Plausible Quotes

Text Quotes
Implausible truth can serve one better than plausible fiction (Plausible Quotes)
Faith prefers the absurd to the plausible (Plausible Quotes)
The true and the plausible are rarely the same (Plausible Quotes)
The most fluent talkers or most plausible reasoners are not always the justest thinkers (Plausible Quotes)
Science fiction makes the implausible possible, while science fantasy makes the impossible plausible (Plausible Quotes)
Truth is so hard to tell, it sometimes needs fiction to make it plausible (Plausible Quotes)
Fiction has to be plausible. All history has to do is happen (Plausible Quotes)
The problem with fiction, it has to be plausible. That's not true with non-fiction (Plausible Quotes)
The chief practical use of history is to deliver us from plausible historical analogies (Plausible Quotes)
The truth has got to appear plausible on the stage (Plausible Quotes)
The plausible outcomes range from the gradual and benign to the more precipitous and damaging (Plausible Quotes)
Looking back to data, we can see if the consequences are plausible; looking forward to theory, we can see if general principles are suggested (Plausible Quotes)
The science of constructing a commonwealth or renovating it, or reforming it, is... not to be taught a priori... That which in the first instance is prejudicial may be excellent in its remoter operation, and its excellence may rise even from the ill effects it produces in the beginning. The reverse also happens; and very plausible schemes, with very pleasing commencements, have often shameful and lamentable conclusions (Plausible Quotes)
It sounds plausible enough tonight, but wait until tomorrow. Wait for the common sense of the morning (Plausible Quotes)
... eating animals involves an intentional decision to participate in the suffering and death of nonhumans where there is no plausible moral justification (Plausible Quotes)
It has amazed me that the most incongruous traits should exist in the same person and, for all that, yield a plausible harmony (Plausible Quotes)
There is always an easy solution to every problem - neat, plausible, and wrong (Plausible Quotes)
The idea of a universal mind or Logos would be, I think, a fairly plausible inference from the present state of scientific theory (Plausible Quotes)
I have never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the US... But, for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible (Plausible Quotes)
Blair, don’t send our young prince to your catastrophic illegal war to make it look plausible (Plausible Quotes)
If you mean to make your side of the argument appear plausible, do not prejudice the people against what you think truth by your passionate manner of defending it (Plausible Quotes)
If nothing is to be done in the given situation, he must invent plausible reasons for doing nothing; and if something must be done, he must suggest the something. The unpardonable sin is to propose nothing, when action is imperative (Plausible Quotes)
I really believe that the aliens are us from the future. It seems to me a very plausible reason that explains a lot of phenomena as opposed to green men with one eye from outer space. (Plausible Quotes)
I have always thought it rather interesting to follow the involuntary movements of fear in clever people. Fools coarsely display their cowardice in all its nakedness, but the others are able to cover it with a veil so delicate, so daintily woven with small plausible lies, that there is some pleasure to be found in contemplating this ingenious work of the human intelligence (Plausible Quotes)
There’s a very good reason for why economics developed the way it did, and that is that in many situations, the assumption that people will exploit the opportunities available to them is very plausible, and it simplifies the analysis of how markets will behave (Plausible Quotes)
Let no man turn aside, ever so slightly, from the broad path of honour, on the plausible pretence that he is justified by the goodness of his end. All good ends can be worked out by good means (Plausible Quotes)
I shall give a propagandist reason for starting the war, no matter whether it is plausible or not. The victor will not be asked afterwards whether he told the truth or not. When starting and waging war it is not right that matters, but victory (Plausible Quotes)
My friend, the truth is always implausible, did you know that? To make the truth more plausible, it’s absolutely necessary to mix a bit of falsehood with it. People have always done so (Plausible Quotes)
When we badly want a thing, we go to hunting for good and righteous reasons for it; we give it that fine name to comfort our consciences, whereas we privately know we are only hunting for plausible ones (Plausible Quotes)
I suspect that a lot of the stress we see around us arises from the cognitive dissonance set up by one side of the brain hearing very plausible spin while the other side knows it just ain’t so... (Plausible Quotes)