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My dad played in different clubs and open mic nights. But he mostly walked dogs. A lot of dogs  (Played Quotes) On the whole, life is unfair in the way it works out. It is a game played without an umpire!  (Played Quotes) Throughout history there have been black people who have played mammies, all sorts of offensive images, who didn’t mind doing it  (Played Quotes) I’ve always been playing with other people, and that’s how I learned. I got a kit of drums I couldn’t play, but I also knew a guitarist and a friend of mine played bass and could teach us bass, and we just played. And I learned  (Played Quotes) When you look at all of the great players who ever played the game, they all had that other gear that they could go to, and it makes a world of difference  (Played Quotes) From being a writer of plays, it was not that surprising that somebody thought of giving me a job as an actor. After I played one part, others came along  (Played Quotes) I played pretend games as a kid, army, whatever, but I never wanted to be an actor  (Played Quotes) I played a lawyer in a movie so many times I think I am a lawyer. And clearly I’m not a lawyer, because I got arrested  (Played Quotes) My little brother and I took piano lessons at a young age and played music together later on in life just to play around at home until we decided to make a record. Eventually we started having more and more songs  (Played Quotes) If I was like some of the characters I played, I’d probably be dead by now  (Played Quotes) I did one or two plays at school. Once I played a tree, so I never thought I would be a good actor  (Played Quotes) I’ve got friends in the different teams I’ve played for, but family is the most important thing to me. That will always be the case  (Played Quotes) Nothing is etched in stone in tennis until the final point has been played. That’s why we watch  (Played Quotes) People ask me all the time would I like to still be playing? No. I’m glad I played when I played  (Played Quotes) If I had my life to live all over again, I really think I would have been a fit person. Looking around me, I realise that the men and women who walked and ran and swam and played sport look better and feel better than the rest of us  (Played Quotes) I played the clarinet, and my sister played the violin... If wed had the discipline and the passion, maybe we could have been good  (Played Quotes) From a very early age, as far back as I can remember, I always played sports  (Played Quotes) My first instrument was the piano; I played in the church, and before that I sang in church. I didn’t learn the guitar until I was 24 years old  (Played Quotes) I must have played every college and university at least three times, and that goes for most of the clubs. I’d be on the road six days a week, go home and change bags, and then be gone for another six days  (Played Quotes) My parents played bridge, and I remember being fascinated watching them. I sometimes got a chance to sit in on a hand, which I loved. But then I didn’t actually play on my own for about 30 years  (Played Quotes) I grew up trying to be like my idols, and one of the main people in my life was my father. He played football, and when your father is telling stories about the game he played... Everybody wants to be like their father  (Played Quotes) We ran out of talent tonight. The guys played as hard as they could, as long as we could  (Played Quotes) We deserved to lose and it was a good result for us, considering the way we played in the second half  (Played Quotes) I did a lot of things when I first started out. In order to be in show business, I juggled, I did magic tricks, cards tricks and I played the banjo  (Played Quotes) You don’t go home and talk about the great tennis courts that you played, but you do talk about the golf courses you played  (Played Quotes) Other kids went out and beat each other up or played baseball, and I built electronics  (Played Quotes) I was in the hockey team in school, played football. One of the challenges for me was to make the team feel better. It helped me evolve, so batting at different positions was never a problem  (Played Quotes) Like most kids, my dad played. He would drag us out to the course and make us shag balls for him and caddy and all that kind of stuff  (Played Quotes) Affirmative action has been generally cast in terms of race. I think women themselves are not as cognizant of the role affirmative action has played in opening the doors for women  (Played Quotes) Every place where I played or managed is special to me because of the memories and the friendships that each afforded me  (Played Quotes)
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