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When a man mourns for someone who has played him false, it is not for love of her, but for his own humiliation at not having deserved her trust  (Played Quotes) I try to exercise in nature, and I try to play golf once a month. The last time I played golf with my wife, however, she got better scores than me, which became an additional source of stress  (Played Quotes) There was a time when corporations played a minor part in our business affairs, but now they play the chief part, and most men are the servants of corporations  (Played Quotes) Certain favourite roles are played by us so often before the public and rehearsed so carefully when we are alone that we find it easier to refer to their fictitious testimony than to that of a reality which we have almost entirely forgotten  (Played Quotes) They say that no one’s gonna play this on the radio. They said the melancholy blues were dead and gone. But only songs like these played in minor keys, keep those memories holding on  (Played Quotes) Mozart didn’t need a scheme for his music. He played and sang with the heavenly lightness of a child  (Played Quotes) Foolish: It’s all foolish. Life is a farce a stupid, sickening farce played out by fools  (Played Quotes) I’ve always had control of what I played on the air. I have always had very open ears  (Played Quotes) What I do I am driven to do. I follow the dictates of a looming and unseen force. I try to become like a musical instrument, intruding no sound of its own but bringing forth such tones as are played upon it by a master’s hand  (Played Quotes) I played guitar. I’ve always considered myself an actor, but I wasn’t making a living as an actor. So I was in a couple of folk groups that managed to keep me in underwear and burritos  (Played Quotes) I’ve played long enough to know that certain games are certain ways. You’re gonna throw it less in others, more in others, and just look at what the team needs that day to win a football game  (Played Quotes) The good thing is we got this over in spring training. We played them three or four times and got all the hugs out of the way. Now it’s time to go out there and beat them  (Played Quotes) Zazen’s music is composed in other dimensions and it is played by some of my students. I go through the music they have played with my aura and wash out anything impure  (Played Quotes) I have been amongst the best players in the world for 8 years. None at that level played as many ties as I did  (Played Quotes) You can always speak with great authority on how well you played today, but never on how you’ll play tomorrow  (Played Quotes) The difference between now and when I played during my younger days is my drives are shorter and my short game is longer  (Played Quotes) The charm about baseball is everyone has played it in some form. Everyone relates to it  (Played Quotes) Chemically induced hallucinations, delusions and raptures may be frightening or wonderfully gratifying; in either case they are in the nature of confidence tricks played on one’s own nervous system  (Played Quotes) We do not owe any soul, except that which played the most vital role in our lives  (Played Quotes) A lot of the time, in the past, I have played the pretty blonde in a lot of roles  (Played Quotes) I ran the high school newspaper and was in student government. I played sports my whole life but was never picked as captain  (Played Quotes) I’m attracted to soccer’s capacity for beauty. When well played, the game is a dance with a ball  (Played Quotes) As a kid, I played my share of football in the street or in a vacant lot  (Played Quotes) There’s no similarity between football and ballet, so this ain’t ballet music being played on the field. I’m pumping something that’s going to put me in a frame of mind to go to war, and something that’s very high tempo and high beat  (Played Quotes) I played soccer all my life and I used to think growing up that they put the fat kid in goal or they put the kid that wasn’t good with the ball at their feet in goal and I never wanted to do goalkeeper, I was always the goal scorer  (Played Quotes) As an actor, you have to just think about the truth of your character. You have to think about how to play the character in the way that you know it needs to be played in your heart and why you were hired  (Played Quotes) I’m a discursive thinker, so quotation has played an active role in the structure and content of my books from the beginning  (Played Quotes) The people who are filing for bankruptcy in increasing numbers every year, it’s not the poorest. It’s not the people at the economic fringes. It’s people who worked hard and played by the rules  (Played Quotes) When two kids came along, I couldnt see how I could support them. The way it played out, I was away from the theatre for five years. I was a postie for the first part and then worked as an advertising copywriter, but I somehow found my way back  (Played Quotes) The comedies, the tragedies we see played out on this earth before us, don’t last. But we are eternal spirits. These events will come and go, but the planes of light and nirvana will always be there  (Played Quotes)
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