Plans Quotes

Text Quotes
That awkward moment when your friends make plans right in front of you and the plans don’t include you (Plans Quotes)
God loves you more than you love yourself. His plans for you are even better than your own plans (Plans Quotes)
When I was young, the early death of my father cast a shadow over me - and I was afraid to die before all my literary plans came true. But between 30 and 40 years of age my attitude to death became quite calm and balanced. I feel it is a natural, but no means the final, milestone of one’s existence (Plans Quotes)
I used to have all these plans and think ‘Ah, I have my whole life figured out’, but then I realized no matter how much I plan: life happens! So I find myself living day to day trying to do my best, embracing every moment as a learning opportunity and chance to get to know myself a little more (Plans Quotes)
Prayer concerns God, whose purposes and plans are conditioned on prayer. His will and His glory are bound up in praying (Plans Quotes)
Few people asking about my post Westlife plans!? I’ll be making a solo album of course! The process has already started actually ;) (Plans Quotes)
For centuries, dreams have been used to communicate instruction and direction to people of purpose - great men and women. God used dreams to prepare Joseph for his future as a leader of nations. He gave battle plans to Gideon in a dream. Joan of Arc, Jacob, George Washington, Marie Curie, and the apostle Paul were all guided by their dreams (Plans Quotes)
People made a big deal out of the fact this is the first time a sitting president has done a late-night show. We tried to have other presidents on, but President Bush went to bed every night at 9:00. And President Clinton always seemed to have other late-night plans (Plans Quotes)
In Iraq, four American soldiers have been arrested and charged with stealing a million dollars cash. After hearing about it the Fox network announced plans for a new reality show called ‘GI Joe Millionaire.’ (Plans Quotes)
Willpower is a myth. The problem with trying to use willpower to achieve and sustain a behavioral change is that it is fueled by emotion. And as we all know, our emotions are, at best, fickle. They come and go. When your emotions start running down -- and they will -- even your best-laid plans will fall flat (Plans Quotes)
I want the ability to monitor high-tech communications among far-flung terrorists. I want to be able to have our people learn their plans before they strike. That’s the key (Plans Quotes)
There really is no such thing as failure. There is only the rearrangement of plans and surrender of ego (Plans Quotes)
I have learnt not to make plans in life, because a lot of time you make a plan that is not going to work for you. Right now I am working on my career and trying to be genuine to my work. If you respect what you have got, God will give you what you need (Plans Quotes)
I have long-range plans, but you always have to wait for business to catch up with you. It’s a matter of contracts and meetings catching up with your ideas of what you want to accomplish in life (Plans Quotes)
People build continuity into their life: Places, friends and goals. We go to work on Monday with plans for Friday night, enroll as freshmen intending to be seniors and save money for retirement. We try to control what comes next and shape it to meet our will (Plans Quotes)
There are plans for a new high-speed train between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It will make the trip time 30 minutes. People in L.A. are like, Yes! And people in San Francisco are like, Yeah, sure, great. We look forward to seeing you (Plans Quotes)
Until you accept total responsibility - no matter what - you won’t be able to put plans in place to accomplish your goals (Plans Quotes)
An important part of any focusing regimen is to set aside time at the end of the day - just before going to sleep - to acknowledge your successes, review your goals, focus on your successful future, and make specific plans for what you want to accomplish the next day (Plans Quotes)
Life never goes according to plan. That’s okay, because often our plans are much smaller than life intends. Probably EASIER, but smaller (Plans Quotes)
Wills are trumped by legal titles to real estate or beneficiary designations on financial accounts, retirement plans and insurance policies (Plans Quotes)
...decide for yourself what makes you truly happy and then organize your life around it. Write down your goals and make plans to achieve them (Plans Quotes)
Make plans for your new goals. And press towards achieving the goals with all your strength (Plans Quotes)
Once you’re more aware of people’s needs, you can create action plans for others to follow. That way, you’re responsible for your own well-being, too (Plans Quotes)
Do you feel like your action plans are stronger to than your capability? Just take a moment a draw a plan of how to deal with the difficult task with a single bite at each time. Go slow, but sure! (Plans Quotes)
People who have fully prepared always save time. Albert Einstein was right to teach that if he is given six hours to chop down a tree, he would spend the first four sharpening the axes. When you are done with your action plans, work will be easier! (Plans Quotes)
Wishes and wants do not transform a person; actions and reactions do so! Show the world your plans by the actions you take progressively and consistently. (Plans Quotes)
We set goals or goals set us, a difficult question indeed to solve. Still to simplify, I recommend a walk towards the goal. If you reach the goal good enough! If you don’t reach don’t ever try to adjust the goals but feel free to adjust your action plans. I know it will work miracle. (Plans Quotes)
State intentions every day. Create action plans to achieve your intention. (Plans Quotes)
There is no fate that plans men’s lives. Whatever comes to us, good or bad, is usually the result of our own action or lack of action. (Plans Quotes)
Now, if you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed. (Plans Quotes)