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Planing Quotes

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In all planing you make a list and you set priorities  (Planing Quotes) He stole my heart and I am planing for revenge. I'm going to steal his last name!  (Planing Quotes) If my impressions are correct, our educational planing mill cuts down all the knots of genius, and reduces the best of the men who go through it to much the same standard  (Planing Quotes) Dear Alec and Magnus, It’s Izzy. Got your card. Glad you’re having fun. Nothing’s happening here-Clary’s mom is marrying some werewolf. I think you guys should get married too. I’m thinking about planing it. I love planing parties. -Isabelle  (Planing Quotes) Long term thinking and planing enhances short term decision making. Make sure you have a plan of your life in your hand, and that includes the financial plan and your mission.  (Planing Quotes)