Plant Quotes

Text Quotes
A practical botanist will distinguish at the first glance the plant of the different quarters of the globe and yet will be at a loss to tell by what marks he detects them (Plant Quotes)
Parents can plant magic in a child’s mind through certain words spoken with some thrilling quality of voice, some uplift of the heart and spirit (Plant Quotes)
We’re not that far from being able to plant images, memories, and emotional states directly into the brain (Plant Quotes)
I ended up buying a restaurant. Already we had invested in a gas station and a metal products plant (Plant Quotes)
I hope that while so many people are out smelling the flowers, someone is taking the time to plant some (Plant Quotes)
Plant a radish, get a radish, never any doubt. That’s why I love vegetables, you know what they’re about! (Plant Quotes)
For before this I was born once a boy, and a maiden, and a plant, and a bird, and a darting fish in the sea (Plant Quotes)
Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven’t done a thing. You are just talking (Plant Quotes)
Good, honest, hardheaded character is a function of the home. If the proper seed is sown there and properly nourished for a few years, it will not be easy for that plant to be uprooted (Plant Quotes)
I think that no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature’s rebirth? (Plant Quotes)
The new growth in the plant swelling against the sheath, which at the same time imprisons and protects it, must still be the truest type of progress (Plant Quotes)
Since the death instinct exists in the heart of everything that lives, since we suffer from trying to repress it, since everything that lives longs for rest, let us unfasten the ties that bind us to life, let us cultivate our death wish, let us develop it, water it like a plant, let it grow unhindered. Suffering and fear are born from the repression of the death wish (Plant Quotes)
Hence it is that old men do plant young trees, the fruit whereof another age shall take (Plant Quotes)
If a power station were to be built down the road, I’d prefer a nuclear plant over an oil burner, and definitely over a coal burner. We simply have to lessen our consumption of fossil fuels (Plant Quotes)
It’s easy to plant a seed and sprinkle it with water, but once the sun scorches the ground, and the earth soaks up all the moisture, you’re left with nothing but a thirsty little flower trying desperately to make it out of the dirt (Plant Quotes)
Even as a very young man, I knew that my family is like a plant. Uproot it, and it will wilt. Pluck away at it, and it will die. But leave it to thrive in the soil, untouched, and it will weather both gods and winds. It is born with the soil, and it will live so long as the soil shall live (Plant Quotes)
Every tree and plant in the medouw seemed to be dancing, those with average eyes would see as fixed and still (Plant Quotes)
A friend is like anything else. A dog, a plant. You ignore them and they tend to die on you (Plant Quotes)
Look after each other. As a couple. When you have kids, you’ll want to put them first. Don’t. Marriage is like a plant. To keep it alive you’ve got to water it and feed it. If you don’t, when the kids are gone, you’ll look in the corner and it’ll be dead (Plant Quotes)
To reap a return in ten years, plant trees. To reap a return in 100, cultivate the people (Plant Quotes)
Time to plant tears, says the almanac. The grandmother sings to the marvelous stove and the child draws another inscrutable house (Plant Quotes)
Living means constantly growing closer to death. Satisfaction only temporarily relieves hunger. Find the balance, and plant your feet (Plant Quotes)
Education, if it means anything, should not take people away from the land, but instill in them even more respect for it, because educated people are in a position to understand what is being lost. The future of the planet concerns all of us, and all of us should do what we can to protect it. As I told the foresters, and the women, you don’t need a diploma to plant a tree (Plant Quotes)
I keep trying to forget, but I must remember. And gather the scattered continents of a self, once whole. Before they plant flags and boundary my destiny. Push down the watered mountains that blemish this soiled soul before the valleys of my conscience get the best of me. I’ll need a passport just to simply reach the rest of me. A vaccination for a lesser god’s bleak history (Plant Quotes)
In the scale of life there is a gradual decline in physical variability, as the organism has gathered into itself resources for meeting the exigencies of changing external conditions; and that while in the mindless and motionless plant these resources are at a minimum, their maximum is reached in the mind of man, which, at length, rises to a level with the total order and powers of nature, and in its scientific comprehension of nature is a summary, an epitome of the world (Plant Quotes)
It’s like the time capsule with everything in it. Or like the seed that when you plant it, becomes the enormous tree with leaves and fruit. Everybody was in that little seed, and so everything can open. The tree of dance is like that. It just takes a long, long time to blossom (Plant Quotes)
War takes people’s lives and destroys property, but it does not resolve the world’s problems. If anything is achieved through war, it is to plant the seeds for the next violent conflict as the vanquished and their children will usually not accept the outcome (Plant Quotes)
You do not need to know anything about a plant to know that it is beautiful (Plant Quotes)
It is a greater act of faith to plant a bulb than to plant a tree (Plant Quotes)
To plant and maintain a flower border, with a good scheme for colour, is by no means the easy thing that is commonly supposed (Plant Quotes)