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I understand the rock star deal having been one and still going out strapping my guitar on and performing. Now, I probably do 30 or 40 dates a year and I get to relive how I felt at 19 when I played in some really bad bands  (Played Quotes) I’ve never really played golf. With the sax, I learned technique well enough so that it feels like part of my body, and I just express myself. That’s where I want to get in golf  (Played Quotes) Sometimes when I hear commentating, it’s sickening. People who never played the game, people who never played in the league have an opinion, and that’s all it is. You are here to educate the watcher or the viewer. Sometimes it comes off as personal. I don’t ever want to come off like that. My opinion is my opinion about someone  (Played Quotes) I am real, real picky with what I decided to do. I want to make sure it’s new and at the same time that it’s in the same color of what I have played before. Not to pigeon hole myself but I don’t like to do fluff  (Played Quotes) I played for anybody and everybody from the time I started playing guitar, when I was 10 or 11  (Played Quotes) I’ve always said that if you have songs on the radio and get played, you’ve got to have a tour to support that  (Played Quotes) I know that I’ve played a lot of comedic roles. It’s a visual medium. When you get one role, you start to get cast in that role for awhile because that’s what people have seen you do, and have hopefully seen you do it successfully  (Played Quotes) I was 28 when I played the role of a 65 year old man in my first film  (Played Quotes) Playing and fun are not the same thing, though when we grow up we may forget that and find ourselves mixing up playing with happiness. There can be a kind of amnesia about the seriousness of playing, especially when we played by ourselves  (Played Quotes) Throughout my career I have been pretty successful, I’ve played for some pretty big teams, represented my country quite a few times, and played for managers without sentiment  (Played Quotes) I’ve played journalists before, and I have good friends who are journalists. I think being an actor is not very far from being a journalist. Because you investigate, you try to understand, you’re asking questions, you’re interested in the other  (Played Quotes) Yeah, I’ve played a lot of instruments, and I played in a lot of bands growing up, and I’ve even had to play music in a lot of films that I’ve done  (Played Quotes) I played trumpet for about two weeks. Sixth grade. And I didn’t practice. Maybe a little longer than two weeks, but I didn’t practice and I was faking it  (Played Quotes) A person can be big, because of spirit. A person can be big because of their position in the family, the hierarchy in the family. That role has been played by women who are quite thin  (Played Quotes) I’ve played a baseball player a few times, but in my career I’ve been blessed to have played a wide range of characters  (Played Quotes) I’ve done every kind of touring known to mankind. I’ve played the big and the small places  (Played Quotes) I’ve often played very strong, flashy, kind of inadvertently mean women. I am not that way in my real life  (Played Quotes) I never thought then I’d be doing what I’m doing now. At my high school, being on the girls soccer team was the cool thing to do, but that was definitely never going to happen for me, so I played music. Not because everyone thought it was awesome, but for the love of it  (Played Quotes) I played a lot of football when I was younger. I’m a good receiver, actually  (Played Quotes) Nutrition has always played a huge role in my life. I became a vegetarian when I was 13 and then got my entire family to become vegetarians. And I have always been active my whole life. I genuinely enjoy sports and I spend time on my total gym  (Played Quotes) A lot of the moves I make originate from futsal. It’s played in a very small space, and the ball control is different in futsal. And to this day my ball control is pretty similar to a futsal player’s control  (Played Quotes) I wasn’t thriving socially, so I stayed in my room and played guitar all the time  (Played Quotes) What I love most about playing in front of people has something to do with a certain kind of energy exchange. The attention and appreciation of my audience feeds back into my playing. It really seems as if there is a true and equal give and take between performer and listener, making me aware of how much I depend on my audience. And since the audience is different every night, the music being played will differ too. Every space I performed in has its own magic and spirit  (Played Quotes) That’s the secret to performance: conviction. The right note played tentatively still misses its mark, but play boldly and no one will question you. If one believes there is truth in art – and I do – then it’s troubling how similar the skill of performing is to lying. Maybe lying is itself a kind of art. I think about that more than I should  (Played Quotes) No cricketer is so dependent on the turf on which the game is played as the spinner; it can make, break, enfang or defang him  (Played Quotes) Golf can be tougher than tennis when things go wrong, because you can’t explain things by saying that your opponent played better than you. It’s a cruel sport in that way  (Played Quotes) I’ve been very happy with all the teams I’ve played for. They all treated me very well  (Played Quotes) When I played, I never needed the spotlight, nor did I want it. I simply wanted to play baseball and be respected by my teammates and the opposing players  (Played Quotes) I could have played football for two or three more years. All I needed was a leg transplant  (Played Quotes) There was a lot of music in our home. Mom played piano in church and gave piano lessons  (Played Quotes)
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