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I’ve played more villains than anything else. And I love playing villains, because I can just be evil and do whatever I want  (Played Quotes) Other than a few years of piano as a kid, I don’t have all that much musical training. I played piano for all the musicals in high school and was in a few bands, but never really considered music as a viable career until I was in college  (Played Quotes) I’ve always been a huge fan of fantasy and adventure, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, I’m sure that’s why I’m an actor. It’s why I played with action figures as a kid, that’s why I wrote and drew and read comics as a kid  (Played Quotes) I guess I’ve played a lot of victims, but that’s what a lot of the history of women is about  (Played Quotes) I think what’s fascinating is how many people are playing in politics who maybe haven’t played before  (Played Quotes) Sure I played, did you think I was born at the age of 70 sitting in a dugout trying to manage guys like you?  (Played Quotes) We just set it up and recorded it the way we played it. But that was the way we played it then  (Played Quotes) I know, it’s true. I’ve played these tortured teenagers. I can’t wait to shed that image  (Played Quotes) Then I got together with my brother and a friend and we decided to play dates. The more we played, the more we wanted to do it. And it got to a stage where we wanted to do it all the time  (Played Quotes) I had 10 to 12 close buddies who I played ball with all the way from elementary to high school. That is where I learned to compete  (Played Quotes) People say it’s a movie about boxing, but... I don’t agree at all. I don’t think it’s a movie about boxing. Boxing is like a platform. It’s just a stage where this is played out  (Played Quotes) Music played at weddings always reminds me of the music played for soldiers before they go into battle  (Played Quotes) The perfect family board game is one that can be played each time with fewer pieces  (Played Quotes) It is my belief that nearly any invented quotation, played with confidence, stands a good chance to deceive  (Played Quotes) I loathed the game, and since I could see no pleasure or usefulness in it, it was very difficult for me to show courage at it. Football, it seemed to me, is not really played for the pleasure of kicking a ball about, but is a species of fighting  (Played Quotes) Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation. Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights  (Played Quotes) The most evident difference springs from the important part which is played in man by a relatively strong power of imagination and by the capacity to think, aided as it is by language and other symbolically devices  (Played Quotes) I knew I wanted to sing when I was a very small boy. When I was probably 4 years old. My mother played a guitar and I would sit with her and she would sing and I learned to sing along with her  (Played Quotes) Historically, the family has played the primary role in educating children for life, with the school providing supplemental scaffolding to the family  (Played Quotes) My father lived to be 97 and played bridge every day up to the end, so I’ve got a 50 percent chance of living a long life like him  (Played Quotes) I want to be perceived as a guy who played his best in all facets, not just scoring. A guy who loved challenges  (Played Quotes) The comedy of class, played so straight, is a wonderful thing for an actor to sink their teeth into  (Played Quotes) When playing big festivals, I tend to play big, over the top techno tracks, like hands in the air songs that make sense being played in front of 30,000 people. I steer away from subtlety in the interests of big bombastic dance music  (Played Quotes) Magic is a state of mind. It is often portrayed as very black and gothic, and that is because certain practitioners played that up for a sense of power and prestige. That is a disservice. Magic is very colorful. Of this, I am sure  (Played Quotes) With any character I have played, there’s infinite possibilities for how they might behave, depending on who they are talking to or how they react to things  (Played Quotes) Played tennis for years. But you can’t improve at tennis after you’re 50. You get to be in your 40s, and suddenly you’re a doubles player  (Played Quotes) I played bass for a year, but I wasn’t getting better at it, so I decided to stop so I could see my friends  (Played Quotes) I don’t write songs thinking about formats, where is it going to get played, who am I gonna please, what’s the outlet for it  (Played Quotes) Characters I’ve played, they used to impact my paintings, like 80 percent of the time, and especially when I was doing an action film  (Played Quotes) I got my first tennis racket on my seventh birthday. And because we had a tennis court in our backyard, I played every day. By ten I was playing competitively  (Played Quotes)
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