet between immensities we haven’t even begun to understand, that really we have no grounds for either congratulation or despair  (Planet Quotes) It’s not by accident that the pristine wilderness of our planet disappears as the understanding of our own inner wild nature fades  (Planet Quotes) This planet might be able to support perhaps as many as half a billion people who could live a sustainable life in relative comfort. Human populations must be greatly diminished, and as quickly as possible to limit further environmental damage  (Planet Quotes) Maybe we have enough technology to save the planet but it is not enough because the people are not ready  (Planet Quotes) If I could time travel into the future, my first port of call would be the point where medical technology is at its best because, like most people on this planet, I have this aversion to dying  (Planet Quotes) We have an arsenal of ideas about land use possibly as dangerous to human life on the planet as the use of nuclear arms  (Planet Quotes) The planet needs trees. If there is indeed that carbon dioxide out there in the atmosphere, the only species on the planet that can actually trap it for us in a natural process of photosynthesis are the trees  (Planet Quotes) Resources on the planet are limited, and limited resources can come to an end. But there are also a lot of resources that are renewable. A lot of land, for example, can be reclaimed from the encroaching deserts  (Planet Quotes) I believe in helping the planet survive, and that includes reaching out to help some of the disappearing creatures whose habitats we’re destroying. It’s up to us to somehow reverse that trend. I don’t know how we’ll achieve it, but we need to  (Planet Quotes) In my lifetime, I want to see humanity start being conscious of our waste, the things we buy, and how we can reuse and recycle things. I want people to live harmoniously with our planet. I hope everybody wakes up and appreciates life  (Planet Quotes) Everybody is a hypocrite. You can’t live on this planet without being a hypocrite  (Planet Quotes) Sanity is tenuous. Tenuous. Comes and goes. Many of the brightest people floating about this planet have only a finger’s grip on sanity, if that  (Planet Quotes) Celebrity! It’s become the most disgusting word on the planet. It makes me sick to my stomach  (Planet Quotes) The dinosaurs aren’t remembered for much more than their bones. When humanity’s gone, what do we give to this little planet that we’re on, and what could we do collectively, removing the pride?  (Planet Quotes) If we drive our fellow species to extinction, we will leave a far more desolate planet for our descendants than the world we inherited from our elders  (Planet Quotes) We are safer if there are not nuclear arsenals around the planet that can be utilized, stolen, sold to terrorists and others who would do harm  (Planet Quotes) Manhattan, one of the most moneyed spots on the planet, also has one of the greatest concentrations of people in its skyscrapers. Its also, of course, the place where every architect wants to build his tower  (Planet Quotes) Today we understand that the future of humanity very much depends on our planet, and that the future of the planet very much depends on humanity  (Planet Quotes) Each generation has its own rendezvous with the land, for despite our fee titles and claims of ownership, we are all brief tenants on this planet. By choice, or by default, we will carve out a land legacy for our heirs  (Planet Quotes) We can no longer continue with a status quo energy policy. We must create sustainable clean energy jobs and leave the planet to our children and grandchildren in better shape than we found it  (Planet Quotes) I think about our planet. I mean how to make it a better planet. The global warming issue is a concern to me very much. Just make the world a better, happier place. It’s our home. I’d like to see us do a better job of taking care of it  (Planet Quotes)
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