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The hardest shot in golf is a mashie at 90 yards from the green, where the ball has to be played against an oak tree, bounces back into a sandtrap, hits a stone, bounces on the green and then rolls into the cup. That shot is so difficult I have made it only once  (Played Quotes) I never played a round when I didn’t learn something new about the game  (Played Quotes) He’ll go down as one of the guys who changed our sport in a lot of ways, not only the way he played the game, but also the way that he conducted himself on and off the court  (Played Quotes) As a group I thought we played connected. I feel like we had a lot of great shots, some great opportunities, and for us it is just bearing down a little bit and finishing. We believe in our team, for us we have confidence, we have respect and we know it is going to take a lot of hard work and playing together as a team  (Played Quotes) It’s going to be intense. This is what we played the whole tournament for, we had to play an extra game but I think that’s a good thing, we got some line combinations working together fairly well now  (Played Quotes) Rocket had that mean look on, every game we played. He was 100 percent hockey. He could hate with the best of them  (Played Quotes) He was so dominant. Bobby was the greatest defenseman who ever played the game as far as I’m concerned. I believe in my heart he changed the face of the game  (Played Quotes) I never played a perfect 18 holes. There is no such thing. I expect to make at least seven mistakes a round. Therefore, when I make a bad shot, I don’t worry about it. It is just one of the seven  (Played Quotes) You put on a face for the public. The face isn’t false; it’s just another side of you. If it were false, you couldn’t last. People want something real and natural, and if they catch you acting, you’re dead. It has to look real. In order to look real, it has to be real, and I’ve always thought of the characters I’ve played as real people  (Played Quotes) I think I was chosen by basketball, although I never really physically got drafted to any team that I played for  (Played Quotes) We sure didn’t play great, but we played hard. And I can live with that  (Played Quotes) We played every night. Sometimes we’d stay overnight after a game, but we’d usually drive on to our next destination  (Played Quotes) I played a maniac fan who murders a policeman and she did my makeup. I thought anyone interested in me looking like that must have genuinely liked me  (Played Quotes) Man, I did love this game. I’d have played for food money... I used to love traveling on the trains from town to town. The hotels... brass spittoons in the lobbies, brass beds in the rooms. It was the crowd, rising to their feet when the ball was hit deep. Shoot, I’d play for nothing!  (Played Quotes) It’s a 90 minute game for sure. In fact I used to train for a 190 minute game so that when the whistle blew at the end of the match I could have played another 90 minutes  (Played Quotes) The meaningful role of the father of the bride was played out long before the church music began. It stretched across those years of infancy and puberty, adolescence and young adulthood. That’s when she needs you at her side  (Played Quotes) Golf courses are becoming far too long. Twenty years ago we played three rounds of golf a day and considered we had taken an interminably long time if we took more than two hours to play a round. Today it not infrequently takes over three hours  (Played Quotes) I had played so poorly recently, I started thinking that maybe I should do something else. Then I saw my friends going to work everyday and realised that my life wasn’t so bad  (Played Quotes) When it’s played the way is supposed to be played, basketball happens in the air; flying, floating, elevated above the floor, levitating the way oppressed peoples of this earth imagine themselves in their dreams  (Played Quotes) I played when I played, and played, I think, against the greatest players in the greatest time in the history of basketball  (Played Quotes) The surface of the earth is not simply a stage on which the thousands of present and past inhabitants played their parts in turn. There are much more intimate relations between the earth and the living organisms which populated it, and it may even be demonstrated that the earth was developed because of them  (Played Quotes) Have you ever played ping pong up against a wall? You get exhausted a lot quicker than playing against someone. It’s the same with getting angry. If you keep getting angry on your own, all that anger will just come back to you  (Played Quotes) I’ve played hockey most my life and I’ve never been badly injured... Three weeks into curling I’ve got bone chips in both my elbows. I still can’t lean on a table. I’ve even got curling injuries, believe it or not, just from falling on my arse  (Played Quotes) Life to me is the greatest of all games. The danger lies in treating it as a trivial game, a game to be taken lightly, and a game in which the rules don’t matter much. The rules matter a great deal. The game has to be played fairly or it is no game at all. And even to win the game is not the chief end. The chief end is to win it honorably and splendidly  (Played Quotes) You can spin it any way you want. You could spin it on their side that this is a revenge game. We can spin it from our side that our guys have confidence. They know they can beat them. They beat them once. But you know what? None of that matters. We’re two different teams. We played them almost a month and a half ago. And every team is different at this point  (Played Quotes) I felt like I played in a very rough football game with no hitting above the waist  (Played Quotes) The position of the planetary bodies at the moment of birth is a musical score done in planetary symbols of the heavenly harmonics and dissonances as these are played into the life of the incarnating ego  (Played Quotes) Pros like myself played football not for money or glory, but for the simplest reason: the love of the game  (Played Quotes) Never read bad stuff if you’re an artist; it will impair your own game. I don’t know if you ever played competitive tennis, but you learn not to watch bad tennis; it messes up your game. Art’s the same way  (Played Quotes) There are some things that are real, that you can see, that you can observe, like the moon, and grass and things. But for ideas to become real, they have to be played on your senses  (Played Quotes)
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