Planet Quotes

Text Quotes
We live on the most incredible planet, and yet we abuse it, and we abuse it mercilessly (Planet Quotes)
You can say, like, planet Earth has an existing geology, and what we do as human beings and as architects is that we try to sort of alter and modify and expand the geology (Planet Quotes)
I wear anything of culture, from the Earth or beyond. The whole planet is my shop (Planet Quotes)
I’d like to work with Bjork if I could get in the studio with her. We could probably travel to a different planet, you know what I’m saying? (Planet Quotes)
You know, sometimes you’re jealous of other people and their achievements, and you wanna be that person, but I’ve come to realize that each individual on this planet has his own path (Planet Quotes)
This planet is 15 million years overdue for an asteroid strike like the one that killed the dinosaurs (Planet Quotes)
Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal (Planet Quotes)
It is easier for a man to be loyal to his club than to his planet; the bylaws are shorter, and he is personally acquainted with the other members (Planet Quotes)
For in the final analysis, our most basic common link, is that we all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children’s futures, and we are all mortal (Planet Quotes)
Is just a makeshift, suitable for an overcrowded and overheated planet. It carries on when love gives out, and love generally gives out as soon as we move away from our home and our friends (Planet Quotes)
The realisation that our small planet is only one of many worlds gives mankind the perspective it needs to realise sooner that our own world belongs to all its creatures (Planet Quotes)
We have no control over the outcome of anything. Like the planet and global warming, we don’t control that. If politicians want a war we don’t control that. Acts of terrorism, we can’t control them (Planet Quotes)
One of the gifts our planet gave us is to love completely. Without jealousy or insecurity or fear. Without pettiness. Without anger (Planet Quotes)
If humans were to model the lifestyle displayed by healthy community of cells, our societies and our planet would be more peaceful and vital (Planet Quotes)
Every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable.. The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us (Planet Quotes)
The frogs hopping indoors agree that we are on a prison planet. They themselves are frog criminals that were convicted of doing frog crimes (Planet Quotes)
The real problems of our planet are not economic or technical, they are philosophical. The philosophy of unbridled materialism is being challenged by events (Planet Quotes)
Never have the nations of the world had so much to lose, or so much to gain. Together we shall save our planet, or together we shall perish in its flames (Planet Quotes)
We share this planet with many species. It is our responsibility to protect them, both for their sakes and our own (Planet Quotes)
Each species on our planet plays a role in the healthy functioning of natural ecosystems, on which humans depend (Planet Quotes)
Coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life the universe (Planet Quotes)
We believe that when men reach beyond this planet, they should leave their national differences behind them (Planet Quotes)
Remember this: once the human race is established on more than one planet and especially, in more than one solar system, there is no way now imaginable to kill off the human race (Planet Quotes)
The defining challenge of the 21st century will be to face the reality that humanity shares a common fate on a crowded planet (Planet Quotes)
In reality, the main thing that keeps me awake at night is probably the destruction of the planet that’s what gets me pretty upset (Planet Quotes)
Anger, depression, guilt, and shame are the product of the thinking that is at the base of violence on our planet (Planet Quotes)
If your company disappeared, would it leave a gaping hole that could not easily be filled by any other enterprise on the planet (Planet Quotes)
We are here because there are things that need our help. Like the planet. Like each other. Like animals. The world is like a garden, and we are its protectors (Planet Quotes)
I want my girls to love math. I want them to think that being a scientist is the coolest possible job on the planet. I want them to not be afraid to lean toward their femininity (Planet Quotes)
Kansas is a piece of real estate that completely disproves the theory of roundness as a quality of the planet earth (Planet Quotes)