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I’ve never played a character where I’ve had so much fun on the physical end. I don’t want to say I like it too much but it’s fun having a gun on you and getting to manhandle men  (Played Quotes) I was at first but I mean I thought at first that I wanted a little bit of that in there but the reasoning behind what they cut and what they kept really makes sense and it really played for me when I saw it yesterday, it all worked and was understood  (Played Quotes) The reason I am here, they tell me, is that I played the game a certain way, that I played the game the way it was supposed to be played  (Played Quotes) I never played the right roles, or very rarely got the right roles offered, except on stage  (Played Quotes) Theses officers were good friends, so it must have been a terrible argument, because the one who played chess with my father was so angry that he walked over to the dentist’s house and got the dentist out of bed and shot him  (Played Quotes) I worked with a guy, I can’t think of his name, him and his wife, and one of them had a saxophone and the other played drums. It wasn’t a regular job but I did a few gigs around home with them  (Played Quotes) I think we have played like a playoff team for some time. We can still do better. The key thing right now is to look forward, not behind you  (Played Quotes) Mandela once phoned me out of the blue while he was still president, and at first he played with me a bit  (Played Quotes) I’m more akin to football than I think anything else because that’s what I played in high school  (Played Quotes) My first game, I played the first play of the game and called a timeout and got sat down, got benched for the rest of the game, and we won the game. It was the longest day of my life. Long day. Very embarrassing  (Played Quotes) Hit the ball pretty solid. Haven’t played a lot of golf this year, so was really unsure of what it would be like. I’ve been playing pretty well lately, especially hitting the ball solid  (Played Quotes) I’m just a ballplayer with one ambition, and that is to give all I’ve got to help my ball club win. I’ve never played any other way  (Played Quotes) When facing symphonic orchestras which have played some works five thousands times, you have nothing to do  (Played Quotes) I not only played and sang blues, but I also had to toss the piano around a bit to amuse the patrons  (Played Quotes) Well I was on the one hand, the more I played the guitar the more I began to really love the guitar and to love virtually any kind of music that anybody played well on guitar  (Played Quotes) I don’t know if you could take a whole 90 minutes and say that was the best game we ever played  (Played Quotes) See my father knew a lot about music, he played the piano and he would do theory and stuff like that, but I didn’t learn anything from him, but I played that for him and he liked it a lot  (Played Quotes) One reason we lasted so long is that we usually played two people who were very much in love. As we were realistic actors, we became those two people. So we had a divertissement: I had an affair with him, and he with me  (Played Quotes) I’m quite proud of my piano playing. Robin’s never played a note on the piano at our recording sessions. I just wish I could be appreciated musically now  (Played Quotes) We genuinely believe to this day that it was an honest genuine mistake and we never imagined the punishment would be eight months. The precedent dictated that it was unlikely to be that. We don’t regret he played for that period  (Played Quotes) Well I think in all the thirty years I’ve been doing this now and being gone from home and all that stuff it’s really, it’s not about what I’ve achieved and if I’ve become a better player, or played better ten years ago than I do today  (Played Quotes) They sent me the script, asking me to play the part of a general. I have never played the part of an authority figure. I’ve never thought of myself that way. I was uncomfortable with it, but I worked at it and knew I had a guttural voice for a general  (Played Quotes) We stuck the record head so it kept on recording over and over on top of itself and played keyboard notes into it to create this ghost repetition melody  (Played Quotes) Why is it there are so many nice guys interested in baseball? Not me, I was a real bastard when I played  (Played Quotes) We’ve got our football where no one wears anything and the guys are in little shorts and they beat the crap out of each other, and they can catch it and they can kick it, and it’s the only place it’s played in the world  (Played Quotes) It was a show that you played at home and you’re saying to the contestant do this and do that. When you at home are involved in yelling at the screen, then you know you’ve got an audience  (Played Quotes) Each one of us had a little story to tell and each recording was based on that. Lou played all of the music but we both sort of kicked around some cords during the writing phase  (Played Quotes) We played in bars and other such establishments and anywhere where people would listen. Sometimes they did, and sometimes not. The outfits we wore were classics of the 50’s  (Played Quotes) When we started off it was all nervous energy and we probably played everything twice as fast as we do now  (Played Quotes) The only woman I have played in my career was my wife and I beat her easily! But she wasn’t much good  (Played Quotes)
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